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Re: organic valley heavy whipping cream

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Okay. . .well I got my answer from Organic Valley

pretty quickly! It's 38% -- Horizon is 36%. The meal

planner only has 36% or 40%. Should I just keep my

values as-is, knowing that her meals will be a little

higher in fat? Maybe this would be a good time to do

another ratio drop!!!

FYI, this is interesting -- they said that the

ultra-pasteurized, which is what I have, is a minimum

of 38% fat. They have another brand which is HST

pasteurized (?) which is a mininum of 40%. I also

think I posted the other day that Horizon had no

additives, but when I looked on the packaging, I

realized they do. Organic Valley only has the cream

and carragenam (sp?).

--- DeEtte Person wrote:

Does anyone have values or know

> what

> the fat content is of this particular brand? >

> __________________________________________________


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The carrageenan is a thickener.... I don't know about the carb content of that

in and of itself. This sort of thing was happening to me all the time when we

were using cream. I usually used Albertson's cream because it was just CREAM....

nothing added... although not organic. Then if they were out, I'd have to drive

another 20 minutes to the nearest Wild Oats and use Organic Valley (but I

honestly never noticed they had any additives in it, if they did at that time).

Then there was the freshness problem.... we don't live close to the market so it

was always a scramble to get fresh cream. I made many a special trip into town

just for that.... only to get there and find they were out! Once we switched to

using coconut milk with oils mixed in, things got noticeably simpler for me! I

just have a few cans in the pantry at all times. Once in a great while, I'll buy

cream and plan a few meals around that. Hmmm.... maybe a good time for another

ratio drop.... or maybe a good time to do a few no-cream meals with coconut milk

and oil " pudding " on the side!


Re: organic valley heavy whipping cream

Okay. . .well I got my answer from Organic Valley

pretty quickly! It's 38% -- Horizon is 36%. The meal

planner only has 36% or 40%. Should I just keep my

values as-is, knowing that her meals will be a little

higher in fat? Maybe this would be a good time to do

another ratio drop!!!

FYI, this is interesting -- they said that the

ultra-pasteurized, which is what I have, is a minimum

of 38% fat. They have another brand which is HST

pasteurized (?) which is a mininum of 40%. I also

think I posted the other day that Horizon had no

additives, but when I looked on the packaging, I

realized they do. Organic Valley only has the cream

and carragenam (sp?).

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Thanks DeEtte!

Organic Valley heavy whipping cream is the one we got from our Coop, and I

was planning to call them to find out the percent of fat (we start the diet

Monday), but you just saved me a call!

Thanks again,

, mom to Molly

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Geese. . .you coconut people are going to get me one

way or the other, aren't you. . .:-)

I don't have the oil yet -- ordered it yesterday.

Would you mind posting me just a few meal plans like

you mentioned. . .so I can work some up. For some

reason, it's hard for me to wrap my brain around

coconut oil -- I think it's because I don't really

" cook " stuff for . I mean, I make eggs and I

bake her chicken and fish for the week -- but I don't

fry or saute anything. Can I just mix the coconut oil

in with mayo or whipped cream (for now)? Would I

substitute it for butter in her peanut butter cookies

and mixed with her scrambled egg (I don't scramble the

egg with butter, I mix the butter in after I've

scrambled the egg)? Also, would you anticipate that

if she tolerates the oil well, she'd also tolerate the

milk well (and vice versa).

Maybe, for today. . .I should just run to the

Albertson's up the street and get their brand of

cream. I didn't realize it had no additives,


--- Patti wrote:

> De,

I usually used Albertson's

> cream because it was just CREAM.... nothing added...

> although not organic.


> maybe a good time for another ratio drop.... or

> maybe a good time to do a few no-cream meals with

> coconut milk and oil " pudding " on the side!


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De.... I think I'm not communicating very well.... :) I'm smiling.... really

I am!!! I LOVE YOU, you know that.... right?? :):)

Coconut OIL and coconut MILK are two different animals. Don't worry that you

don't have the OIL right now..... for now, you can plan some meals using the

canned coconut MILK as a carrier for other oils.....like flax, walnut,

sunflower, safflower, canola.... whatever you want to use (olive oil doesn't

taste so good with coconut milk, tho). Sweeten with a little stevia to make a

" shake " or pudding.... you can even partially freeze it. This way, you would be

slowly introducing coconut oil.... because there is some in the coconut milk,

but not a lot. Mostly, it is just a great low carb carrier for the oils.... as a

substitute for cream. It's not high enough in fat to swap for cream straight out

which is why you have to add the oils.

Coconut OIL can't really be added to the coconut milk unless you heat the whole

thing up so the oil melts..... when I use the oil, I don't really cook with it

as much as just adding it (like you would a pat of butter) to the already hot

(or warm) food and letting it melt in. I don't fry or sauté anything either...

almost never. It would be hard to add it to mayo or whipped cream for the same

reason... it's like the consistency of butter at room temp. YES... you could use

it for her cookies. It's great for baking because it withstands the heat very

well... doesn't break down or oxidize.... and has no strong taste of it's own.

YES, you could add it to the already scrambled egg, just like you do butter. As

far as her tolerating it, I would suspect that, taste-wise, she'd tolerate the

milk just fine, as long as she likes the taste of coconut..... the oil doesn't

have a taste. In terms of tolerating it metabolically, I think I'd start with

the milk since you'd be adding much less coconut oil (just the small amount the

milk contains) at first that way. Then, ease in with a little of the oil.

Here's a couple of Katera's meal plans..... (remember this is a 2:1 ratio)

CHICKEN VEGGIE: 16 grams chicken breast, 70 grams group " B " veggie, 19 grams

raw tomato, 10 grams butter. Then, for " dessert " : 34 grams coconut milk (Taste

of Thai) with 13 grams oil mixed in (I usually use part walnut and part

sunflower), sweetened with stevia. *I almost always just have the chicken and

veggies already cooked up and stored in the fridge, so all I do is weigh them

out and warm them up in the microwave.

Here's another:

" QUICHE " : 37 grams egg, 17 grams cream cheese, 55 grams tomato, 55 grams

zucchini, 7 grams butter. (I mix and nuke the first 4 things...plus a little

dried basil and a tidge of salt... and add the butter after). Then again, for

" dessert " : 37 grams coconut milk with 6 grams flax oil, sweetened with stevia.

These are really easy meals. Hope that helps make more sense. Later, when you

get the oil, you can plan some meals where you could melt it into veggies or

eggs or something and slowly introduce more of it into her diet. Naturally, you

won't ever go to using ALL coconut oil versus the other oils since it's a

saturated fat and doesn't have those good Omegas. Not using cream really gives

you a lot of latitude to add various oils, though.... not to mention no worries

about hubby whipping up a snack for himself out of your supplies!


PS..... I wonder if Albertson's cream is the same everywhere?? I haven't even

bought cream in about three months so for all I know they could have started

adding it to theirs by now. Well, you could always buy a COW! LOL <ducking> (I

LOVE you DeEtte!! :) )

Re: organic valley heavy whipping cream

Geese. . .you coconut people are going to get me one

way or the other, aren't you. . .:-)

I don't have the oil yet -- ordered it yesterday.

Would you mind posting me just a few meal plans like

you mentioned. . .so I can work some up. For some

reason, it's hard for me to wrap my brain around

coconut oil -- I think it's because I don't really

" cook " stuff for . I mean, I make eggs and I

bake her chicken and fish for the week -- but I don't

fry or sauté anything. Can I just mix the coconut oil

in with mayo or whipped cream (for now)? Would I

substitute it for butter in her peanut butter cookies

and mixed with her scrambled egg (I don't scramble the

egg with butter, I mix the butter in after I've

scrambled the egg)? Also, would you anticipate that

if she tolerates the oil well, she'd also tolerate the

milk well (and vice versa).

Maybe, for today. . .I should just run to the

Albertson's up the street and get their brand of

cream. I didn't realize it had no additives,


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Oh, I know you're joking. . .I'm joking, too!

Everybody keeps suggesting the coconut stuff and I'm

listening. . .really I am. . . I'm just doing so many

things that I'm a real slow-poke. . .although I still

do too many things at once sometimes! :-)

Thanks for the great ideas!!! How does the coconut

milk become a pudding -- is it just naturally that

much thicker or do you freeze it slightly or shake it

or something? Forgive me. . . my

7-weeks-from-giving-birth brain is getting denser by

the minute! (I think I'm going nuts. . .I'm even

thinking of buying one of those t-shirts, just

for the heck of it!!! Some friends are throwing me a

pajama party baby shower. . .wish you could come. .

..boy am I digressing. . . see what I mean?!?!)

BTW, I pulled the cream container out of the recylable

bin and saw that Horizon uses the carrageen, too -- so

I think the Organic Valley will be okay for now, just

probably a little higher in fat. My husband was

actually whipping cream for -- miracles never

cease! He's pretty good about making her meals -- but

he does some things kinda weird. . .like cutting

everything into real tiny bites. . . like carrot bits,

instead of carrot sticks. I guess it's like laundry.

.. .I shouldn't complain about it being done

differently than I would, as long as he's doing it!

I could look into buying a cow. . . neighbors might

complain. . .girls would love it, though!



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It's pretty thick..... I guess it could be better described as " thick soup " ,

unless you freeze it. You could dilute it with water, sweeten and make drinks,

too, I suppose. I just can't ever be sure I can get Katera to drink ALL of any

drink so I have to spoon it into her. I wish it would WHIP... but it won't.

Oh... be sure to shake the can really well before opening, or you'll have lumps

of coconut fat.

Wish I could come to your shower, too! :)

I'll send you a COW...... LOL


Re: organic valley heavy whipping cream

How does the coconut milk become a pudding -- is it just naturally that

much thicker or do you freeze it slightly or shake it or something?

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I was using Organic Valley Heavy Whipping Cream before I eliminated milk

products from my son's diet. When we were initiating the diet in the

hospital, the dietician asked me to bring in a container so that she could

figure out or make a call to find out if it was 36 or 40%. She told me

that it was 36%, I never double-checked and went with 36% in my

calculations and it worked fine for me.


organic valley heavy whipping cream

Wild Oats is really beginning to bug me. . . first

this " world-wide shortage " of Spectrum coconut oil and

now they've been out of my Horizon Organic Heavy

Whipping Cream for over a week. I'm always pretty

well stocked, but last night my husband whipped up a

bunch of cream and used up the last of my stash. Went

to the store and all they had was Organic Valley Heavy

Whipping Cream. Does anyone have values or know what

the fat content is of this particular brand? I'm

going to try calling them directly, too -- we'll see

who I get a reply from quickest!!!--D


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