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Sleep trick?

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Hello all,

This week, I may have learned a new sleep trick (to help me get to sleep)!

I got off kilter with my pain meds when I took one of my meds late the other

day, and that always throws my sleep off for a week, until I get back into the

swing of things and the meds even out again.

Then, I was talking to a friend who lectures on alternative medicine, and I

mentioned about how I messed up my meds and caused myself a sleep issue. I

expected to hear the usual suggestions like herbs, exercise, go to bed at same

time rule, etc.

However, I was pleasantly surprised as she explained to me something I had never

tried before.

She said the following:

1) Lie in bed.

2) Close your eyes.

3) Roll your eyes upward just a little, do not create any discomfort for

yourself in doing so.

4) Focus your eyes as if you are looking at something in the distance (you can

try this with eyes open, first, to see how it feels/works).

5) Relax your eyes, and the focus will draw back to normal (how it was before

you focused).

6) If necessary to repeat, open your eyes, close them, and repeat 1-5.

Interesting thing is. It worked for me!

I tried it once, and thought how silly it was. But, because she's my friend, I

decided to give the process the benefit of the doubt, and tried it again. On

the 3rd time, I knocked out. I was pleasantly surprised.

If anyone on the list has tried this or if anyone does try this, can you let me

know if it works for you? I'm curious if it works for anyone else.


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Hi Jade,

I haven't heard of that technique before. It sounds interesting. I'm glad to

hear that it worked for you.

My chiropractor recently suggested a book to me called " The Relaxation Response "

written by Herbert Benson, M.D. (Harvard Medical). He has also written two

other books which are related to healing and the connection between the mind,

body and belief. He saw such success with patients that he founded The

Mind/Body Medical Institute.

Here's the technique (Relaxation Response) which he suggests you do once or

twice a day:

1) Pick a focus word, phrase or prayer that has meaning to you

2) Sit in a quiet place

3) Close your eyes

4) Relax all your muscles

5) Breath slowly and as you exhale silently repeat your word, phrase or prayer

6) When other thoughts enter your mind (as they will), just say " oh well " and

return to your word, phrase or prayer

7) Do for 12-15 minutes

When he began working with patients with this technique, he suggested they use a

" word " only to find that some did, others used a phrase, but many more people

than he thought would used a short prayer.

I gave it a try while sitting on my lounge chair on the patio. The funny thing

was that I intended to read a novel, but before I picked the book up I thought

" I'll just try this and see if anything happens " . I used the phrase " the

illness in my body will heal " and silently said it ..... from what I can

remember maybe 6 or 7 times. It was the sound of the screen door opening that

woke me up!!!

I thought it was just a coincidence that I'd fallen asleep and I told myself I

just must have been tired but didn't realize it. The only thing was it all

happened so quickly. So that night when I went to bed I repeated the technique.

The next thing I knew ..... it was morning!!!

There is another technique which can be added to The Relaxation Response called


1) Picture a peaceful scene in which you were free from your medical condition.

2) See yourself doing the things you were doing then that made you feel healthy

and happy

3) This technique is used to engage the healing expectation, belief and memory

of wellness.

4) Do for 10 minutes.

Since I fell asleep with The Relaxation Response, I now do the Visualization

first and then continue into the other. I fall asleep every time!

Another book he wrote following the success of his first, is " Timeless Healing

(The Power and Biology of BELIEF) " .

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I am still having problems sleeping. I will try your tricks, but it seems to be

the same type of self hypnosis that I was taught a long time ago.

I was taught self hypnosis by my grandmother when I was very sick as a child. I

was 13 when I had my gallbladder out. The pain was really bad and she taught me

how to calm down the pain.

It did help and I still use that trick when my pain gets to a point of wanting

to cry. I also imagine decorating a room in my mind. What color

to paint the walls or what type of wall paper to use, what pictures to hang,

what type of furniture to get, what type of curtains, what kind of molding,

whether or not to put in a fire place and stuff like that That's one of the ways

I use to direct my pain out of my body when it is heading to extreme.

Blessed be,


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