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Re: Percocet

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Dear ;

Some drugs even though they are in the same " Classification medically, " they are

not as effective. I see a lot of pain sufferer's using Tramadol and for me it

was like taking water.

A lot of physicians are afraid of their patients becoming addicted, so they try

to under treat instead of attempting to treat at a level where a patient " MAY "

have relief. I use the word May tenatively.

A lot of physicians do not attempt to treat the cause of the pain or illness and

instead simply put a bandaid treatment which doesn't work as well and often

exaserbates the condition or conditions.

Also the DEA is coming down hard on physicians who appear to be prescribing

excessive amounts of narcotics to patients without looking at the individual

patients needs.

There is new research evidence, that shows that chronic pain patients are much

less likely to become addicted to pain medications than acute patients are.

I know that your physician may be very busy, but call his office and see if he

has a head nurse or assistant you can discuss your problems with and adjust your

medications if they aren't working for you. Something needs to be done.

I hope you get feeling better soon.



> I've been on a 7.5/325 mg dose of Percocet for about 1-2 weeks now and I >

feel like to medicine doesn't work as well. I switched from dilauded 4 mg,>

because I got no relief.

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I was taking several different pain killers. Percocet didn't work for me at all

neither did Vioxx, Valium, Tramadol, Mscontin, or methadone.

I now take Kadian, 200mg x3 a day and hydromorphone (aka dilaudid) 8mg 3 times a

day as needed.

Our bodies are so different that what may work for 1 person may not work for

someone else.

The only thing that we have in common is that we all are dealing with pain and

the depression that goes with it.

Blessed be,


> wrote:

>I've been on a 7.5/325 mg dose of Percocet for about 1-2 weeks now and I feel

like to medicine doesn't work as well. I switched from dilauded 4 mg, because I

got no relief.

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Sunoco wrote:

> I've been on a 7.5/325 mg dose of Percocet for about 1-2 weeks now and I

> feel like to medicine doesn't work as well. I switched from dilauded 4 mg,

> because I got no relief.


Most pain doctors start out with a low dose and then titer up depending on your


Most also use other medications like Neurotin, anti-depressants and others. The

combination seems to help and is a multi-modal approach.

Your anxiety increases with pain and the Percocet is probably helping with the

pain but it is not an effective dose.

I would keep a pain diary and present to your Doctor so he can see you pain

levels and when they change.

There is a Guide called " Survior Guide for Intractable Pain Patients " by Dr.

Forest Tenent that is on Pain Topics.org and it explains pain medications and

enhancers to make them more effective.

Pain management does include medication therapy which pain medication, low key

exercise, topical medication, heat, physical therapy, and other non-invasive


Your Doctor office has a nursing staff that takes messages to assist you and

takes these messages daily. Please call them so you can get some relief. I

would not use the term " feel good " but feel better

as anything to keep from ever be known as drug seeking for a " feel good "


I have ran across some medical people like that and hope yours is not. Good

Luck in getting some relief.



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It's interesting that you mention depression. It struck such a cord in me that I

almost started crying.

I do feel so cut off from the world. My husband works all day every day, I can't

drive on the meds. I am not working. I just sit here all day doing nothing. I

can't tell you how horrible that feels. It also feeds on itself.

The less I do, the less I feel like doing. I am just tired all the time.

How do you cope?



>Katurah wrote:

> The only thing that we have in common is that we all are dealing with pain

> and the depression that goes with it.


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MsKaturah wrote: I now take Kadian, 200mg x3 a day and hydromorphone (aka

dilaudid) 8mg 3 times a day as needed.

wrote: I switched from dilauded 4 mg, because I got no relief.

Dilauded was a miracle drug to me, but once I told the pain doctor that it

worked well for me, they took me off it almost instantly. By the way, I no

longer go to that doctor. But that sent me off the deep end when they did


For years I had been in pain, then the dangled the Dilauded in front of me. It

worked, then yank! I was crying every day, and the department psychologist said

that I was emotionally dependent on it. No! I was not!

My new doc (since November has be on on Opana ER, and I just keep my mouth

shut. Wouldn't want it taken away. So, I say, " Oh, it's oh-kay! "

The Opana ER is actually the best med so far they've put me on. It's extended

release and lasts at least 12 hrs, so I only have to take it 2 times per day.

Because it's extended, it also doesn't have a kick that wanes. It is steady and

stable. The same relief the whole time. So, I am thankful.

Mum's the word.


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