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Re: scared and alone

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Dear Honey,

I am sorry that you feel so alone but you are not alone. Although my

situation is different from yours, I, too suffer constant pain so I understand

your fear of being forced off your meds. I wish I could help you.

It sounds like you are on the right track by going into the hospital and maybe

there they can help you. But mainly I just wanted to let you know you are not

alone. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your son sounds


Becky in Illinois

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>well i have no pm doctor. my family doctor is trying a refer for me i don't

think they will take me.

Hi Honey

I hope your family doctor will be kind enough to help you go off your medication

slowly. If not, please go to the hospital where they can help you go off the

narcotics slowly.

It can be very dangerous to suddenly stop taking your medication. Ask, or if you

must beg your family doctor to admit you. I can't understand why he won't

prescribe medication for you, but no doubt neither can you.

You are not addicted to your medication, your body has grown used to it, there

is a big difference. The fancy word for it is habituated. There is no shame in

it. There are multiple medications, that are not narcotics that must have the

dose decreased very slowly when you go off them.

Once this is over, I hope you and your father can make peace, but that is for

another day. I am so happy that you are rid of that lousy boyfriend.

If your husband says he won't leave you if you go into the hospital, please give

him a chance.

Drink plenty of fluids, and try to eat, or drink sweet things. Those can help



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I am so very sorry that you are so scared and alone, but I want to let you know

that NO, you are not alone.

You mention that you are " addicted to your pain meds not for the high, but

because they take care of your pain " , honey that is NOT an addiction, that is

called dependence. Most of us in chronic and/or intractable pain depend on our

medications to survive, is not an addiction, is called surviving.

There is a HUGE difference in between addiction and dependence, so NO do not

call yourself an addict, you just need help to adequately treat your pain.

As far as being afraid of your husband leaving you if you go to the hospital, if

he does, then you did not needed him in your life! People with no chronic pain

do not understand how us in pain feel day in and day out. It is a constant

battle to survive.

Can you try to find a new PM Doc??? I don't know why you lost your PM Doc, but

try looking for a good Doc at; www.doctorsforpain.com. If you are in pain, you

need to be treated.

Chronic pain is a condition just like diabetes, heart disease, etc. and have you

ever heard of a diabetic been denied treatment?? NO, so the same applies to you.

You need to get treated, been in pain and having no one to treat you is WRONG!

Keep the faith and stay strong,

>Honey wrote:


> well i have no pm doctor. my family doctor is trying a refer for me i don't

think they will take me.

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Harley, Can your family doctor cover you until you can get into another doctor?

I would pursue making a complaint against your old pain management doctor. In

most states a medical doctor can not just drop you with making sure you are

connected to another doctor. You should call the state or at least county

medical board. You also have the right to a copy of your medical records. I

would get a copy. I hope things work out soon.


> well i have no pm doctor. my family doctor is trying

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Please go to the local ER and tell them what is happening. The Pain Act

requires you must be given a doctor and medication. Pain patients do have rights

and you have to take care of yourself.

Call the local hospitals around you and get a list of pain physicians. I have

had to do this for myself. Please call the the Physician Referral Line.





>Well, i have no pm doctor. my family doctor is trying a refer for me i don't

think they will take me.

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