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Re: Neurosurgeon says no to Chiropractic Treatment

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Your Neurosurgeon is right, the Chiropractor and the inversion table can

actually make a tear on a disc worse, so listen to him.

The spinal cord stimulator that your pain management doctor wants to install on

you is used for people with nerve pain, not mechanical pain from ruptured discs.

I have one for my nerve pain, but if your pain is not nerve related, that is

over $25,000.00 down the tubes! So you are better off with a one level fusion.

Do the PT and see if it helps, if not then you have a decision to make.

Good luck!

--- Cheryl T. wrote:


> I finally got to see a neurosurgeon this morning. The only option he gave for

my disc bulge with tear at L-4/L-5 was a spinal fusion. He also told me that a

chiropractor could make it worse. I've been seeing a chiropractor for 3 months

and it doesn't seem to help and cost me $105 a week which I took from my meager



> My Pain Specialist wanted to burn my nerve or surgically put in some type of

stimulator device. The neurosurgeon didn't like that either.

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ctiller@... wrote:

> I finally got to see a neurosurgeon this morning. The only option he gave for

my disc bulge with tear at L-4/L-5 was a spinal fusion. He also told me that a

chiropractor could make it worse.


> My Pain Specialist wanted to burn my nerve or put surgically put in some type

of stimulator device. The neurosurgeon didn't like that either.


> The neurosurgeon also suggested that I try physical therapy if I don't get

surgery. Eleven years ago it made my back worse. He also told me not to use an

inversion table.


Any thoughts? I would not see a chiropractor, use an inversion table and would

use Physical therapy as the therapist will evaluation and measure everything.

I would not be messing with anything and would make sure your program will not

be so aggressive you damage your disc anymore.

Spine Universe.com has many articles on care of spine.

The neurosurgeon is going to want to do surgery as he is a surgeon.

The pain specialist is an anesthesiologist so he is going to want to do

procedures he is trained to do.

What helped you eleven years ago when your back was different may not do you

back any good as you might have a different condition.

I respect your neurosurgeon for saying he didn't want you to do those procedures

even though he wants to do spinal fusion as neurologist usually implant the

neurostimulator as the pain specialist only can do trial.

I would try physical therapy option as they will give their opinion which might

help, I still go and have a home program.

Good Luck and let us know how you do.


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my husband saw a chiropractor 3 years ago for back pain.   After 2 adjustments,

he couldn't even stand up.   Was on a walker for almost a year. 

The neurosurgeon said not to do surgery unless he was in excruciating pain or

incontinent.  He has spinal stenosis, bulging discs, etc., etc.  

He started ;physical therapy and went from a walker to a cane.  His muscles had

atrophied and he was falling and had no strength at all.


Today, with the help of God and hard work he walks - from side to side - but he

walks and has no pain.   Even plays golf once a week now.  

He is strong and able to do most things now - just has to watch it. He goes to

the gym 3 x a week to keep his muscles strong.   A friend of ours had a similar

problem, went for surgery, and is now worse.    

Give physical therapy a shot.     

good luck

>Cheryl wrote:


> The neurosurgeon also suggested that I try physical therapy if I don't get

surgery.  Eleven years ago it made my back worse.  He also told me not to use an

inversion table.

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  • 1 month later...
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Why would a Neurosurgeon say NO to Chiropractic Treatment? As I have been to a

Chiropractor twice to see if he can treat me.

However, I have issues that may/ may NOT be associated to Fibromyalgia. Is there

something I should know about Fibromyalgia and NOT being treated by a


Thanks in advance,


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some chiropractors can do more harm than good..   Be careful and have plenty of

x-rays before they touch you.

>Carmen wrote:

>Why would a Neurosurgeon say NO to Chiropractic Treatment? As I have been to a

Chiropractor twice to see if he can treat me.


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Just putting my 2 cents. Don't know if it is useful for you. I have been

dealing with an arthritic neck for 13 yrs. I now go to a chiropractor. He just

stretches my neck. He told me with my condition that adjustments would be more

harm than help. I think if you find a good chiropractor it might be helpful.

Hope this is a little help.

Gentle hugs,


> Carmen wrote:


> Why would a Neurosurgeon say NO to Chiropractic Treatment? As I have been to a

Chiropractor twice to see if he can treat me.

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