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Update on my week

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I have been doing well. I

had an appointment last thur

with a primary care doctor

who turned me down (they only

see uninsured). SO i see an

internal med dr on tuesday at

11 a.m. Hope this goes well.

I had a throat infection thursday

and was put on a z-pack. I had

just gotten off cipro for a

urinary tract infection the week


I have exactly 40 days to come

up with a primary care doctor to

write my orders for home health

private duty nurses or i will lose

my nurses. So i seriously have to

find doctor. this doctor is suppose

to have dealt with complex case

before. So, this should be fine


I did go to the pain dr at the end

of jan and they put me on 15mg of

hydrocodone elixir 3x a day (until they

get it approved for 4x a day) and

methadone 20mg 2x a day. They are

also looking into a spinal cord

stimulator. The dr has to research

to see if that will help me with an

old spinal cord injury and the central

pain and the arachnoiditis all together.

He believes it will help all that and

the rsd. I hope so.

I also got my keppra 500mg 1 tab a.m.

and 2 tabs p.m. approved this week. I

have two weeks samples until they get

the free drug assistance programs

application goes through.

I am still having a hard time with the

death of my nurse. I still miss her.

so much. She brought so much laughter

and enjoyment to my life. I am having

problems with the nurse that replaced

her. So if you will keep that situation

in your prayers I would appreciate it.

I had a swallow study done at Vanderbilt.

And it showed my swallowing was ok, but

that the esophagus had some dysmotility

like my gastroparesis. So when I eat

the food gets stuck in the esophugus and

doesn't go on into the stomach and causes

pain and spasms in the chest and throat.

My cats are doing well. I am loving to

playing with them. I have been sick

with a stomach bug this week so they

haven't been getting enough attention.

But I am feeling better now. Praise

be to God.

My new pain meds are helping me with my

pain level quite a bit. I was at a

level 7-8 and now I am a 5-6 most of

the time with flares. So i guess

narcotics do work for me. I can't wait

to see if the spinal cord stimulator is

an option or not because i still have

a lot of flares of burning pain in my

torso and legs (especially left leg).

All in all i am doing good. Quite

stress about finding a dr and all. But

I am doing better since not in so much

pain. I am having panic attacks from

stress though. I have meds for that

though that I take everyday to prevent

them. Hope everyone is having better

days. God Bless everyone.


christina in tn

p.s. I will start taking papaya enzymes

for stomach as soon as they come in the

mail for my stomach upset and digestion.

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