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Doctors Who Do Not Respond

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I'm not so happy about what I have had to deal with lately.

April 8th, I went to Physical Medicine for intense hip pain caused while

standing and lying down, only. It did not hurt while walking or sitting, only

hurt standing and lying down. The doctor I saw had no answer, but I made the

mistake of mentioning I also had shoulder issues on the same side. Since he

could not correct or figure out the hip issue, he decided to try to help the

shoulder. He assumed the shoulder was hurting because of the hip.

After an hour-long discussion with the doctor, he convinced me that it was oh so

safe, and that it was the right thing to do for me to get a botox injection to

my trapezius. I mentioned that I have Arnold Chiari Malformation, and he

insisted that the shot he was going to give would not affect my Chiari, at all.

I got the suggested botox injection to my trapezius, and I have had nothing but

issues since, and it has started up Chiari symptoms which is not good. The only

known remedy for Chiari symptoms is brain surgery.

So, doctor insists he is right and I must have this shot. I did, and now if I

am not ultra careful I could have major problems that lead to brain surgery?

I emailed the physical medicine doctor, and he did not email me back right away.

Out of desperation, I emailed my pain management doctor who was originally

treating me for my shoulder pain, and he added on some medication to assist me

with the new pain and called it a " flare. "

Pain management doctor assumed it would last a couple of weeks, so the gave me

meds for a couple of weeks.

Finally, the physical medicine doctor emailed me and said my symptoms were not

caused by his botox shot and that I should contact my neurosurgeon. As if I have

my neurosurgeon on speed dial or something.

Now, here we are 6 weeks later. I am still in pain, and each day it seems

something new and annoying is coming up from this botox'd trapezius muscle.

I am wearing a clavicle support and an arm sling to try to help my neck and back

support the arm and shoulder, since the trapezius no longer can. The clavicle

support is annoying and the sling is hurting the other side of my neck where all

the weight is being referred to.

I am not happy.

I emailed the physical medicine doctor again, and this time he did not respond

at all. It has been days.

This time out of desperation, I emailed my Neurosurgeon, and he replied within

hours. Said that he needs to examine me, and to make a 45 min appointment with


I agree, but his office is a 2-hour drive one way. So, the round trip is 4

hours and doesn't include the 45 min appointment time, and any other tests I

might need. So, I have to take the day off from work.

I feel this is so unfair. The physical medicine doctor causes the problem and

then ditches me. And, everyone else, e.g. pain management and neurosurgery, has

to hurry and come to my aid.

I think I should report this physical medicine doctor. I have spoken with two

coworkers who have had direct contact with this doctor who botox'd me and both

of them had botched procedures with him as well. I think it's odd that we all

came in contact with him in the first place, let alone he would treat us all

with such malpractice. Mal meaning bad, compiled with practice.

Anyhow, I am at my wits end. I realize the botox will be done doing whatever

it's doing in the next few months. So, I suppose I could just wait. And if I

didn't have the Chiari, I wouldn't be so nervous about it all. But the

Neurosurgeon has warned me that to whatever extent the damage gets, any surgery

that I did have would not reverse that damage, it would only save further


So, please say a prayer and think positive thoughts for me that there will be no

damage from this botox disaster, and that somehow, someway I can just control

the pain and avoid any issues while holding my breath until this botox leaves my

body back to the way it was.

On a better note, I was able to make an appointment with the Neurosurgeon who in

the meantime suggests I load up with pain meds and anti-inflammatories. I don't

get to see Neurosurgeon until May 19th, and even then like I said, it's a 2 hour

drive which is really going to stress me out and cause even more pain trying to

sit in the car that long and drive. I can't sit still that long or everything

starts hurting.

Thank you for listening.


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