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Opinions on spinal fusion

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I had a new set of scans done today and my doctor showed me that the next

procedural step for controlling my spine pain is a fusion from L.3 through S.1.

He leaves it up to me to decide when it should be done - his personal preference

is to wait until I simply can't tolerate the pain any longer, and I think I


He says the recovery period is about 9 months. I would like input from those of

you who have had similar fusions. How bad was it?

How long was the recovery period? Would you recommend having it done, and if so,

what would make you decide (or made you decide) to do it? Are there risks

associated with waiting, such as further spinal injury because the area is very

unstable right now?

Also, I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; if any of you also have it, I would REALLY

appreciate your input.

I am seeing the actual surgeon in about 10 days and I would like your thoughts

before then.


in New Mexico

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Hi ,

I had a 3 level/360 spinal fusion from L2 to L5 in Nov.of 07, spinal surgery or

any other surgery unless in an emergency situation is a very personal decision,

you need to have that conversation with yourself and say, " Can I live with this

pain and uncertainty through out my life? " , then do the pros and cons list, and

your decision will be made clearer for you.

I had to have my surgery since it was an accident and the Discectomy that they

tried first failed inmmediatly so I had no choice in the matter. Unfortunately

my surgery failed. The surgeon that did it used cadaver bone that was supposed

to be used (accordin to the manufacturer), only through the front and he

introduced them through the back, so they have started to chip and break away,

leaving me with a lot of pain 24/7 and another 4 spinal surgeries so far.

I have friends that had spinal fusions and they are doing great. They went back

to work after 6 months, and had no issues, so that comes to show you how

different the outcomes can be.

Just make sure to get a couple of opinions before jumping into surgery.

Interview your surgeon throughly, and ask him what his success rate with 3 level

fusions, how his patient's are doing after that type of procedure, and more

importantly, do a lot of reaserch on the procedure. There is a lof of

information online on success rates on 3 level fusion, etc. so do your homework

before going to the OR. I hope that this info. helped. Take care and good luck!



> I had a new set of scans done today and my doctor showed me that the next

procedural step for controlling my spine pain is a fusion from L.3 through S.1.

He leaves it up to me to decide when it should be done - his personal preference

is to wait until I simply can't tolerate the pain any longer, and I think I



> He says the recovery period is about 9 months. I would like input from those

of you who have had similar fusions. How bad was it?


> How long was the recovery period? Would you recommend having it done, and if

so, what would make you decide (or made you decide) to do it? Are there risks

associated with waiting, such as further spinal injury because the area is very

unstable right now?


> Also, I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; if any of you also have it, I would

REALLY appreciate your input.


> I am seeing the actual surgeon in about 10 days and I would like your thoughts

before then.

> Thanks!

> in New Mexico


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