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Re: thankful.....Coleen

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I just had a cortisone shot in my rt hip bursae. I didn't even know that my

bursae was hurting until I had a rt hip MRI instead of spine.

I have bursae turberostiy and my SI joints has edema, swelling. I also was told

I need to use a can now.

I hate it. You need to ask them for a MRI for that area as you might have

something that it is like mine as it sounds like what I had except on the left

side, maybe you can ask about bursitis. All I know is it hurts. I hope you get

some relief, Coleen, I am thinking about you and sending good thoughts your



Coleen Fox wrote:


It is like I have a spot in my left side hip that almost feels like a painful

cramp. The more I keep going the more that sore spot spreads and gets to where

I am afraid I will get stuck and not be able to move because the pain has got me

stuck, I wish I knew what that was.


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hi Bennie,

See, I never thought you would have to ask for an MRI of the area that is

hurting, not just of your spine.  I thought the MRI took a spine and surrounding

area picture.  What do I know. 

Yesterday my fiance had is 3pm appt an hour away so we went to that and Walmart,

same city.  He pushed me in a wheelchair down the hallways to his doctor's

office (mind you, my fiance had his intestinal hernia repaired 2 Super Bowl

Sundays ago, plus his nasal passages surgically cleaned out on the 10th and he

isn't short so he was a little bent over) but he knew we had to do some food

shopping at Walmart and they don't usually have handicap carts available,  but

they DID this time! :)

Again, you would think with me NOT having to walk much, even though sitting is

very  painful also, that I wouldn't have been in so much pain on the way home

last night. It was horrible! 

Then when we get home and I finally get to lie down my left side, ribs and all

are so sore that I just lay there moaning to myself, trying to be quiet.

Like my fiance said, when he is done with his nasal recovery a bit more (he is

still spitting up lots of blood which the doctor, ENT, says is Normal  and wants

to see him back in a week)  That we will start working on getting me more


I thought a  wheelchair would help me out a lot but apparently not.  Laying on

my side is my only relief, darned it, I am scared about this. 

Plus my *new* managed health care program, DOCS is not letting my pain patches

be released yet.  I forgot the date on my fentanyl but the Pharmacy told me I

should get ahold of my doctor as well as DOCS.

So, as soon  as I wake up, yes, I finally fell asleep amongst the horrible

pain.  I really thought it was going to be a long night because I hurt so bad. 

darned.  Life is not worth this amount of pain.  It just isn't.  We have 2 cats

which I adore and they never get mad at me :)

It was like my ribs in back  on the left side were injured badly they hurt  so

much.  I could not lay on them. 

I hate that I can't go out for a day without paying for it dearly for the next

few days.

It really makes you think about what you are able to really do each day.  I

can't do much in one day, sitting or standing, much less walking, way to


Thanks for letting me vent :)  I know you know how it hurts, physically and


Another thing, last night we were laying in bed and watching QVC and they had

those glass lids with the handles on them for like when you are cooking bacon

and keeping the bacon flat.  Well, we got talking about cooking.  I have told

him before how I used to love to spend hours in my kitchen in my home (before my

divorce) and cook up fried chicken, pork chops, etc.  he asked me if I think I

will ever be able to do that again if I can stand up enough to do it. 

I had botched up making gravy a few years ago for him, don't ask me what

happened, but I ended up crying. I think what happened what happened is cooking

for a bachelor who didn't have many or any ingredients to cook with and

therefore I couldn't just conjure up my gravy, oh how I tried though.

He wants to see if I will remember my recipes I used.  To me that is almost like

riding a bike, once you learn you never forget.   You get a little rusty but it

comes back to you. :)

I can't wait to cook again.  Can't wait to walk again.  The little I eat gets a

little more because I am bored and I love sweets.

My turn to get worked on here pretty soon I sure hope!  I can not live in this 

non-life or very painful life when I do something.

I hate my life right now.  I wish I wouldn't wake up.

But, I will call DOCS this am or soon and see what is going on.  I have one more

fentanyl patch left.

Pain  sucks!

We are getting Charter wireless so I can be online in bed while he is online in

the living room and I can search for a doctor.  I can't take this anymore.

But I will push on!  What else can i do, I have no garage to inhale carbon

monoxide and who would take care of our cats and my fiance would miss me.  I

just have to keep strong like he says.  jeesh, now I am tearing up.

I will send this off now and get on the telephone to DOCS soon.

hugs, Coleen

ps.  thanks for writing Bennie, I need the communication, that is why I am glad

we are finally able to get Charter online so I can email whenever I want :) 

Glad you are here to talk to, you and everyone else.  My fiance doesn't like to

talk about our pains,  I don't blame him but I need to sometimes.  Glad I got

you all! :) 

Hope you have a okay day. It is rainy here but that doesn't bother me, just my


>Bennie wrote:

>I hate it.  You need to ask them for a MRI for that area as you might have

something that it is like mine as it sounds like what I had except on the left

side, maybe you can ask about bursitis.  All I know is it hurts.  I hope you get

some relief, Coleen, I am thinking about you and  sending good thoughts your


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I was so MAD and glad when I got the MRI of my hip as I realized this was part

of the pain I was feeling and like you thought it was coming from my spine.

My rt hip has turberousity bursitis


That is a link but just type in hip bursitis. It explains many of the pain you

are referring to and what I go thru also. When I went in, the orthopedic

surgeon just touched the side of my thigh at the place I never had noticed and I

almost went off the bed.

So, I now have to use a cane, get a real foot insert for the shortness of my

leg, and make sure I am taking care of my spine.

I hope this information helps and I have to lie on my left side and curl up in a

fetal position to get the stress of the area that hurts.

This also happens with narrowing (stenosis )of the spine so I hope you have the

MRI taken of your hip as no, the spine MRI, does not get the femoral head or

down the femur and leg.

I to, miss cooking, but my husband likes to cook and I also tell him how to make

things. With gravy, I just strain the lumps out and let the gravy stay, so it is

how I cheat.

I use flour and grease and milk for white gravy and when cooking the roast,

steak, etc, I just pour it off in another skillet and add the flour.

I use mushroom soup sometimes, or cream of chicken for the poultry. Oh, from an

old gravy maker, my mom taught us best.

Let us know how you do, I am so curious what it is.


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Coleen wrote:

> I thought a wheelchair would help me out a lot but apparently not. Laying on

my side is my only relief, darned it, I am scared about this.

Hi Coleen

Have you found out yet if you are a candidate for surgery? It sure

sounds like your pain is getting worse. I hope they come up with some

answers for you very soon.

One huge bonus is that you don't smoke anymore! Can you imagine trying

to get through your days and nights with smoker's cough on top of the

pain? Ow! Ow! Ow! And the longer you smoked, the worse it would get!

Less than four more months to go and you'll be a year smoke free! Way

to go Coleen! I'm proud of you. <grin>


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Hi Lyndi,

Thanks for the encouragement on being a non-smoker.  I don't know if I am a

candidate for surgery yet.  My first and only doctor appointment with a

neurosurgeon said there were too many problems with my back to just go in and

fix it.  In fact, the specialist didn't show up at my appointment, he had his

assistant come in the patient room and talk to me to tell me that he recommended

getting shots for my back, whatever they are called. 

I do need to get a second opinion from another specialist.  I am hoping I can

find another neurosurgeon in Coos Bay,  North Bend, Oregon as they  have a Spine

Institute there.

I am leary of this DOCS right now, (Doctors Oregon Coast Southern).  I am trying

to get my Lidoderm patches and Fentanyl patches refilled right now and DOCS

wants prior authorization request?  Even though I have a refill on Lidcaine from

the 21st, and Fentanyl 25 mcg I have a prescription that is good, yet DOCS wants

more approval??

I just put on my last Fentanyl Patch last night, I was trying to stretch them

out over the 72 hour time they are supposed to last but I didn't want to have

withdrawals.  I don't even know what the withdrawals are like but I remember my

doctor mentioning she didn't want me to run out and go through withdrawals.  So

that has me a little scared, you betcha!  I have to get my prescription filled

by at least this Friday or Saturday.  I went 4 days on my last patch and you are

only supposed to go 3 days.

I called DOCS and my doctor and my Pharmacy said to do to try and get this thing


Then I found out that I got on DOCS on Feb 8th and I have 30 days to decide if I

want to keep them.  They are managed care providers for Oregon Health PLan

Plus.  I think the other managed health care plan choice is Mid Rogue.

I have some calls to make and try to write down all this stuff and do the right


I will call my case manager also.  sigh---

Meantime, my fiance is doing better, his nasal job is healing well his doctor

said.  He is coughing up blood which is normal, although it makes him want to

gag.  What fun we are having! 

I need someone to steer me in the right direction with this managed care and I

sure hope my case manager knows what she is  doing.  I really don't want to go

through withdrawals from Fentanyl 25 mcg/hr.  I know it is expensive, I just

don't know how expensive.  I don't know if I could pull enough money together to

buy it outright if I had to.

I am just not getting relief from my pain.  A long time ago I got a little

relief, but my pain has just gotten much worse.  My left side is a bugger.  My

left hip, etc. anyways.

Yep!, only a few more months and I will be a year into not smoking! 

Heck, I just started smoking about maybe 6 years ago so it hasn't been that

long, but I understand the damage is still done.

Thanks again Lyndi!  I appreciate your enthusiasm for me.

Hugs, Coleen

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Hi Bennie,

I have been using a cane for quite a while now.  It also helps me with my


Thanks for the link, will check it out.

I will let you all know when I find out something. I am really curious also. 

I am also wondering that by the time I get in to see a specialist of some kind,

will they  want another MRI and exrays done because it has been awhile since the

last one.  I am sure they will want to see if there are any changes that may

have occurred since my last MRI and exrays.  I can't lay on my back anymore, so

I do not know how they are going to do an MRI except with Muscle relaxers,

valium and pain pills, but I did that last time.  I must not have very strong

meds or I am just gettting used to them, unfortunately.  My lower back hurts

just to lay on with my knees up.  No can do.  Maybe it is swollen or because of

my crooked back?

Life has to get better, right?

for now, hugs,


Bennie wrote:

I was so MAD and glad when I got the MRI of my hip as I realized this was part

of the pain I was feeling and like you thought it was coming from my spine.

My rt hip has turberousity bursitis 


That is a link but just type in hip bursitis.  It explains many of the pain you

are referring to and what I go thru also.  When I went in, the orthopedic

surgeon just touched the side of my thigh at the place I never had noticed and I

almost went off the bed.

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