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dressing your best to feel your best

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The one thing I do is get dressed up for myself.

I only wear black long dresses. Some of them are very beautiful gowns.I wear

them,put on make-up, & do my hair daily.Hubby says it makes me look like a real

old fashioned woman.I get strange looks at times, usually from women.

The one thing I hate to see is big women dressed in their jammies out in

public.It gives other big women a bad name.When others see big women in their

jammies they automatically think yep she is fat & lazy.Not that she might be

in pain,or disabled in any way.

I am a big woman,who is disabled but I don't dress like it.I love wearing my

long black dresses.I love wearing make-up & doing my hair up.

I may have several different disabilities that each cause severe pain, but I

don't dress like it nor do I spend the entire day in bed.I love doing my crafts

& taking care of a very old herbal garden that is now in plant containers

surrounded by cactus so the cat will leave my herbs alone. (now if I can get my

hubby to grow a green thumb all will be well)

No matter how you feel ,get up, get dressed, & make yourself feel good

about you.

Blessed be,


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