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I thought I was doing better, then my world caved in!

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Thank you to everyone who responded to me. Every one of those responses gave

me good thoughts to try and live by. I was feeling lighter and thinking I could

do it.

Where does it end. When can my duaghter get a break. I don`t even know if a tow

truck will help her today. She came home last night from work, and found our 35

year old horse, dead in her pasture. We all knew it was coming, but we had him

for over 20 years. She was just screaming in agony. The fog was to thick, that

she wouldn`t even allow me to go down there. She didn`t want to take the chance

of losing us too.

I don`t know how to handle this one. I`m taking his death okay, but I wonder why

in the world we ever get pets. Today I want to get rid of everyone I have just

to never have to face this feeling again. I want her to get rid of hers too. I

know that`s all wrong.. But it`s in there. I`m trying to run I guess.

I know she`s missing work again today. Pretty soon the little money she does get

will be gone. Isn`t God hearing me or what am I doing wrong. Is this what I`m

getting in exchange for having some of my pain gone. Gee`s I`m mixed up. I know

I need to get it together and concentrate more on my own heart conditions, and

how to make myself better, but I`m zapped.

Thank you everyone for listening to me. I don`t know where I would go without

all of you. Got to try and get dressed. R.

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