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Re: No Significant Abnormalities

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Who read the x-ray? Was it a radiologist's interpretation or did an orthopedic

doctor/surgeon read it? You should get a copy of the x-ray for your own

records. Usually one copy to the patient is free. I have copies of mri's and

even a dvd of my echo cardiogram.


Jade wrote:

I have a question.

I had an x-ray taken of my right pinky finger. The nurse calls me to give the

results and says, " No signficant abnormalities. "

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Jennette wrote: Who read the x-ray? Was it a radiologist's interpretation or

did an orthopedic

doctor/surgeon read it?

Thank you, Jennette for getting back to me. The x-rays are digital. I saw them

on the computer. I saw the joint and one of the edges of the bone where it is

at the joint looked clouded a bit. (Sorry, that's the best I can describe it.)

I saw all the other joints and they were crystal clear x-ray, and they looked

consistent. So if all the other joints the other fingers looked consistent then

this one was inconsistent. I didn;t see any cracks in the bone. Maybe it was a

chip? Maybe the chip was meshing back with the other bone, hence no crack.

Too many maybes!

I believe that reading came from the radiologist. My doctor was probably on

vacation so the nurse called. Because usually my primary does her own calls. I

didn't bother asking the nurse because I figure she was just reading from the

file, and not actually looking at any x-ray or anything, and even then, I am not

sure she would be trained to answer the question.

I will be contacting my doctor, because from the images I looked online, the

joint does not appear to have arthritis as she diagnosed me and entered to my

file the day I was in her office.

I don't like things like that in my file. Makes it harder to get listened to in

the future. Future doctors - after seeing the note of arthritis - are more

included say, " Oh must be your arthritis flaring up, " and just write me off.

Sigh I'm doing the routine for a broken finger. I have it splinted. I'm icing

it and then doing massages to get circulation going. Also I put those pain

patches on it. That helps numb it and keep most of the pain away.

I'm not worried about stiffness developing, because I have broken my fingers

quite a bit in the past few years, and I can keep a splint on for 3-4 weeks with

no weird stiffness or other complications.



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It'll be nice to know what a qualified bone doctor has to say. Radiologists

aren't doctors, they make their reports, doctors need to verify but most of the

time a primary care physician isn't trained in reading x-rays so they go on the

radiologist's report. Not always a wise thing. Three different radiologists

can look at an x-ray or mri or ct scan for that matter and you'll get three

different findings in the report.

I broke my pinky finger once. I went to a hand specialist, one that works on

badly mangled hands, does plastic surgery and stuff. He was good. Taped my

pinky to the finger next to it for stability. I have arthritis in that joint.

It was a rotation fracture near the end joint and there's a calcium bump that's

starting to interfere with it's movement.

When typing it's a busy finger LOL.

I wanted to see a Rheumatologist and they wouldn't make an appointment, needed a

referral from a doctor. Well I know I have arthritis, and I know I'm not being

treated for it. I just need to know if I still just have osteoarthritis or if

something else is causing the increase in pain and swelling of so many joints.

They said my doctor has to order some blood tests first. We all know that a

person can have RA and still test negative on those tests. I feel like I'm

being forced to spend more money just to get to the doctor I need to see. Guess

that's the trend these days.

Hope your finger isn't broken, but in some ways that's an easier fix than a torn

tendon. I have one on my middle finger, misdiagnosed years ago so I can't

straighten that finger all the way now. Doctor wouldn't send me to a hand

doctor. Goes to show ya, we are puppets manipulated by the medical system



Jade wrote:

Thank you, Jennette for getting back to me. The x-rays are digital. I saw them

on the computer. I saw the joint and one of the edges of the bone where it is

at the joint looked clouded a bit. (Sorry, that's the best I can describe it.)

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