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Hi . I’m Joan – new here.

Have back –SI-Hip pain that is extreme and more or less controls

(limits) my life decisions. I work a lot on attitude.

Had an HMO called Kaiser Permanente that offered nothing for many years. Finally

got on Vicodin which helped for one year until I had to take more and then they

worry about the kidneys, etc.

Switched to time-release low-dose morphine that does not touch the pain yet –

will work with it and see. Right now patience and attitude are all I seem to

work on….know what I mean?

Take care out there.

Joan in Oregon

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Joan in Oregon wrote:


> Switched to time-release low-dose morphine that does not touch the pain yet ˆ

will work with it and see. Right now patience and attitude are all I seem to

work.know what I mean?


They need to titer you medication up and they start out with low dose and you

need to realize that you need to divide the dose and see that even with

seemingly high milligrams with the 24 hours it covers, I only get 1 mg an hour.

I also use self talk to tell myself to " get off your butt, let's go " and

attitude does help.

They have discussed taking some of my hardware out and I told them after my

wreck it seems I was being poked by a screw and I have been researching many

journals on the effects and I found one with 67 patients having their hardware

removed due to impingement issues and lose screws and it help each one.

I know several members have had this done and if they could post and let us know

how they are. I am just worried as there was an argument as if I was fused or

was not as you really cannot tell unless you go in there as CT, MRI, Regular

x-rays really can't show for sure. The x-ray can show whiteness that looks like

calcium down but it does not show the connection of bone. So I will see what the

spine specialist says. Bennie

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