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After nine years of suffering with high blood pressure, diabetes, c.o.p.d.,using

oxygen, sugar out of control, insulin dependent, pain so bad out of my mind, I

suffered a bout of kidney stones [liked to killed me] - three sugeries not to

mention heart desease. After 14 months of pain managment, I was given something

for pain. I am no longer diabetic, no oxygen, no c.o.p.d.

It has been the longest battle of my life, but after all of this, now my heart

is bad, but I still went from 130 mgs.blood pressure medications to 10mg. but

even with meds. there are some days I just dont know if im going to make it.

Not to mention what my poor wife went through. She stayed right by my side. God

bless that woman!


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>Joe wrote:

> After nine years of suffering with high blood pressure, diabetes,

c.o.p.d.,using oxygen, sugar out of control, insulin dependent, pain so bad out

of my mind, I suffered a bout of kidney stones [liked to killed me] - three

surgeries not to mention heart disease. After 14 months of pain management, I

was given something for pain. I am no longer diabetic, no oxygen, no c.o.p.d.

>It has been the longest battle of my life, but after all of this, now my heart

is bad, but I still went from 130 mgs.blood pressure medications to 10mg. but

even with meds. there are some days I just dont know if im going to make it.

Not to mention what my poor wife went through. She stayed right by my side. God

bless that woman!


My blood pressure has gone as high as 230/115 and I have actually had a nurse

say, " I don't know why your blood pressure is so high " . Maintaining a high pain

level, high blood pressure, can cause damage to organs and it is so ironic how

the blood pressure drops when pain is controlled.

It was a big step for me to go on timed pain medication and give up the martyr

role, but I have to take care of myself so if I have to take pain medication the

rest of my life, so be it.

My husband has been my support system and I could not be here without him. Hang

in there.


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