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Re: constipation, cont'd

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Joan Emm wrote:

> Yes Thank you all for contributing to this subject. In my case it is all

brand new, the severity of it. Because I also have Chron's I may be more

worried about digestive woes than usual. Right now it seems to be a paralysis.

Pharmacist suggests Fleet's until I can get to see Doctor/Nurse. Oh Boy. :-)


I use a regular enema bag with warm water to soften, because the fleets might

cause cramping. When I was in the medical field, I wondered why older people

talked so much about their bowels and now I know. My doctor gave me that

injection for the paralysis called Relistor.

My ex had Chrons and I would be careful about causing the cramping and as you

know this happens. Maybe you can ask your doctor if the Relistor would work for

you. It is a small TB needle and is

easy to use. I would call the Nurse and ask them which option is better, but I

take an enema bag with me when I travel as I get constipated. It gets those

little turds out of the way to get everything moving. Sorry to be so graphic

there but they are fecoliths and things need to get going.

Good Luck Bennie

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I am feeling awful but YOU lifted my spirits and I could laugh

Thank you

Cathie in Ct

joanemm@... writes:

Well that's what I thought about as I swilled miralax cocktails with a

stool softener chaser all weekend

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Howdy Y'all,

I never did the usual " Hi Group I'm new here " because I found you searching for

help in a crisis last week.

Suppose I will remember my manners and curtsy one day soon :-) and in the

meantime I do appreciate you.

So lots of time curled up in a ball this weekend waiting for someone to answer

at the clinic phone on Monday at last.

Will try to drop a hint about this shot to unblock - thanks for the tip. Sounds

like a good idea since part of the cause is probably the darned time-release

morphine for the dang back pain. sigh. ...and yet don't you sometimes shake your

head at the whole notion of finding ourselves (some of us) taking one drug to

undo the effects of another drug and on and on, oh and by the way I wonder how

the old kidneys and liver are doing down there.

Well that's what I thought about as I swilled miralax cocktails with a stool

softener chaser all weekend :-) Hoo Haa.

Take care out there,

Joan in Oregon

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