Guest guest Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Hi everyone, I think the last time I wrote to you was around 4am after sitting awake all night in agony. As always this is the only place to turn to when feeling completely isolated and misunderstood. I have daily migraines since age 4, now age 32; longest migraine to date lasted for 2 years non stop, which left me bedridden and unable to move, speak, eat, pitch black silent room and pretty much no human contact apart from a 5 minute visit from my Mam to check that I was still breathing each night while I lay in my own urine and vomit. Then developed ME/CFS which now had 12 years and leaves me just as disabled and in agony as the migraines, then i found about a hole in my heart awaiting open heart surgery, then I found out I had cervical cancer and had to have a hysterectomy a few weeks later, that was around the time when I last mailed on here ish a few months ago. Because I've been in agony since 4 year old i'm expert at making light of everything even when I feel like I'm going to die but I explain very clearly to people when I have to for my own safety if they won't leave me be to rest and recover from whatever activity i've done. ME is a nightmare to live with purely because people don't and cannot understand that when I'm ill i need to be left alone or i will never recover but the more ill I get the more they bother me (because I'm ill) and the more they bother me the more ill I get as I then have to recover from their 'help' It's such a horrible situation to be in sometimes, people don't realise that when I let them help me, i'm actually doing them the favour because I actually need to be left alone, but don't want to be saying that to them all the time as it hurts them so I have to sometimes allow them to help and then find the time to recover from that sometime after that. I don't 'want' to be sitting here alone staring at a wall for days, I 'have' to sit here alone staring at a wall for days because its the quickest way to get better again, if only for a short time before the next relapse. I'm in the process of splitting up with my boyfriend of one year because of it. My landlord bothers me all the time, trying to help, my neighbours in my buulding bother me all the time because i'm the one who usually sorts out everyone's problems (when i'm well) My boyfriend is great some of the time, but after a year of seeing me suffering and seeing exactly what causes it, he still doesn't understand and if he doesn't no one ever will. I spent 2 weeks working round the clock for a uni deadline that I study at home for, that alone would make me ill, I got the work done and did surprisingly well considering i was near comatose while doing it, then, I spent the whole weekend at my boyfriends house, that also alone usually makes me really ill, then on the saturday night I went to his friends 40th birthday party, that on its own would make me really really ill. I had sex with my boyfriend which caused complete paralysis for 2 hours afterwards, all I could do was blink for hours, i had sex with him again on the monday while I was already in agony from head to foot. I got home monday night, I still couldn't relax as I was in hospital all day tuesday for my final cervical cancer tests to hopefully get the all all clear, and spent the rest of the day with my boyfriend until he seen i was collspasing and then went back home. My Mam visited on Wednesday, by thursday I'm in a near coma like state, drooling because I don't even have the strength to swallow and just enough strength to breathe in and out. By the Friday I'm just as bad as my relapse starts to kick in. By this point my boyfriend is hinting to come to my house as its been a whole 2 days since he saw me, he knows I've been desperate to rest for weeks and this is my first chance ive got. I don't invite him over and tell him I need to rest. He then ends up doing his usual thing of causing an arguement out of nothing so that he has to come to my house anyway 'to sort things out' so he still gets to see me when he knows i need to rest. I sent two texts messages to him making it extremely clear that I have to rest!!! to make sure he didn't just turn up at my house. Lo and behold, 15 minutes later he turns up at my house to 'sort things out' I completely snapped. I used up all my energy to crawl to the door to let him in and I told him to leave. He was still trying to argue with me as I'm crawling back to bed and I literally had to use raw rage as energy as it was all I had left. I exploded and literally just screamed my head off, and told him to fu*k off, i had to do this a few times but when he was still going on at me, i ended up punching the bed i'd crawled to with my fists, screaming 'just let me f*c'king rest!!!!!! I was absolutely desperate. I was so beyond exhaustion that I had to just get him out of my house immediately, before I ended up in hospital or dead. So now its going to take me even longer to recover than if I'd just been allowed to rest for a few days until I was better. I ask for absolutely nothing apart from being allowed to rest at times when I absolutely have to and no one will allow me to do that. I will have to go back to those years of complete isolation the way it used to be and it shouldn't have to be like this. I'm going to have to go back to having absolutely no one in my life because its the only way i can be allowed to rest when I need to. I haven't heard from the boyfriend since Friday, he apologized for losing his temper. But we've been here so many times before, i don't have to strength to keep going over the same problem again and again. I just need some peace from everyone, I live alone and can't get any rest in my own home, no one will allow me to and I feel like i'm losing my mind. I'm so sorry for having a rant. I just needed to vent. love xxxx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 , you need to ditch that boyfriend. Change your phone number, have new very sturdy locks put on your door. If he comes over just call the police, and have him arrested. I don't care how healthy your body is, no one needs a boyfriend like him. Kaylene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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