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Re: Digest Number 303

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>From: egroups

>Reply-To: egroups

>To: egroups

>Subject: Digest Number 303

>Date: 13 May 2000 09:24:09 -0000



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>There are 15 messages in this issue.


>Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re: I am a newbie


> 2. questions


> 3. fms article


> 4. pain

> From: janicelpn@...

> 5. To all Moms

> From: janicelpn@...

> 6. New To List


> 7. Re: Fibro Hugs


> 8. Re: New To List


> 9. Re: New To List


> 10. Re: fms article


> 11. If you need a good laugh


> 12. Tina


> 13. Flare up - ouch!


> 14. Hello


> 15. Re: Hello

> From: CQueenygirl@...






>Message: 1

> Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 06:14:07 -0400


>Subject: Re: I am a newbie


>We are glad you could join us, Tina. It is hard to take when one gets the

>diagnosis. We are here for you if you want to talk. You have found the





>Tina Albrecht wrote:


> > Hi Everyone,

> > My name is Tina, I am female, married 19 yrs, 2 boys, 17 & 13 and

> > live just north of Des Moines in Iowa. I was just dx'd with FMS.

> > Last year I found out also after being mis-dx'd with psychological

> > problems that I have/had a Chiari 1 Malformation and syrinx. I had

> > decompression surgery 7/99 with a laminectomy of C-1 and some other

> > stuff. I felt wonderful after surgery until I went back to work @

> > 7weeks. Then all this stuff started, thought the Chiari was back but

> > after several visits, MRI's and x-rays I went to a Rheumotologist (my

> > NSG recommended it)and he dx'd me with FM two days ago.

> >

> > I am not sure what my thoughts are on all this becoz' I think it is

> > just starting to settle in. I am going to have this the rest of my

> > life! My family will have to put up with this the rest of they're

> > lives. Sheesh, I almost wish I could have another brain surgery and

> > it would be over with!!

> >

> > Anyway, that is my story. I belong to another group here for Chiari

> > so I am familiar with how the group works, maybe not this group

> > specifically but you know what I mean!! I do know that belonging to

> > a group literally saved me from losing it and that is why I am here!!

> >

> > Thanks for being here,

> > Tina Albrecht

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry

> > experiments.

> > http://click./1/4051/5/_/442796/_/958089384/

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> > VIP

> > Add or view links about fibro/CFS.

> > http://www.onelist.com/links/

> >

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> > Go to this list: Click on your name: Select your choice.

> >

> > LIST OWNER:oa2@...





>Early morning cheerfulness can be

>extremely obnoxious- Feather


>Mom to Bear, Wife to








>Message: 2

> Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 07:05:58 -0500


>Subject: questions




> Hi and you are welcome. Sorry it has taken me so long to relpy to your

>reply, but I have been suffering from a constant flare up for a couple

>of weeks now, and just haven't been able to even sit at the computer

>that long. But with our condition, I guess better late than never,



>I am totally disabled through the government. You see, I had no choice

>but to stop, because no one would hire me. i tried and tried for over a

>year, putting applications in any place there was an opening, and no one

>would hire me. So, in short, I can't work on the side, as being on total

>disablitiy won't allow me to, even if for an hour or two a week.


> Yes, the fact that you are not slowing down or adjusting your life to

>this disease, will and doe's make things harder, but it is also a chnge

>that is very hard to do, ecspecially if you have always depended on

>yourself and only yourself. Try to slow down a little at a time so that

>you are not overwelmed. Huggles................









>Message: 3

> Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 07:11:37 -0500


>Subject: fms article




> Hi there! i just want to thank you for the article

> " A Letter to the Healthy " It is so right and to the point. As a matter

>of fact, i wanted to let you know, that I sat down and once again wrote

>to the oprah show about Fibromyalgia, and this time, I included that

>letter. As you know, with the fibro fog that settles in daily, it is

>hard to remember everything you wanted to say, and I thought that letter

>said just about everything. thanks again.............Huggles








>Message: 4

> Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 09:13:12 -0400 (EDT)

> From: janicelpn@...

>Subject: pain


>PJ::::::I do hpe tht you are feeling better today. Wow what a few days

>you have had. Did ou get it firgured out what the pain was from yet?

>Any one of those things are not too pleasant. Please feel better



>Tammy:::::so sorry for the way you have to meet all of us , but glad you

>found us. This is a great bunch of people. There are alot of sites and

>info (in archieves). Hope your day is good today.


>Can't talk long this am, need shower and then off to chiro and then

>PT......going to dinner tonight with daughter and s-i-l for my mothers

>day dinner.....tomorrow wouldn't work, have a mothers daughter dinner at

>Mom's apt. bldg. and Sun is her day (she is a mom too),but hey I get

>three meals and don't have to cook until Mon. cuz hubby is taking me

>and Mom out on Sun.............so can't beat this arrangement, haha.

>Have a GREAT DAY everyone....Jan M. 9mom of Spanky)


>PS:::::::: dogs are definitely good stress relievers,,,,,,,cats might be

>too, I don't have any. but love my little bichon and did have a cocker

>too last year, I lost him to the big " C " . Jan







>Message: 5

> Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 15:16:23 -0400 (EDT)

> From: janicelpn@...

>Subject: To all Moms


>This was sent to me and I wanted to share with all you

>moms-----------------------------------------------------Happy Mother's


>Before I Was A Mom..........

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I made and ate hot meals.

>* I had unstained clothing.

>* I had quiet conversations on the phone.

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I slept as late as I wanted

>* And never worried about how late I got into bed.

>* I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.

>* Before I was Mom

>* I cleaned my house each day.

>* I never tripped over toys or forgot words to lullabies.

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.

>* I never thought about immunizations.

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I had never been

>* Puked on

>* Pooped on

>* Spit on

>* Chewed on

>* Peed on

>* Or pinched by tiny fingers

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I had complete control of My life,

>* My thoughts,

>* My body ,

>* And my mind.

>* I slept all night.

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I never held down a screaming child

>* So that doctors could do tests

>* Or give shots.

>* I never looked into teary eyes and cried.

>* I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.

>* I never sat up late hours at night watching

>* a baby sleep.

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I never held a sleeping baby just because

>* I didn't want to put it down.

>* I never felt my heart break into a million pieces

>* When I couldn't stop the hurt.

>* I never knew that something so small

>* Could affect my life so much.

>* I never knew that I could love someone so much.

>* I never knew I would love being a Mom.

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I didn't know the feeling of having my heart

>* outside my body.

>* I didn't know how special it could feel to

>* feed a hungry baby.

>* I didn't know that bond between a Mother and

>* her child.

>* I didn't know that something so small

>* Could make me feel so important.

>* Before I was a Mom

>* I had never gotten up in the middle of the night

>* Every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay

>* I had never known the warmth

>* The joy

>* The love

>* The heartache

>* The wonderfulment

>* Or the satisfaction of being a Mom.

>* I didn't know I was capable of feeling so

>* much

>* before I was a Mom.

>* I LOVE BEING A MOM!!!!!! :-)

>  JAN


>I went to chiro today and he is having a 3-ways consult with the

>insurance co. representive and an RN who will all determine if I should

>continue with my treatments and if they will be paid for by Work.

>Comp........I got hurt years ago and have been going to chiro for 14

>years now. They claim it is chronic (smart arent they?????) and say I

>don't need further treatments.......hey, it helps me get through my

>weeks due to back pain. I can't have surgery cuz of lung condition and

>any pain meds I get I get through my own insurance cuz I need them for

>fibro, so they are only paying for visit to chiro twice a

>month...........wish they could live like I do, It is so much fun to be

>in pain and not be able to do the things I once could, and the real fun

>thing is I am sooooo wealthy on SSD/SSI, just rolling in the bucks, like

>right!!!!!! I love being on disability and depending on the state for

>my needs. Heck who wants to be working and making $13-$20 an hour as an

>LPN? Not me I choose the good life of disability.........think I sound

>a little T'd off? You bet......... they play with peoples lives and

>don't give a ____! Well I will hear in a month or so ( and I am not

>expecting good news, I never have good luck, so why should it happen

>this time) Sorry folks, just needed to vent, big time. I try to

>generally keep an up attitude, but............


>Anyways;;;;;;; can't make me not wish you all a good weekend and a Great

>Mother's Day too.....................Jan (Mom of Spanky, and human kids,

>Cheri and Jill )







>Message: 6

> Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 12:35:54 -0700 (PDT)


>Subject: New To List


>Hi my name is , I am a 28 year old single mom to

>a 5 year old daughter, McKenna. I've been struggling

>with various illness's the last several months, with

>the last 3 or 4 weeks having been quite bad. I've

>struggled with varying degrees of symptoms and

>problems from muscle pain to numbness to sleep

>problems to migraine headaches. My doctor thought I

>had meningitis and I was admitted to the hospital and

>given a spinal tap (Horrible experience) and the tests

>were negative. I spent a week in the hospital with no

>real diagnosis and sent home. I've been off work for

>6 weeks and am enduring a lot of problems from co

>workers and friends saying things like " You just

>wanted a vacation " or " It's all in your head " , etc. I

>was sent to a rheumatologist in State College, PA and

>today I was diagnosed with a really bad (is there a

> " good " ) case of Fibromyalgia ~ he said severe. I'm

>relieved to know there IS something wrong, that I was

>NOT imagining it but now what? What am I to expect?

>They gave me a medication called flexiril (I think) a

>muscle relaxer? Any advice would be great ~ I dont

>even know what to think or where to start thinking it.







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Hi Diane, I wish you were right about that but after six years of working

with this problem I have it down pat. It is true about how I have to eat. I

know it is hard to understand but that is the way it is. I don't know why I

just woke up after having major surgery for second look ovarian cancer and I

was vomiting and having diarrhea. From that time my life has turned upside

down. Shirley

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Is it possible you are focusing too much on what and how much you eat?I know

when things are not going well for me I have to go to clear liquids or

sometimes NPO. Then after a day or 2 I move on to crackers,toast, or mashed

potatos. I know it took me a long time to find what I could and could not

eat,and the less I focus on how much and what,the easier it is to get

through the hard times. I may be totally off the wall...but then again...


Truly,truly I say to you,unless one is born again,he cannot see the kingdom

of God(3:3)


Say Bye to Slow Internet!


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