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It's rarely a true pleasure to welcome a new member to our throng, but

any introduction that brings a smile to my face like yours did

deserves an extra hearty " WELCOME " ! I too was listed last November,

but it'll be a while before I get the call... which is OK by me.

Ecstatic that everything has gone so well for you.


Bill Wise (37)

PSC '00, Listed Tx 11/04

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Dear Doug,

What a remarkable young man you are. Congratulations on your successful transplant. Keep up your positive spirit! You're a great role model for all of us. Welcome to the group.


PSC 2003

New member

Hi everyone. My name is Doug and I am 19. I was diagnosed in 4/00 with UC and in 10/00 I was diagnosed with PSC. In 2002 I had two episodes of bleeding varices. It remained under control with banding every 2 weeks until there were no more varices. My health dramatically declined in 11/04 and in 12/04 my bilirubin was up to 15.7. I was listed on the transplant list in 11/04. Then on Christmas Eve I got the call. By the time I was ready for transplant surgery, it was Christmas Day. What a wonderful gift it was! I was out of the hospital in 6 days and I have been doing great since. My bilirubin is now down to 1.7 and am only on 5mg of prednisone per day. Hopefully I can come off of it completely soon. Just wanted to say hi to everyone.Doug

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Hi Doug!

Welcome to the group. My son, Marco, is 16 (17 this month) and has PSC and UC. We live in Wilmington, Delaware so we are neighbors. What school do you go to? I have been very impressed by your posts. You seem to have a wonderful attitude! Marco is not involved in this group yet but I think you would be a great role model. I wish you the best. Keep in touch!

Beth~Marco's Momyllwsub1 wrote:

> > HI. I go to nursing school in Philly. I am currently in my second year and i cant wait to go back at the end of march. In the summer, i work on the boardwalk at the jersey shore. my parents have taken great care of me during my ordeal and i thank them for that all the time. i hope that this group will be another great support system for me.Doug

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Wow, what a great gift indeed. I was

especially intrigued by your story since my daughter, at the age of 14, was

diagnosed with UC & PSC. I am always interested in hearing how the younger

folks have dealt with this disorder. Your attitude sounds absolutely wonderful.

Congratulations on the transplant. Please keep us posted, and welcome to the



(Mom of Suzanne, 15; UC, 1/04; PSC 3/04)

New member

Hi everyone. My name is Doug and I am

19. I was diagnosed in 4/00

with UC and in 10/00 I was diagnosed with

PSC. In 2002 I had two

episodes of bleeding varices. It remained

under control with banding

every 2 weeks until there were no more

varices. My health

dramatically declined in 11/04 and in 12/04 my

bilirubin was up to

15.7. I was listed on the transplant list in

11/04. Then on

Christmas Eve I got the call. By the time I

was ready for transplant

surgery, it was Christmas Day. What a

wonderful gift it was! I was

out of the hospital in 6 days and I have been

doing great since. My

bilirubin is now down to 1.7 and am only on 5mg of

prednisone per

day. Hopefully I can come off of it

completely soon. Just wanted to

say hi to everyone.


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> >

> > HI. I go to nursing school in Philly. I am currently in my


> year and i cant wait to go back at the end of march. In the


> i work on the boardwalk at the jersey shore. my parents have taken

> great care of me during my ordeal and i thank them for that all the

> time. i hope that this group will be another great support system

> for me.

> Doug






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  • 4 years later...

From what I have read, that is typical.

Get her to do some of the things on Dudley's list.

I swear by the Best Bet Diet which has helped me no end.


To: mscured

From: atlanteanproductions@...

Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 13:49:55 -0500

Subject: new member

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 7:11 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

Hi My name is . My best friend since junior high suffers from MS.

She is 34 years old and just had a baby 3 months ago. During her pregnancy

she felt terrific. Since having the baby she has gone downhill and is

suffering terribly. I am a very worried friend.

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  • 3 months later...

Yvette, do not give up the ship. Remember you have MS, MS does not have you.

Stay strong and focused.


To: mscured <mscured >

Sent: Wed, January 6, 2010 4:53:37 PM

Subject: new member


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Jeanne Pforts <pfortsjeanne@ yahoo.com>

Date: Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 6:52 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner@ yahoogroups. com>

I drank diet pop moderately for the past 2 years. I started working early

morning hours and began drinking 2 - 3 cans of diet coke a day.

Approximately six weeks later I began having numbness and tingling on the

right side of my body. I stopped drinking diet pop. 2 weeks after the

symptoms appeared I finally went to a chiropractor with no results, general

doctor who ruled out stroke and cardio, and reffered me to neurologist. I

had a MRI of neck and then brain. The MRI showed lesion on the brain stem.

I then had a spinal tap, diagnosis- ms. My next appointment is later this

month to discuss treatment options.

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Thanks.. but it wasnt' my post-- I'm the moderator.. I was simply forwarding

a message that was sent to me accidentally.

I must have forgotten to remove my SIG line -- sorry guys...




> Yvette, do not give up the ship. Remember you have MS, MS does not have

> you. Stay strong and focused.



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I'm late getting to my emails,so I apologize if someone else has covered

this, but felt you should know in case someone else hasn't told you yet.

I had symptoms of MS appear 3 years ago simply by chewing gum - it had

Acesulfame - K in it, artifical sweetener.

I didn't connect it at the time. But the symptoms started with eye pain,

flashes of light, dizzyness, foggy brain. I went to an eye doctor (mainly

for the eye pain), then had MRI's which confirmed the white 'fingers' and

plaque on the brain so characteristic of MS. Even after that, I still

didn't connect the two (MS being triggered by the gum. Not that it caused it,

just aggravated it). I also had a lot of tingling/burning on my feet,

hands, arms & legs. Then, I had a job change. The new one was one where I

tended to chew the gum only on Monday morning (due to meetings, etc). What I

found was that my eye pain while it had subsided over the holidays (since I

wasn't chewing gum) was returning every Monday. After several weeks of

that I hypothesized that possibly it was the gum. So, over the next few

months I would abstain - hmmm, pain would stay away. But try 1-2 pieces, pain

would return. I believe in 'proving' my hypothesis by trial a minimum of

3 times, 5 times being better before I believe without question that it was

causing my problem.

I have once in a blue moon tried some gum with Acesulfame-K in it just to

convince myself that yes, it was the problem, and still is.

My point is - stay away from artificial sweeteners at all costs - they are

deadly. Mercola (mercola.com) has some great info on what those are, how

they were discovered, what they can do to you, etc.

I have since had the tingling (the burning subsided after several months)

in my hands/feet and foggy brain starting to noticeably reduce after having

my amalgams removed (symptoms really spiked there), and beginning a PROPER

chelation protocol (Andy Cutler). I've only chelated 4 times, but have

seen significant improvement in all areas just in the last 30 days. I also

have a friend that was diagnosed, and her tingling is all but gone now when

it was increasing just before beginning the chelation.

I hope to be 'mostly' symptom free in the next couple of years (yes, it can

take years to do it properly).

This may not be your issue, but it was (and is) mine, so just thought I

would pass this along to you. A lot of chiro's are good, some aren't.

Research carefully what they want to give so you understand and can make

informed choices - you don't have to 'blindly' take their advice. Be


careful of your chelation advice - there is so much bad advice out there.

Andy Cutler (AC) protocol may not be perfect, and it many times brings to

light other issues, but there are countless success stories out there from

people that have great success with it, when they follow it properly, and

are patient with it.

Also, one thing that helped me tremendously in my attacks ( I have

relapsing/remitting), and if I miss the supplement I will typically have an

episode within the next week or so is Myelin Sheath support by Planetary


I take 2 with each meal every day (6/day). I saw almost instantaneous

improvement when I started taking it. Even keeled, stopped the ups and downs

that I was experiencing every day.

Be patient, do your research. And if you have ever had amalgams,

chelation can/will help.

Hope this helps.




In a message dated 1/6/2010 7:53:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

atlanteanproductions@... writes:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Jeanne Pforts <_pfortsjeanne@pfortsjea_

(mailto:pfortsjeanne@...) >

Date: Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 6:52 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <_mscured-owner@mscured-ownemsc_

(mailto:mscured-owner ) >

I drank diet pop moderately for the past 2 years. I started working early

morning hours and began drinking 2 - 3 cans of diet coke a day.

Approximately six weeks later I began having numbness and tingling on the

right side of my body. I stopped drinking diet pop. 2 weeks after the

symptoms appeared I finally went to a chiropractor with no results, general

doctor who ruled out stroke and cardio, and reffered me to neurologist. I

had a MRI of neck and then brain. The MRI showed lesion on the brain stem.

I then had a spinal tap, diagnosis- ms. My next appointment is later this

month to discuss treatment options.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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> I had symptoms of MS appear 3 years ago simply by chewing gum - it had

> Acesulfame - K in it, artifical sweetener.


> I didn't connect it at the time.

Wow, Jim, that's a lot of great info in your post. Thanks so much for sharing


I know a woman who believes her cancer is connected to high intake of aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners are just not worth the risk!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi and welcome.

15 years is enough with getting nowhere with MS. I've had it for 14 and it

wasn't until I took it in my own hands a few years ago that things started to

improve. I follow the Best Bet Diet which you'll read a lot about here, and it

has helped me tremendously. That, along with regular exercise like swimming and

yoga plus positive thinking helps loads.


To: mscured

From: atlanteanproductions@...

Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 15:43:34 -0600

Subject: New member

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 3:41 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured-owner


Thanks for accepting me into this group. My name is and I am interested

in learning what types of alternative therapies and treatments are working

for people living with MS as I have a family member who is also afflicted

and getting no help from the medical establishment over the last 15 years

since the MS diagnosis.

best regards,

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Welcome Jnanda.

Looking forward to hearing about your recoveries. I've had it since 1995 and

can't say I've got to the recovery stage BUT one of my initial lesions has

disappeared which I put down to the Best Bet Diet (BBD - of which you'll hear a

bit about here), amalgam removal and maybe CST (cranio-sacral therapy).

I too believe it is curable. What symptoms do you still have?


To: mscured

From: atlanteanproductions@...

Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 15:03:12 -0600

Subject: new member

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 3:02 PM

Subject: RE: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

Hi. I have had MS since 1994 and had two significant recoveries after being

in an end stage status. I am doing well right now, but I still have a couple

lingering symptoms, and would like to be part of this group for support,

resources and sharing. I believe MS is curable, especially after what I have


Thank you.


-----Original Message-----


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Hi Janet. Mostly what I have now are seizures. I had the last of my amalgams out

in December, so I am still detoxifying from that.

Thanks for the welcome!





> Welcome Jnanda.


> Looking forward to hearing about your recoveries. I've had it since 1995 and

can't say I've got to the recovery stage BUT one of my initial lesions has

disappeared which I put down to the Best Bet Diet (BBD - of which you'll hear a

bit about here), amalgam removal and maybe CST (cranio-sacral therapy).




> I too believe it is curable. What symptoms do you still have?


> Janet




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  • 1 month later...
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Jill--I have listed a link to a description of neuropathy (nerve pain)and the

supplements suggested. It is a good site. Explains alot.

After the link, I've pasted a couple of paragraphs FROM the site, which speaks

to Benfotiamine and Methylcobalamin B12. (Benfotiamine is a fat soluble form of

Vit. B1, Thiamine.)

I think these two supplements might be a place for you to start.

I myself get Vit. B1 injections daily, as MSer's don't utilize oral B1 well (or

even from our food). But the Benfotiamine is supposed to be a close second.

I wish you well; we are here for you. Congrats on your pregnancy!!



" A Remedy for this Problem:

You might have heard of the new type of vitamin B1 being produced, called

Benfotiamine. It is a fat-soluble version of vitamin B1. What does this mean?

It means this new form of vitamin B1 can be taken orally in large dosages and it

will not flush out of the body the way ordinary Thiamine (vitamin B1) does.

The result is that by taking Benfotiamine the blood stream levels of vitamin B1

can now be greatly increased, nutritionally supporting the body to rapidly and

effectively decrease or eliminate the symptoms of Neuropathy.

Also available is Methylcobalamine (called Methyl B12). This is the form of

vitamin B12 that can be directly utilized by the body and is available in the

quantities nutritionally needed by the body to repair itself. Methyl B12 can be

taken orally and is immediately available to the body much like injectable

vitamin B12. "

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------


> Date: Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:27 AM

> Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

> To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >



> Hi,


> I was told almost 3 years ago that there is a 50% chance I may have MS. I've

been on Gabapentin for nerve pain ever since. Now, I found out last week I am

pregnant. I am 40 years old and scared to death. I had to stop my gabapentin

cold turkey and have been suffering. I am interested in hearing alternatives to

dealing with the pain and what has helped others. I am trying to alter my diet

to eat more foods that help as anti-inflammatories.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


> Jill







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  • 4 months later...
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Moderator's note:

If anyone knows a doctor who can help in Buffalo, please contact Donna


Hi,I'm new too. I'm on fent. patch, oxycontin, and baclofen. New pain management

Dr. is slowly titrating meds higher for better pain control.

Does everyone have a difficult time finding pain management Drs.? There is so

few here (Buffalo)it's impossible to find more than 2 choices.

Please fill me in,thanks.

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I have the same problem. There aren't any pain management doctors in my

insurance network that do anything other than injections and I don't have many

options for that either. I also don't have a Neuro-Oncologist for the same

reason. You are DEFINITELY not alone.

-Steve M in PA


>\> Does everyone have a difficult time finding pain management Drs.? There is

so few here (Buffalo)it's impossible to find more than 2 choices.

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