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stormy night

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Last night, I was having a dream about talking on my cell phone, setting up an

appointment time with a client, to visit. I think I was volunteering, and part

of the job was to sit with shut-ins in order to give their usual caregivers a


The room had bunks in it, and it turned into a railroad car. It was hard to hear

on the phone, with the younger woman on the other bunk

making snide remarks about me spending too much time with other crippled people.

I was wearing myself out. It was depressing to her.

Then, the room began to shake and rumble. A man's face appeared on the wall. He

announced that he was the train's conductor. He was smiling while reporting that

we were going to go off the cliff, but we were going to be ok.

The rumbling turned into a storm outside, and a sharp crack of lightning hit the

roof, causing a cable to fall through the ceiling.

Just as the train left the rails, we could see out of the window that we were

looking down at a canyon. Yikes.

Next thing I knew, I heard a cat screech, and one of my cat's feet trampled my

ear, and I woke up with a start, to see her chasing Tommy. The rumbling I heard

in the dream must have been her growling at the younger cat, who still doesn't

know that a growl is not the same as a purr!

So much for separating them before my bedtime, only to be awakened because

somebody else that thinks it's mean to keep the little kitties separated when we

aren't awake to supervise them.

Good news is, nobody got hurt, and I only lost a little bit of sleep. It only

took a little while for my muscles to unspaz. It really helps to have medication

that works like it's supposed to.

We are supposed to get a wintry mix of rain, sleet, and snow late tonight. My

least favorite forecast.

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