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Happy birthday!! Welcome to a group filled with more information

than you ever thought you wanted to know. LOL. Dr. Levin is

wonderful. I had the triple cauterization, and I am using him this

Spring. If anyone can fix me up, he can. Do you know if you had the

single cauterization or multiple?? Either way, he can probably do

it. Good luck on your journey. I hope to hear more from you. Keep

us all posted.

God Bless

Carol Maday

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Welcome Ann! Of course, it is very possible to live out that dream. I had my

Tubes tied in 1994, untied in 2002 and we are expecting our miracle baby in 55

days! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, we will try our best to



New Here

Hi there, Ive just joined the group./


I had my tubes cauterized on Oct 98 at the age of 28. I was freshly

separated and thought that I would never find another man I would be

able to trust to have children with again.....OOPs! was I wrong! I

got married in Oct 2001 to a wonderful guy and we are talking of

having a child between us...I have a 9 yr old boy and a 6 yr old

girl from my first marriage, he has a 14 yr old girl and a 10 yr old

boy.....so Im doing some investigating to find out if I can get them

reversed...Im turning 33 tomorrow...../




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Welcome Anne! I think there are alot of us here that never thought

they would marry again and want more children. Stick around and you

see that we are a caring and supportive bunch of ladies.

HUGS, Tracie

> Hi there, Ive just joined the group./

> /

> I had my tubes cauterized on Oct 98 at the age of 28. I was


> separated and thought that I would never find another man I would


> able to trust to have children with again.....OOPs! was I wrong! I

> got married in Oct 2001 to a wonderful guy and we are talking of

> having a child between us...I have a 9 yr old boy and a 6 yr old

> girl from my first marriage, he has a 14 yr old girl and a 10 yr


> boy.....so Im doing some investigating to find out if I can get


> reversed...Im turning 33 tomorrow...../

> /

> /signed,

> hey-mother-want-another!

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Hi Anne,

Welcome to a great group. You've come to the right place for answers

and support. We are like sisters here..we laugh, cry, complain,

support and encourage.

And happy birthday early...



> Hi there, Ive just joined the group./

> /

> I had my tubes cauterized on Oct 98 at the age of 28. I was


> separated and thought that I would never find another man I would


> able to trust to have children with again.....OOPs! was I wrong! I

> got married in Oct 2001 to a wonderful guy and we are talking of

> having a child between us...I have a 9 yr old boy and a 6 yr old

> girl from my first marriage, he has a 14 yr old girl and a 10 yr


> boy.....so Im doing some investigating to find out if I can get


> reversed...Im turning 33 tomorrow...../

> /

> /signed,

> hey-mother-want-another!

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  • 7 years later...


My husband and I both suffer with chronic pain. I was diagnosed with RSD in

2001 and he has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, along with being an amputee.

We have been through many hurdles together over the past 9 years, and I guess

the biggest one is like Jade has asked, about making friends, outside of online


That is one of the biggest problems that we have endured (of course, other than

the pain) is how quickly all of your so-called friends are nowhere around after

they find out you are limited in any way. You almost feel like you have the

plague, and I get so frustrated with people who tell you how sorry they are for

you and ask if there is anything they can do and then you never hear from them


It is no wonder that the suicide rate for persons diagnosed with chronic pain

disorders is so high! I have even had my own husband tell me if this is how he

is going to have to live his life, he doesn't want any part of it. However, he

knows and I know that neither one of us is capable of that, so we both suffer


We have tried going to movies, but he can't sit any length of time. My RSD is

in my upper extremities and left shoulder blade and neck, so my motion is quite

limited. We have our granddaughter over and it takes us three days to begin to

feel better afterwards, but there is no way you are going to tell an 18 month

old that you can't do something. So life goes on!!!

Hope, those in countries who have the Labor Day weekend, have a wonderful Labor

Day and can be somewhat pain-free.

Gentle hugs,


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My heart goes out to you.   My husband has back problems, but nothing like what

you are going through. You didnt mention your age, but if you are a senior there

are many senior centers that offer some sort of activity.   We play cards and my

huband cant sit for too long, so gets up and walks around.    People

understand.   Can you invite a neighbor over to visit - its sometimes just nice

to have someone other than each other to talk to.  Hang in there and reach out

for people - some people just dont know what to say to make you feel better. 

Dont isolate yourselves because this will make you more depressed.   I hope

things get better for you.    Theres a lot of nice people in this group to talk


>Sue wrote:

My husband and I both suffer with chronic pain.  I was diagnosed with RSD in

2001 and he has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, along with being an amputee. 

We have been through many hurdles together over the past 9 years, and I guess

the biggest one is like Jade has asked, about making friends, outside of online


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Wecome.  Im sorry you are in need of such a group but you will find support and

good info here.


You can still have MS even with a clean MRI.  This is my case.  My EPT test

and LP came back abnormal and they diagnosed me. 


I have the pain too...or at least I did have it severly before I went on MS

meds.  I am coming off the MS meds and doing things naturally.  It sounds as

if your diet is a good one.  I stopped eatling grains and gluten and eat mainly

raw fruit and veggies. I see an imporvement in my MS symptoms.  If I cheat and

eat breads just a little, I pay for it. 


A lot of people here will tell you to try LDN  but thats hard to come by in the

US.  My dr wont even hear of it. 


Subject: New Here

To: mscured

Date: Saturday, September 11, 2010, 1:56 PM


Hi there,

I am fairly new to the group. I joined a few weeks ago, but have been trying to

figure out actually if I have MS or not yet. I have some doctors that say yes I

most likely have this, however the neurologist says absolutely NOT since my

brain MRI has come back normal in March. He just did some more lab work, EEG and

another MRI on my back and my primary doctor is still not convienced with this

specialists findings and is sending me for another MRI for a lower lumbar to

check the nerves now he says since only the bones in my back where checked so


I am falling all the time and my legs are in major pain. It is so hard to

explain the feelings that I have as they are so sever I am in so much pain on

the backs of my legs. Hard to even have clothing touch my skin let alone

anything else.

I am on a gluten free, casein free, soy free diet. Have been on all types of

supplements. I do have thyroid issues which are being addressed and have been

improving greatly. I have been put in all types of thearpy but have had to stop

it all due to it making me worse and me falling even more.

I don't know what to do any more. I am getting depressed due to the pain as I

just can't function very well. I also have three young children still at home to

care for.

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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