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Re: feeling high from meds

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Is one of those medications an extended release/long acting form and the other

meant to be for breakthrough pain?



I got my hydrocodone elixir filled

today and my first dose of 15mg elixir

and i am feeling a little high.

I don't remember this the last time i

took it. will this feeling go away?

I don't like to feel this. it does help

with the pain though.

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Do you mean that you took 15 ml of the liquid? 15 mg is a huge dose.

Deb RN


>christina wrote:

>I got my hydrocodone elixir filled

today and my first dose of 15mg elixir

and i am feeling a little high.

>I don't remember this the last time i

took it. will this feeling go away?

I don't like to feel this. it does help

with the pain though.

>I have to remember I was only taking 2.5 mg

of hydrocodone so this is a huge jump.

I will also be taking 20mg of methadone

on top of the 15mg of hydrocodone. Does

methadone also make you feel high or woozy?

I sure hope not. I wanted pain relief not this.

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christina wrote:

> hey everyone

> I got my hydrocodone elixir filled

> today and my first dose of 15mg elixir

> and i am feeling a little high.


> I don't remember this the last time i

> took it. will this feeling go away?

> I don't like to feel this. it does help

>with the pain though.


Elixir and injections absorb quicker so you will feel it a little.

I don't call it a " high " feeling. A high feeling to me is one that makes

you feel good all over with not pain and I never have that.

Most pain patients never get " high " from their medications, just sedated

or like after post op or dozing off when you have surgery.

Addicts feel a real high so I would chose another word to use, unless that is

really the way you feel. You doctor might misconstrue it.

Dizzy yes, on medications I have felt felt flushed and actually had some


Doctors give time doses to the opiate tolerate because of this. It just means

the patient is used to the effects and can handle them.

You need to read the inserts on the contraindication section and see if you are

taking anything with the hydrocodone is contraindicated.

But i try to say medications instead of drugs, Never the word high or good, I

say it helps with the pain but I still know it is there (which is true)

There can be many factors that can cause the response you are speaking of so

read the insert for them.

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I hate the evil in the world that



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> Deb wrote:

> Do you mean that you took 15 ml of the liquid? 15 mg is a huge dose.


15mg is an acceptable dose for moderate pain and is used safely all the time and

is NOT considered a high dose.

The ml comes differently per dose and it is probably break through as Methadone

is primary.

" Huge " is subjective - also depending on the tolerance level. It is the highest

dosage and does cause dizziness.


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I too had the HIGH reaction with one IMM release oxcodone 5 mg tablet. I felt

drunk and out of control and couldn't do much for awhile; very dizzy. Only

take advil and apririn before. Any reasons why?? Does the feeling leave? is it

normal?? Cathie in Ct


>I got my hydrocodone elixir filled

today and my first dose of 15mg elixir

and i am feeling a little high.

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i have been taking pain meds for over 10 years now . i remember when i first

started i hated the feeling i thought i did something wrong and the dr i had

way back then said honey just go to bed when you take them and rest i had a

hernaited disk at l5s1 ,ten years later i have degerntive disc dises had a

fusion at l5s1 , have a mass on my spine at c4c5c6 , bone spurs on my spine , i

have lupus sle , ra , bipolar , im sure i have forgot something but i feel that

is too much for one person to deal with but they say god will never put more on

you than you can handle , what wont kill you will make you stronger . i just

hope to not end up in a wheelchair . but that high feeling goes away whith

time as your body gets use to the drug you will develop a tolarance . i hope

you the best you will have good days and bad days . cherish the good days i do

.. hope to hear from you soon . have a good day


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I have been on oxycodone IR for 3 years. In the begining I experienced

dizziness, nausea, and felt very sleepy. I have also had that experience in the

past. Once with cough syrup with codiene and another time when I was given

Vicodin for a scratched cornea. With extended use these effects usually stop.

The only problem with some narcotics is that people may build up a tolerance

fairly quickly. I try to take my medication only when I I have at least

moderate pain,

May I suggest that taking a pill with food or milk might help the side effects.

It would slightly slow the aborsportion rate. Another option is a time release

version. I was also tried that. I have a problem with time release medication

in that they wear off sooner that they should.

Hope this information helps. Hugs, Tami

Catseye wrote:

> I too had the HIGH reaction with one IMM release oxcodone 5 mg

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