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The Eyes Have It!

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Since the disasterous botox injection in April, I have had a whole host of

problems. But, good news has arrived! The silver lining on the cloud is

starting to emerge. I can see again! The blurry vision is lifted! The botox

effects are waning and my vision is improving! Yee haw!

Initially, when I received the botox injection, I think that the muscle that the

doc shot the botox into may have been overworking itself, and cramping and

spasm-ing and carrying more of the burden than it should have. So, after the

botox took effect, the other weak muscles had to take over which caused me

severe pain.

Then, my vision went bonkers. The injection was to my right neck/shoulder area

around the C6 vertebrae. I think some of the shot went into my brain or

something like that, because about 10 days after the shot, when my

shoulder/arm/neck started to ache and hurt, my vision went completely blurry in

my right eye.

I contacted the doctor who gave me the shot, and eventually (weeks later) he

said the blurry vision was unrelated to go see some optometrist and see about

glasses. I did, actually.

I went to an Ophthamologist, who turned out to be botox doc's golf buddy of

sorts, and that ophthamologist said that I was just old, haha, and we all need

glasses when we get old, and how it's my lens hardening, la dee dah. And, he

refused to do the eye dilation test on me.

A week later I saw an Optometrist. She did the eye exam, but said, I didn't

need dilation because when she looked into my eye, the muscle was already

dilated, and to her that meant that the botox had gotten to my eye muscles, only

for that one eye. See, the 1st doc didn't say why he didn't need to dilate my

eyes, but this other doctor who was not the golf buddy just told the truth. She

said that once the botox wore off, that my vision should come back to normal,

but if it didn't then it's not uncommon as we age to need reading glasses. But,

that I should wait and see, first.

Well, starting this week, I have been having sharp, burning, stabbing pains in

the botox'd muscle. And oh joy, taking my wonderful (and mighty useless

Zanaflex). Then, I was talking to a friend, and she said that perhaps the botox

has worn off and the muscle is coming back to life and that could be causing my

new pain. Considering that it has been asleep for the past 4 months, I'm going

to assume it is also quite atrophied. So, that would make sense.

Well, over the 4 months time, the other - non botox'd - weak muscles have

revitalized themselves, and become quite strong. And, now that the botox'd

muscle is coming back to life, it is now the weak one, and expected by the body

to keep up with the others, and I believe my friend is correct that this is what

is causing the pains I've been having this past week.

So, I have been paying attention to these new sensations in that reviving-itself

muscle and, I noticed that within a few days of this awakening process, my

vision is getting better.

As of today, I can close my left eye, and actually see with my right eye. For

the past 4 months everything looked smeared, and blurred.

I would say that is my proof that it is and was the botox that caused my vision

problem, and I'm very perturbed that the botox doc was refusing to admit

anything or be helpful in even the slightest way, because then he would have to

admit that he didn't and by the looks of things still doesn't have a clue about

the use of botox.

I am thankful that I have my vision restored. It was giving me bad headaches to

see with one blurred eye, and it was allowing too much light to get into that

eye, and causing me headaches.

So now, all I have to fight with is this atrophied trapezius muscle, but I

believe in a relatively short period of time, maybe a month or two, that I will

be able to get that back into shape and working for me again!

Just wanted to share my vision praise news.


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Hello Jade,

It is great to hear you are recovering from your doctor's

" practicing " medicine on you and from the " Buddy System " .

Good luck with rehabilitating the trapezius muscle. It would be

a good idea to get some professional rehab for the muscle.

I wish the best for you.


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Jade wrote:

> As of today, I can close my left eye, and actually see with my right eye. For

> the past 4 months everything looked smeared, and blurred.

Hi Jade

Glad to read that your vision is returning!

Thanks to you posting about your difficulties, I flat out refused when

the new pain doc at our local clinic wanted to give me Botox injections

for my headaches. (The whole idea of having botulism shot into me on

purpose gives me the willies).

After you wrote about your experience, I went on line and read about

Botox causing blurred vision, headaches that won't stop, etc. And, that

was in people who were taking small doses for painful things like TMJ

and vain things like crows feet. When I read further, I just about had

a fit.

I think that's one toxin I'll keep out of my body.

Hope you continue to improve and that the stuff is out of your system



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((((((Jade)))))))))) Wonderful news! Big hugs, Tami

--- jade tadaima wrote:



> Since the disasterous botox injection in April, I have had a whole host of

> problems. But, good news has arrived! The silver lining on the cloud is

> starting to emerge. I can see again! The blurry vision is lifted! The botox

> effects are waning and my vision is improving! Yee haw!

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Lyndi wrote:

> After you wrote about your experience, I went on line and read about

> Botox causing blurred vision, headaches that won't stop, etc. And, that

> was in people who were taking small doses for painful things like TMJ

> and vain things like crows feet. When I read further, I just about had

> a fit.


Okay, I agree. I had it my back but got a headache. Do you think it was spinal

headache? The first shot was great for me they put it in my piriformis muscle

but I fell and caused it to go back in spasm. I became a softy and let them put

a needle in me and you know how adamant I am about that.

You also know how bad I must have felt to allow it but I am not going to do it.

I am more sore than I thought and I am just going to do medication therapy.

Thanks for standing firm and sharing. Bennie

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