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How do you pass the time?

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Hi everyone. I'm having a hard time with doctor-imposed rest and being

unemployed. While it's good that my ankle sprain, need to wear the walking

cast/boot and need to elevate happened between jobs, I'm getting bored out of my


I try to lay in my recliner with the bum foot/leg elevated on a pillow but after

awhile that makes my hips and back hurt. So I get up and sit at the computer

and mess around on the web, but then I'm not elevating the ankle which is still

swelling by late afternoon if I don't keep it up, THREE weeks after the sprain!

I can only watch so much TV which is odd if you knew me since my picture should

be by " couch potato " in the dictionary. I try to crochet but the kitties find

the yarn to be great fun. *sigh*

Here's what I've done so far to pass the time:

talk on the phone

watch TV

read a book (when I can concentrate)


crossword puzzles


attempt to finish taping the drywall in the living room (we're remodeling).

I know I'm not supposed to be doing lots of physical stuff. Quite frankly, if I

do too much I'm exhausted. (Just buying groceries today wiped me out).

Does anyone have an idea of how I can structure and schedule my day so I'm not

bored but not overtaxing myself? I'm worried that when I go back to work

(assuming that one of my many job interviews turns into a job offer) I won't be

able to keep up.

This was long, sorry. Between chronic pain and acute pain, I'm going



Swannie () in OR

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