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Re: caution: whining ahead

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You've got a lot of worry hanging on to you. I just want to tell you that if

you can find a way to give the worry to your maker, there's only so much you can

do to change things sometimes, this is what has saved my sanity. The stress was

too much to bear and certainly was the trigger to a lot of my illnesses.

Please think of the love you have for your family and let the warmth fill you.

You are loved.

It's going to take some effort and good planning to find answers and make good

decisions so take care of you as best you can and make time for yourself to

relax. Maybe learning some new ways to take your mind away from the present

time will help. It helps me to visualize in my mind and wake my senses too. I

love nature and all the sounds and sights and smells of numerous places. Just

for example.

Hold those good moments and look for them, don't let the negative things in life

take that away from you.

I'm glad you came here to share. I hope you keep coming back.


>Chelsea wrote:

>there is no hope. everything is spiraling downward faster and faster. i had

the good sense to have my husband hide my gun from me a few days ago, but

honestly, i don't have the strength in my hands to pull the trigger anyway.

>my doctors have nothing more to offer me than switching me from extended

release Oxycontin to extended release morphine (this is supposed to happen

within the next few days).

>i am terrified and so low i can't see anyway up. there is nothing but the

pain. and everyone elses pain, both physical and emotional. and i have nothing

to offer, no reserves of strength left to call on.

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Dear Chelsea I just want to hug you I'm sorry you and your family are going

through this right now. I am sending lots of healing prayers.

Also your husband should file for disability he may get it its worth a try. Just

have a lawyer to help you. disability lawyers don't get paid if you lose. if you

win they get a percentage of your first check. If you ask me its worth it.

Anyways I hope things brighten up for you.



>there is no hope. everything is spiraling downward faster and faster. i had the

good sense to have my husband hide my gun from me a few days ago, but honestly,

i don't have the strength in my hands to pull the trigger anyway.

>i am thankful for this list and for the opportunity to vent. i have no one to

talk to about any of this so it is good, at least, to write this out in some

perverse way. i am also ashamed of myself for feeling sorry for myself. how

childish of me. i am sorry. for everything.

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((((((((((((chelsea)))))))) You have a very full plate. First you need to take

care of your own physical and mental health or you will be unable to help

anyone. Perhaps if you could find a therapist with experience in pain would be

beneficial. there are counselors with nursing degree. A therapist/counselor

could help you develop some realistic coping skills.

Hope this helps,


--- chelsea wrote:


> there is no hope. everything is spiraling downward faster and faster. i had

the good sense to have my husband hide my gun from me a few days ago, but

honestly, i don't have the strength in my hands to pull the trigger anyway.


> i am terrified and so low i can't see anyway up. there is nothing but the

pain. and everyone elses pain, both physical and emotional. and i have nothing

to offer, no reserves of strength left to call on.

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I honestly know what you are dealing with because a lot of the same things have

happened and still are happening in my life.You are more than welcome to e-mail

me anytime.

My address is wiccanwoman13a@...

Blessed be,


>chelsea <pheno_barbiedoll@... wrote:

> I am thankful for this list and for the opportunity to vent. I have no one to

talk to about any of this so it is good, at least, to write this out in some

perverse way. I am also ashamed of myself for feeling sorry for myself.

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Hi Chelsea

You are understandably depressed and scared. PLEASE seek a counselor's help, and

check every available resource you can think of for help. Apply for food

stamps, medical assistance, check out local charities-anything and everything.

You just don't know what's out there until you check it out.

Check your city, county, state and federal options. Ask friends for

suggestions-don't let your pride stop you. I know it's hard to do things when

you're depressed, so take it bit my bit. And keep talking to the group.


>chelsea wrote:

> i am terrified and so low i can't see anyway up. there is nothing but the

ain. and everyone elses pain, both physical and emotional. and i have nothing

to offer, no reserves of strength left to call on.

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