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No meds on test/accusations implied or otherwise

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This is the very reason why I have refused for so long to take prescription pain

meds. I do not want to go through all of this horrible junk that you all are

going through. Being forced into withdraw because either they got the tests

mixed up or someone at the lab didn't run it properly. I forgot of course that

never happens! It is just not worth it to me.

Since my pain is intermittent in nature, bad at times and not as bad at others,

I will just suffer. I hate medications of any kind. My digestive tract has

been altered so much (no stomach) that I never know how a medication will effect

me. I either don't absorb it quickly enough or absorb it too quickly so the

chances of my lab work showing up weird are probably higher than yours. So I

would be labeled a junkie or dealer or whatever label they want to come up with.

It is just not worth it to me.

I can never get the medical people to understand medications are not tested on

people with no stomachs. The transit time, the way they are broken down and

absorbed is completely different in someone without a stomach than in the normal

population. And so I am left to suffer when things are bad. And with 8 damaged

discs in my spine and now osteoporosis and kidney stones I know that the pain

will in all likelihood get worse.

Most of the time since I can't take a lot of things, I end up in the ER on IVs.

Latest was a trip for the worst headache I have ever had and severe heaving.

Turns out I had an infection in every single sinus in my head (pansinusitis). I

have had to have a port placed in my chest due to my veins being destroyed by so

many tests and procedures and IVs so it seems to keep slowly spiraling downward.

So adding the accusatory remarks, the begging for meds, the forced withdraws,

the constant searching for a doctor, the side effects and such I think would

just make my situation that much more intolerable.

My psychologist is trying to help me get on to a regular pain plan with patches

or other non oral routes to pain management and is consulting some specialists

he knows but that would not eliminate the issues I have discussed above with the

accusations et cetera so I would rather let it go and just deal with the pain as

best I can.

Believe me living without a stomach can create some major pain in and of itself

with severe cramping and such. I am grateful to have survived cancer but it is

not without its consequences. Kidney stones are just horrible and of course the

spinal issues are fun too. I also have migraines but thankfully they are not as

bad since I am postmenopausal. Thank God for small favors. And of course I am

not getting any younger so I have the getting older pains that most people get.


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