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Re: Opinions on spinal fusion

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in New Mexico wrote:

> I had a new set of scans done today and my doctor showed me that the next

procedural step for controlling my spine pain is a fusion from L.3 through S.1.

> He says the recovery period is about 9 months. I would like input from those

of you who have had similar fusions. How bad was it?


My recovery time was less than six weeks but I followed my doctor's directions.

I think the cramps from the instrumentation straightening my trunk was the main

thing and depending on what it is being done for is a consideration. A year

for fusion determination and bone growth.

My spinal fusion was done for functionality so that I could walk, as my

vertabrae disc were gone and they were sittting on top of each other with no



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Yes, Bennie, my discs are reduced or gone throughout my spine because of

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and L4 and L5 have collapsed on one side, making them

trapezoidal so they have slid out of line.

I think my main concern is that if I don't get the fusion done the vertebrae

will slide further and completely pinch off the spinal canal and the few nerves

that are still going through it at that level. I certainly don't want leg


But if I can, I want to wait at least a couple of years. Also, my regular spine

doctor is talking rods and screws rather than bone - I don't know if that makes

a difference. I see the surgeon in about two weeks.

>Bennie wrote:

> > My -- vertebrae disc were gone and they were sitting on top of each other

with no cushion.



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pavolady wrote:


> Yes, Bennie, my discs are reduced or gone throughout my spine because of

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and L4 and L5 have collapsed on one side, making them

trapezoidal so they have slid out of line.


> I think my main concern is that if I don't get the fusion done the vertebrae

will slide further and completely pinch off the spinal canal and the few nerves

that are still going through it at that level. I certainly don't want leg



> But if I can, I want to wait at least a couple of years. Also, my regular

spine doctor is talking rods and screws rather than bone - I don't know if that

makes a difference. I see the surgeon in about two weeks.



I have them all, you have to have to put something in there to screw the rods to

and they usually do a laminectomy and put in cages or artificial discs, and then

rods and screws, I had impingement so it was time. My L 4. L 5 were gone. So ,

I had from the back with cages , rods and screws. I had Zimmer BAK cages.

Spine Health and Spine Universe have videos on these.


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Millie wrote:

> Hi ,

I had a 3 level/360 spinal fusion from L2 to L5 in Nov.of 07, spinal surgery or

any other surgery unless in an emergency situation is a very personal decision,

you need to have that conversation with yourself and say, " Can I live with this

pain and uncertainty through out my life? " , then do the pros and cons list, and

your decision will be made clearer for you.


I agree it is a personal opinion and also go to several doctors. I could not

walk, and it was for functional reasons. I also went to orthopedic surgeons and

nuerosurgeons and went to neurosurgeon as for me, I wanted my nerves looked at

more than bone and checked his bio and who he trained under, how many he had


So, it takes and investment in doing so while you are in pain. Most surgeons

will say after two level fusions, the success rate goes down and they did do

with me so I had to make this decision with a lot of thought and research. Good

Luck no matter what choice you chose. Bennie

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I have a friend with EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome). It mostly affects her legs

and knees now, but she is only 22 or so. The EDS contributed to your spine



Anne in TX

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