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Re: How do you pass the time?

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I'm on disability and home almost all the time. I get really tired sometimes

and have to rest. So I have a simalor problem.

I try to do aloat of the same activites as you. When the weather warms up I

look foward to getting outside and experiencing the fresh air. :) I have a

favorite chat room that I can go to when I feel tired of my other activities.

I had some trouble in the summer with my legs swelling. I propped my legs up on

a chair when sitting at the computor. It took some repositioning to get

comfortable. I wound up sitting sideways in the chair. lol

I sometimes make myself a list of chores that I want to get done the next day or

2. that helps me to have a reason to get up in the mornings and get dressed.

Maybe just doing a little each day would help you stay busy, feel you

accomplished something and get things done.

Hope this helps and your ankle is better soon.

Huzs, Tami


> > Does anyone have an idea of how I can structure and schedule my day so I'm

not bored but not overtaxing myself? I'm worried that when I go back to work

(assuming that one of my many job interviews turns into a job offer) I won't be

able to keep up.



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You can check out a book on CD from the public library, and listen to it

while lying on your stomach. That will give your backside a rest, and you

might even fall asleep. :-) That's what I do when I get tired of doing the

kinds of things you have on your list.

And, have you thought of food prep tasks for cooking, like making salad for

dinner, or meat salads for sandwiches, which might be done while sitting

with your foot propped up. It helps if you can bring an office chair into

the kitchen.

> wrote:

> I know I'm not supposed to be doing lots of physical stuff. Quite frankly, if

I do too much I'm exhausted. (Just buying groceries today wiped me out).

> Does anyone have an idea of how I can structure and schedule my day so I'm not

bored but not overtaxing myself? I'm worried that when I go back to work

(assuming that one of my many job interviews turns into a job offer) I won't be

able to keep up.

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Get yourself a laptop or " notebook. " You can use it in your recliner. If you're

financially short, like a lot olf us, go on freecycle.org and find your local

freecycles and ask for one, or a gameboy. Anything to keep working the brain.

Helps pass the time. Good luck!

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I have pain everywhere even hands, arms, fingers, I get headaches really bad

too. I spend passing time by sleeping! LOL I take medications for the pain and

my depression. I sleep a lot more now and more solid!!


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My hobby depending how I am feeling is Sleeping.

Otherwise I read, watch a little TV or try to clean if I am able.

I don't know what I will be doing in 7 years though once my youngest is 18

because I know my 3 kids keep me going, between getting up in the morning and

getting them off to school, to going to IEP meetings and wrestling practice and

helping with homework.

I do have 3 dogs and 3 cats that help out too with cuddling and watching them

play and wishing I had that much energy.

Just takes some energy some days just to get out of bed but I have somewhat of a

routine of getting the kids off to school when their dad is at work, at nights.

He doesn't get home until 8.30am and I do a load of laundry and a sink full or

all the dishes first.

Always doing laundry and cleaning bathrooms with those 2 boys of mine. I should

have done the cheerio thing with them.


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swannie wrote:

> Does anyone have an idea of how I can structure and schedule my day so I'm not

bored but not overtaxing myself? I'm worried that when I go back to work

(assuming that one of my many job interviews turns into a job offer) I won't be

able to keep up.


I took out my old pictures and went through them and are scanning them, I also

belong to an animal rescue chat I am doing some research on my laptop for, look

up information of all the actresses and actors I have wanted to know about.

Go to I want Cheezburger and look at the cat section, cleaned up the files on

computer, wrote letters to those I said I would and didn't. I watch

Classic Chanel and the older movies are funny. I watch BBC How Clean is Your

House to laugh.

Not doing things will exhaust you also, I had a bilateral bunioectomy (both

feet) and it was really interesting how I drug myself on my butt across the room

and sat on the shower floor with my feet sticking out.

I don't know if you knit but there is a knitting mission for U. S. Soldiers,

just type in knitting for charity. I wish I could knit or

crochet. I have a bead kit, which I was going to do. You can get it in a craft

store, it's called Beading for Dummies and has

all the tools you need.

I chose an hour every day to get up the way I was told, and be sure to take your

pain pills on time to prevent uncontrollable pain.

Eat right. (I wiped out a whole boxes or Reeses' peanut butter cups, that's

healthy, isn't it? ) I also keep a " To Do " List and

prioritize and cross it off as I go.

Well, hope that helps. Good Luck. Ask your Doctor for a physical therapy home

program and see if your insurance will pay while your are down and out.


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>Swannie/ wrote:


> I can only watch so much TV which is odd if you knew me since my picture

should be by " couch potato " in the dictionary. I try to crochet but the kitties

find the yarn to be great fun. *sigh*


I forgot to tell you I also got addicted playing " Suelches " on Pogo.com and I

had to put my computer down. I did some word games and scrabble but the

computer always wins.

There is another member here that loves Scrabble and I forgot who it was but had

to quit going there so I would sleep. My husband

would get up and ask who I was talking to as the little squelses say things, and

I would answer back, Run away, Run away.

Then they also do NA NA NA when you do something wrong. Yes, I am crazy and am

proud of it, I need the extra endorphins.


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