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To Harley

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Harley, I wonder if the doctor confirmed that you were a patient to a caller?

Would that not be illegal? I think I would be reporting this doctor to every one

that I could possibly report her to. With out continuing your meds until you

get a new doctor, that would be endangering your health.

If you had cancer and she stopped your chemo treatments or stopped giving you

blood when you needed it, she should be sent to jail. If the doctor can't tell

whether you are a patient or a drug abuser with no need of pain medication,

maybe they need to go back to medical school and should not be endangering the


If the doctor can not tell me face to face that he believes the treatment (pain

medication) is not the treatment he believes in, what are the alternative

treatments for your conditions, then he is not really a doctor. doctors are

suppose to try and get you well. I for one will tell a doctor up front, that I

am an honest person and that he must accept that premise and tell me face to

face if that changes.

I am coming to him for help. If I am not getting that, then he is gone and I

will find someone else. I feel if a doctor did to me what happened to harley, I

would be fuming mad and would report her to every official I could including the

hospital, clinic and medical board. I may even seek legal advise as it could be

a criminal offense, maybe.

Don't take crap when your life may depend on. If you can't speak up, your spouse

or relative or friend should go with you to make sure you are being treated

properly. When on the oxycontin type meds, you may not be able to think quickly

so someone with a clear head and common sense can assist you. Good luck and

take care of your rights


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When u sign a pain contract u agree to abrupt cessation.

Deb RN

>Alvin wrote:

I am coming to him for help. If I am not getting that, then he is gone and I

will find someone else. I feel if a doctor did to me what happened to harley, I

would be fuming mad and would report her to every official I could including the

hospital, clinic and medical board. I may even seek legal advise as it could be

a criminal offense, maybe.

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A Dom wrote:

Harley, I wonder if the doctor confirmed that you were a patient to a caller?

Would that not be illegal? I think I would be reporting this doctor to every one

that I could possibly report her to. With out continuing your meds until you

get a new doctor, that would be endangering your health.


I agree and there is a complaint form on the state license website and it is

illegal for this doctor to do this, he has to follow the Pain laws and Bill of


The complaint form does not report your name and I have done this to a previous

doctor who misdiagnosed me and I had factual information.

I felt that if the doctor did it to me, he would do it to someone else.

I keep a pain diary, functional assessment and have a written form of my status

every doctor visit so they take me seriously. I feel that I will play their game

and beat them at it with documentation and the law. You can only do what you

can and others have to chose for themselves.


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, Deb wrote:

> When u sign a pain contract you agree to abrupt cessation.

> Deb RN


No, that is not really correct, pain laws and contracts state they MUST provide

you with so much medication and a doctor listing so even though you are

Suspended the doctor is supposed to provide these. My pain contract states

thirty days.

Be sure and check you state laws on Pain, just type in for example, California

Pain Patient Law or California Pain Medication Law and there is the Pain Patient

Bill of Rights and most Pain Management Doctors belong to the Pain memberships

that have procedures.

Your pain contract reflects the conditions and please read your next one but you

need to call the local hospitals physicians referrals line and also contact your

insurance company for referrals.

There is a tort law called abandonment of patient care and it can be used when

care is not provided. All this doctor needed to do is give a months prescription

and doctor listing and he would be covered.


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