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Re: I'm Angry

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Yes the nurse's reaction was asinine and more, but a good way to

handle that was to retort how dare she accuse her boss of being stupid

enough not to appropriately date the script ahead of time ! He is a

fine, conscientious doctor and she should not give patients the feeling

that he is inept. Say it loud enough for him/her to hear.


frescasdad wrote:

> Sorry for the spelling errors but I'm so upset, I don't care.

> As I go to set my appointment, I say the the

> receptionist setting appointments to make it for 3 1/2 weeks out. It

> just so happens, the nurse overheard this and she butt in saying.. " OH

> NO, we know that trick. We weren't born yesterday "

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What a bitch I would mention this to the doc. maybe that day is the only day you

can get a ride or other reasons which she doesn't know how rude.

Deb RN

>I say the the receptionist setting appointments to make it for 3 1/2 weeks out.

It just so happens, the nurse overheard this and she butt in saying.. " OH NO, we

know that trick. We weren't born yesterday " I said excuse me! What are you

insinuating? She said... " I know what your thinking " I said, how can you know


I'm thinking. She said " your not the first one who has tried this " I got really

offended and went off on her saying you don't know what I was thinking and what

I was thinking is to not wait until the last minute as I was taught by

professionals. I am so tired of this attitude by people.

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>frescasdad wrote:

>I am so tired of this attitude by people. I sometimes wish just for two months,

pain would incrouch into every aspect of their lives just so they can see just

how awful living with chronic back pain is like. When their bills are late,

their homes get dirty, their lives turn upside down. Then give them their health

back. Now lets see what they have to say. Sorry but I am pissed.


The law has changed that they can put the start date and you can go over two

months and like you, I am going to start asking for my prescriptions like that.

My pharmacy has had to ORDER my meds before and needed five days so I would tell

her to put the start date on the prescription and let me have my doctors

appointment a week in advance.

I would type this up as a memo and asked for it to be put in you medical chart

so that anyone that has the question this nurse did,

read it and what she did was inappropriate and as a Pain Patient you have rights


You can go the state license site and type in this complaint against your

Doctor's clinic and you can also report her to her Nurse's

registry if she is registered. I would speak to the Office Manager also. You do

not deserve this.


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I am in total agreement with you. The nurses act like they are in charge of how

everyting works. I use to get that all the time. Now I have switched famliy

doctors and she sent me to a pain clinic. They are all nice with the exception

of one or two nurses.

I just had to say someone else out here in the pain world knows where your

comimg from . lol My husband said if you didn't know better the medications

must belong to the nurses and they don't want to give them up.

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I like it when I call to ask for my reauthorization of certain medications,

and the reception says it is here in my file, already waiting to be picked

up. The previous receptionists at this clinic used to give people a hard

time, especially if you did not announce yourself properly.

I would say that I was here to ask for a reauthorization of my medication,

to which she would reply, " and which one would that be? " Then she would look

over her glasses, and say, " And you are? " real snotty like that. She acted

like I was rude to interrupt her candy-bar break! She may as well have said

" and who the hell are you, and what the hell do you want? "

I like it even better when the doc writes the prescript ahead of time, and

the lady puts a stick-it note with the " do not submit to pharmacy until

such-and-such a date. " So far, since they replaced the front desk people,

and a few of the clinic doctors, it has been a lot more pleasant.

Even over the phone, if there is a disagreement with how things are going,

they stop what they are doing, get up, and go get my file to see what I am

talking about. I prefer to be treated with dignity, and I like to be able to

leave with a thanks, and to remind them how much I like the way they handle


<harleyhoney2130 wrote:

> I am in total agreement with you. The nurses act like they are in charge of

> how everyting works. I use to get that all the time. Now I have switched

> famliy doctors and she sent me to a pain clinic. They are all nice with the

> exception of one or two nurses.


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