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Re: took a bad fall today

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--- Rebbecca Nix wrote:


> OUCH Cheryl! I hope you get better soon :-).




Thank you, Becky!

The knee is less swollen today, but now all the rest of my system is reacting to

the fall and there are a whole new set of pains and muscle pulls. It will get

better, though.

Cheryl in AZ


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--- Denene Harper wrote:


> I did this too and it is large and visible Lady's steps to help her get on the

bed with my husband at nights and yet I trip over them all the time earlier this

weekend I did it and hit the corner of the door jam with my head!!!



So sorry to hear this, Denene. I hope all your cancer check-up tests come back

clean. Keep us updated.

Cheryl in AZ


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Cheryl wrote:

> I took a bad fall today - my own stupid fault, I tripped over something I knew

was there.

We usually trip over stuff we know is there. We're human :-)

I imagine you're a hurting issue today Cheryl. The first few days after

a fall are usually gawdawful. Too bad you can't just tell your students

that classes are cancelled and everyone should go to study hall.

I hope a long hot shower this evening and a night spent with heating

pads, hot packs, and cold packs, helps you feel better tomorrow.



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I still wanto to give you long distance *hugs*. I'm glad your knee is less

swollen today! I hope you heal up soon! :-P


Becky in NM

Cheryl wrote:

Thank you, Becky!

The knee is less swollen today, but now all the rest of my system is reacting to

the fall and there are a whole new set of pains and muscle pulls. It will get

better, though.

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Hang in the Cheryl!!! Don't go walking on that knee if its still swollen! Treat

yourself right and take care!


I took a bad fall today - my own stupid fault, I tripped over something I knew

was there. 

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Cheryl wrote:

> I took a bad fall today - my own stupid fault, I tripped over something I knew

was there.


Oh I hope you are feeling better, I had a fall two years ago and fell backwards

flat on the back. I am thinking of you Bennie

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Hi Cheryl,

I fell about a month ago, in the middle of the night. I didn't want to disturb

company, so didn't turn the light on, when coming down the stairs, dumb mistake


I hit my head on the corner of a wall, and then, because I'm so used to pain,

went back to bed. Mistake #2.

I finally went to see the doctor. the next afternoon, I needed 3 stitches above

my eye, had a large bump on my head, and a concussion. But I carried on with my

business- now I have eye problems, as well as " post-concussion syndrome. " It

basically means a headache that can go on for months, and they don't know when

my eye will get better.

SO: take care of yourself- take time off to heal- be especially cautious if

you've hit your head, and you're certainly not the only " dumb " one out there!

At least the ER doctor. was a good-looker.



Cheryl wrote:

> I took a bad fall today - my own stupid fault, I tripped over something I knew

was there.

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--- jeanne turner wrote:

>>> At least the ER doctor. was a good-looker.


Jeanne -

Now that's what I call finding the silver lining! You really made me laugh with

that line, thanks.

I'm so sorry you were hurt so badly and are still suffering. Take care


Cheryl in AZ


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