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I hope I can contribute something as well as learn a lot! I have a lot to learn

despite dealing with the effects of Spinal Stenosis and Osteo Arthritis since

May of 1976. You know the old story, It just keeps gradually getting worse, but

was " only a nuisance " till September, 1993 when the Stenosis got me and took

away about 90 percent of my vitality and made sitting, walking, driving and

sleeping very difficult. I'm about at 20 to 25 per cent of what was normal most

of the time now and can sleep! More about that later.

I was a member of a Yahoo group that had to do with a particular model of car.

It was good till the guys starting raving about politics. That would have been

OK, had they had any idea what they work talking about, but few do. So that's a

topic to avoid! 

I am also a member of a group devoted to the well being of the extremely rare

breed of dog we unwittingly found at a shelter in the area almost 3 years ago.

That is well run by it's founder and moderator and has been a source of good

information as well as fun learning about " our guy " and hearing about the antics

of these wonderful pooches. " We'd had 3 pooches before the Stenosis got me (one

when it got me) and I need a dog anyway. They fill a place in my heart nothing

else can! Since being disabled, it's been even more important to me! I pretty

much do love " All Creatures Great and Small! "

I've tried a few other non Yahoo Forums and found them way too complicated to

deal with.

I also recently tried a couple of other Yahoo Groups supposedly concerned with

pain. There was so much negativity and complaining about how terrible the

doctors and associates are (as if we didn't know the troubles so many have with

them) and so little sharing of beneficial information, though one person asked

how I manage to sit (It has been no small accomplishment at times!) I couldn't

take it. It all just made me hurt much, much worse.

I tried another Yahoo group, but found that to be nothing but a front for a

bunch of spammers!

So I am trying this, because it is moderated (The need for four, the amount of

activity and the number of members is a very good sign to me!).

Reading the rules for posting was refreshing, as they really are nothing but

once was " common courtesy. " Sadly, some as old as I am (60's) have seen the way

people treat each other grow increasingly crude and disrespectful. It seems to

have infected the way most treat others most of the time.

Now, when I say " common courtesy, " all I mean is not using bad language unless

one knows the other doesn't mind, not slamming doors in the face of others and

not being crude and uncouth. I don't mean the kind of " etiquette " that used to

be preached by Post, though, for those who want it, has it's place. Having

a good friend buy a box of doughnuts when we were in Jr HS, taking 4 and

throwing me the box with the last 2 was fine with me. It was genuinely well

intentioned. He even made sure not to throw the box so I might get hit in the


I sit about 40 inches from the computer screen ( " scream! " ) in a swivel

rocker-recliner with my feet often up on a fairly high stool. It makes it even

more difficult for my brain to see the loads and loads of typos I make. Even

proof reading doesn't catch them all. One " problem " is that I don't read words,

but thoughts and that makes it very tough to concentrate on individual letters.

But I'll be sure to do my best.

I had another Yahoo account set up so the incoming messages didn't show, but

haven't been able to find a way to do that here, or I would have. I do just read

the new parts and ignore the rest, especially what Yahoo " throws " at us!

I only got a computer to look for help with my back. since late

2003, it hasn't done much for that, but has done wonders for my head which may

be even more important under the circumstances. There are many things I don't

know how to do with the computer, as I have no kids to call on for help! My

niece thought she could teach me everything about a computer in 3 hours, but she

grew up as they have grown up. At 29 she knows the world no other way. Yikes!

When my head is clear enough I will ask for help clearing out the clutter. Till

then I'll do my best to work around it!

I'm located in what most of the " locals " think is the " forgotten " far northern

part of New York State. I ran into a fellow from Florida who came here for a job

and never left. He said the weather is warm in Florida, but the people were

cold. Here it's the opposite in general. I'm a " refuge " from a few heavily

populated areas. I was here about 3 weeks (totally lost at first), before the

" locals " really began to make me feel at ease and at home. There's a fellow in

my village who stopped for gas about 30 years ago (on his way through), looked

around and asked where he could find a job (It's never been easy around here!).

He's still here! The place is like that. Some of the other villages - not so

much, but they are are all individuals - like us.

I noted the reference to Poppins not being a member here. Well, I've found

that those, like me, who are outwardly low key and have a " different " sense of

humor (as in not goofy) and don't " tap dance on the roof tops, " or engage in

Poppins like antics are often, wrongly, called " Depressed! "

I'm blessed that I have retained my sense of humor. I hope we can all find a use

for our's here, save for when things are absolutely at their " worst! " Mine and

that of others, especially one Assistant Physical Therapist, has made a really

great difference in my life. The steadfast, calm, quiet support of my wife who

also manages to maintain a good active life is as much the reason for my

surviving with any sanity as anything!

I have to stop mow, as thinking about this stuff too much really cranks up the

old pain. I do have the ability to (too) often feel others' pain. It may help

one empathize, but I often wonder if it's worth it. When someone talks of seeing

a bird soar through the air, I really hurt from the word " soar! " I'd bet I'm far

from alone!

Well I wrote this and checked it carefully. Hope it's OK!

All the best,


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william moss wrote:


> So I am trying this, because it is moderated (The need for four, the amount of

activity and the number of members is a very good sign to me!).


Welcome, Welcome, your post was refreshing! You will find no one here judges,

we understand down days and venting and it is allowed.

We also pick members up and do not allow them to be swallowed in the abyss.

I am there with you on the taking away of ninety percent of my vitality but

spurts of it spring up in my posts and like the old " adage, Don't let the XXXXX

get you down " applies.

I also roamed through the Yahoo membership and landed here. The members come

from a wide array of backgrounds which I love and respect and each post I learn

something new.

We also do " off topics " to prove we have a life outside pain, hopefully,

sometimes. I have my laptop sitting on my belly and type away as I cannot sit

without hurting. Continual off topics is collecting pain descriptors and

colloquialisms we have grown up with (colder than a Klondike in Alaska etc). I

have to threatened to write books on both and still keep it in the back of my

mind. Do you have some to contribute?

We have animals lovers to include goat lovers to cats and each of us know that

animals are the ones that provide conditional love.

As far as posting, do not use alot, a lot, as Lyndi will be driven nuts and I

love to have the chance for her to beat me with the wet noodle.

Oh by the way, Lyndi is King fan, and I mistyped MON instead of money

and I had a backlash (lovingly) of knowledge about

King I never realized. I did not see the new series, Room 4010, has it aired,

and did you guys watch the all day ? (Lyndi)

I am the poster child for " The Survival Guide for the Patients with Intractable

Pain " by Forest Tenant, not because of him but because it

has so much information in one place and it can be downloaded at paintopics.org

under resources which has several articles.

Welcome again and hope the winter is not treating you too badly. Bennie in


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