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Re: Neurosurgeon says no to Chiropractic Treatment

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ctiller@... wrote:

> I finally got to see a neurosurgeon this morning. The only option he gave for

my disc bulge with tear at L-4/L-5 was a spinal fusion. He also told me that a

chiropractor could make it worse.


> My Pain Specialist wanted to burn my nerve or put surgically put in some type

of stimulator device. The neurosurgeon didn't like that either.


> The neurosurgeon also suggested that I try physical therapy if I don't get

surgery. Eleven years ago it made my back worse. He also told me not to use an

inversion table.


Any thoughts? I would not see a chiropractor, use an inversion table and would

use Physical therapy as the therapist will evaluation and measure everything.

I would not be messing with anything and would make sure your program will not

be so aggressive you damage your disc anymore.

Spine Universe.com has many articles on care of spine.

The neurosurgeon is going to want to do surgery as he is a surgeon.

The pain specialist is an anesthesiologist so he is going to want to do

procedures he is trained to do.

What helped you eleven years ago when your back was different may not do you

back any good as you might have a different condition.

I respect your neurosurgeon for saying he didn't want you to do those procedures

even though he wants to do spinal fusion as neurologist usually implant the

neurostimulator as the pain specialist only can do trial.

I would try physical therapy option as they will give their opinion which might

help, I still go and have a home program.

Good Luck and let us know how you do.


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Thank you Bennie and Ann Marie. I tried physical therapy 10 years ago and it

made my pain much worse. Maybe I should see a Pain Specialist that specializes

in physical therapy. There is one near my home. Maybe she would take it


Thanks again,

Cheryl Tiller

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  • 1 month later...
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Physical Theraph was o.k. for the moment.  However, within the hour my muscles

tightened back up and the pain seemed worse.  The short lived relief was good

but NOT worth the pain again.  I am going to the Chiropractic on the 29th.  Will

fill you guys in.


Cheryl Tiller wrote:

Thank you Bennie and Ann Marie. I tried physical therapy 10 years ago and it

made my pain much worse. Maybe I should see a Pain Specialist that specializes

in physical therapy. There is one near my home.

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--- Carmem s wrote:


> Physical Theraph was o.k. for the moment.  However, within the hour my muscles

tightened back up and the pain seemed worse.  The short lived relief was good

but NOT worth the pain again. 

Carmen (and others):

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. There are good physical

therapists and bad physical therapists, just like in any profession. If your

therapy made you worse, then you needed to find a different therapist!

You have to be your own best advocate, interview them and find out what they

really know or don't know about your condition, and not let them do anything you

know isn't good for you. Physical therapy is VERY good for chronic pain, but

only if you have the right therapist and the right therapy.

I always recommend that you insist on someone with a Ph.D. in Physical Therapy.

There are different levels of training, and you don't want someone right out of

a technical school with just a couple of years of training. You also must

insist on not being handed off to a " tech " or intern, which some PT shops do.

Insist on ONLY being handled by the therapist him/herself.

Physical therapy and my therapist literally saved my life. But it took me

interviewing and " firing " three different therapists to find one who knew

exactly what to do for my particular condition. I went through a lot more

doctors than that to find a doctor who would treat me, so that isn't unusual for

the medical profession. We've got to do the work to put together the right team

to help us.

Cheryl in AZ


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Thank you for your information. I will keep that in mind when I go to the PT

next week. Hopefully, I'll have better luck than last time...or I'll try

another one like you had to do. It would definitely be worth it!!!



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Why would a Neurosurgeon say NO to Chiropractic Treatment? As I have been to a

Chiropractor twice to see if he can treat me.

However, I have issues that may/ may NOT be associated to Fibromyalgia. Is there

something I should know about Fibromyalgia and NOT being treated by a


Thanks in advance,


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some chiropractors can do more harm than good..   Be careful and have plenty of

x-rays before they touch you.

>Carmen wrote:

>Why would a Neurosurgeon say NO to Chiropractic Treatment? As I have been to a

Chiropractor twice to see if he can treat me.


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Just putting my 2 cents. Don't know if it is useful for you. I have been

dealing with an arthritic neck for 13 yrs. I now go to a chiropractor. He just

stretches my neck. He told me with my condition that adjustments would be more

harm than help. I think if you find a good chiropractor it might be helpful.

Hope this is a little help.

Gentle hugs,


> Carmen wrote:


> Why would a Neurosurgeon say NO to Chiropractic Treatment? As I have been to a

Chiropractor twice to see if he can treat me.

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Case in point, my ex Chiropractor fractured two vertabrae in my thoracic spine

in Nineteen ninety-six. That was the last time I went to see that guy.

, New York

--- > some chiropractors can do more harm than good..   Be careful and have

plenty of x-rays before they touch you.


> >Carmen wrote:


> >Why would a Neurosurgeon say NO to Chiropractic Treatment? As I have been to

a Chiropractor twice to see if he can treat me.

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The Chiropractor I went to before they found out all the things that were wrong

with me helped me by making me able to walk again.I had popped out my hips from

their sockets but he had also made me feel a lot of pain by touching all the

tender & trigger spots on my body with that message pad.

Blessed be,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I believe that is the best course of action and always remember you do not have

to hurt and can cay no to something causes more pain.

It just so happens for me, the manupulation, and " grinding " so to speak but the

chicopracter caused long term sitituation.

It depends on what they do but I do not want anything done to help degeneration

and I did not need that. Physical Therapy has changed

so having a doctor monitor the type he wants administered is good. Good Luck


> Cheryl Tiller wrote:


> Thank you Bennie and Ann Marie. I tried physical therapy 10 years ago and it

made my pain much worse. Maybe I should see a Pain Specialist that specializes

in physical therapy. There is one near my home.


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I have been seeing a physical therapist for 2 weeks, twice a week. He is taking

it very easy with me, but I'm noticing a small improvement. I stopped seeing

the chiropractor after 3 months. He never did do any big cracks with me because

of how long ago the injury was. Still, it wasn't helping and it was costing $35

a visit, 3 times a week.

The exercises I'm doing are starting with my inversion table (my idea) for 5

minutes and then working on my stationary bike (I'm up to 11 minutes now).

Then, I do 2 sets of 10 pelvic thrusts. My next step is to use a ball to make

me balance when doing the thrusts. However, I tried it once at his office at it

is too soon for me personally.

Thanks so much for all your helpful advice.

Cheryl Tiller

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