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Re: Epidural injections

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Thanks for the great input Bennie. The shots have TOTALLY wore off and I swear

I can feel sharp needle-like pain where they did it. I will check that site out,

because I'm sick of feeling like a guinea pig.

That is why I love this group. I have a lot of knowledge before I go into the

doc office.

Thanks gang!


>Bennie wrote:


>They do not last forever and when they have stopped the effectiveness in the

area he did it , do no more there as there is a condition called Arachnoiditis

and the limit is three for treatment.

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Just as you say my epidural shots were good for about 2 weeks and then the pain

krept back. It seemed worse than before but. I chalked that up to having some

relief and then losing it all.


Bennie wrote:

Schafer wrote:

They do not last forever and when they have stopped the effectiveness in the

area he did it , do no more there as there is a condition called aracnoidititis

and the limit is three for treatment.

You should go to Spine universe.com and look at their protocol. It is peer


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>I have had so many of those injections that I have lost count. I just refused

and they said well if you don't we can refuse to give you pain medications.

The doctors love to give these procedures, because they make a lot of money with

each one. I'm talking about thousands of dollars.

Procedures are where doctors, can increase their income drastically. I believe

your insurance company has paid for at least a few nice cars for that doctor.


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> Harely wrote:

> Good luck. I have had so many of those injections that I have lost count. I

just refused and they said well if you don't we can refuse to give you pain



Dear , I found a way around the injections, because my pain clinic has the

very same rules. I would not advise anyone to have this happen, but my blood

pressure was 203 over 111. It was because I was in so much pain that I thought

I wasn't going to pull thru. Point being, they cannot give me shots anymore,

because of the risk of stroke and or heart attack.

By the way; I was hospitalized for pain control, AND we were able to regulate

my blood pressure (thank God)! So now, the shots are off the table. Just give

me my meds; and lemme get the heck out of Dodge! LOL! Just wanted to share.

Hope you feel better, Robbie

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I had these injections, they did not work for long, not near as long as they

were designed to work. the last time, the doctor stopped in the middle of doing

this procedure and said the scar tissue was so thick, it could not push the

needle beyond it and asked all the nurses to pray, that was enough to make

anyone very very nervous. it was my last one, after that he told me i was too

sick for his type of treatment and sent me to a pain clinic. If they work for



Desert Fire

L. Kaiser

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I have an appointment Wednesday with my pain Doc. After the last set of

injections it feels like there is a needle still in my back. Has this happened

to anyone? It is freaking me out!


> aka Desert Fire wrote:

>I had these injections, they did not work for long, not near as long as they

were designed to work. the last time, the doctor stopped in the middle of doing

this procedure and said the scar tissue was so thick, it could not push the

needle beyond it and asked all the nurses to pray, that was enough to make

anyone very very nervous.

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Schafer wrote:

> I have an appointment Wednesday with my pain Doc. After the last set of

injections it feels like there is a needle still in my back. Has this happened

to anyone? It is freaking me out!




I sat on the stretcher waiting for another epidural for three hours five years

ago and when the doctor came in and opened the chart, he said, Oh, we can't do

this, you are so scarred, we couldn't get the needle in. I was so mad. I said

I want to see my regular doctors as the doctors rotate the procedures and that

was epidural day. I waited six hours, six hours to see the doctors and I told

him that they just stick me to stick me, they even call one a " diagnositic "

stick to see if that is where the pain was.

I have not had an epidural stick for five years until two years ago and the pain

management doctor said we need to try it before continuing meds (I knew that was

coming) I told him if I have a reaction, I am having NO more. They have tried

to do it and I said No more. There is swelling that happens and you need to let

your doctor know, I have had to go to the ER and get an Bendadryl IV bedcause

the predinose broke me out immediately and I swollen immediately.

The last procedure I had was not an epidural and the doctor only seperated the

scarring and she said I will need one more procedure and would like to give me a

shot of botox if the spasm doesn't go down, it just stays in spasm all the time

and is hard as a rock. I haven't had to take my break thru so I am okay with

that and I am walking straighter but get that what happened to you documented in

your chart. Good Luck Bennie


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Catseyes66@... wrote:

> What is the difference in having an epidural injection and a 30-40 minute

epidural procedure in my right lumbar disk?? I am confused, Cathie


This is from the article from Spine Universe, type in epidural injections on

their site,


Epidural injections can be done at any level of the spine: cervical (neck),

thoracic (mid-back), lumbar (low back), and sacral (tailbone area). The thoracic

epidural may be a valuable tool in the treatment of mid-back and chest wall

pains. These problems might be caused by disc problems, arthritis of the spine,

or even shingles. Bennie

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