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Re: Need to vent!!/Carol

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Hi Carol,

I get what you are saying, as does everyone here. Also about your family and

friends. My ex husband also didn't believe me even though he was at almost

every doctor appointment. He told me he didn't believe me about my health

issues, but that if I did have any health issues, they were minor and not as bad

as I was letting on. Even though he saw me struggling daily with them. He was

also abusive and cheated on me several times, with children resulting in a

couple of them. He is military and the children were made on foreign soil which

is a big crime in the military. I never went to the police or MP's though.

Even when he tried to kill me. When that happened, I ran to a friend who said

they were either going to call the MP's or a pastor. I begged for them to call

the pastor. My ex husband didn't like that. He had to replace many doors and

fix many walls because of his anger. I ended up in the Emergency room at every

place we ever lived because he didn't believe me and took his anger out on me.

His trying to kill me by attempting to choke me to death caused Occipital

Neuropathy in me.

What is RF neg? I also don't say much of anything when it comes to my health

conditions and issues. For one, I am also a private person, secondly I don't

want to feel like I am whining, thirdly I currently live with my parents who are

raging alcoholics and don't care about anything but themselves (literally) and

don't care about my life unless it directly affects them. It's so bad that I am

eligable to receive help from COPE and have an appointment in a couple weeks to

speak with them. I have a boyfriend who desperately wants me out of my parents

house. He is Army, currently in Iraq scheduled to come home in a few weeks. We

dated for a bit before he shipped out. He wants me to move in with him when he

gets back but I think it is too soon, even though I desperately want to get out

of my parents house and their mean ways. Yes they have physically attacked me

and I am still recovering from an attack from my step-dad about a week ago while

he was still drunk and hungover one morning.

I have head to toe RSDS, Chondromalacia Patellae with Bilateral Patellafemoral

Syndrome and Occipital Neuropathy. My boyfriend doesn't mind any of it and

loves me for who I am and not for what I have. He would like to get married as

soon as possible, but I think it's too soon seeing as how we have only been

dating for about 6 months and haven't moved in together yet.

Anyway, I am sorry you are going through so much. I hope, wish, and pray the

best for you!


Becky in NM

Carol wrote:

I've lived with chronic pain for a long time. I dealt with my Ex and his

disrespect/disbelief. Now I deal with family/friends.

I am not the kind of person that tells everyone my medical problems, except very

briefly answering a direct question. It is a privacy issue for me, and also

because I worry that people will tire of hearing about problems that may never

go away, nor even get much better. Make sense?

The pain hit hard and fast. Overnight, actually. I am RF neg, BTW.

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