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Hi Wilma,

I've been on Leflunomide (which is known in the US as Arava) for a year. When I

took it alone, it did nothing for me, but it has seemed to work well in

combination with Humira, a biologic that is available here. When I first went

on leflunomide, I developed serious muscle spasms in my legs. This lasted about

a week and then passed completely. I've really had no other side effects. I

had to come off MTX due to elevated liver panels. Although leflunomide can

cause liver problems, too, I've continued to have my blood tested monthly and

have had no issues regarding my liver whatsoever. If you want to research

Leflunomide on the internet, try searching under " Arava " instead since that is

the way it is marketed in the States.

Hope it works for you,

Kathy F.

Can anyone please tell me if they have heard of this drug or have

been on it. This will be the 6th drug i have been on and been

allergic to every one. They started me off with Sulphasalazine then

Hydroxichloroquine, Penicillamine, Gold, Methotrexate which started

me fitting and now the Leflunomide. I start it next week but am a bit

worried as never heard of it. Anything would be of help thanks.


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  • 1 year later...

I have been taking leflunomide for five or six months now and I think its

good. Its a pill everyday but the side effects are really minimal. I lost a bit

of weight because of it, but it was well worth it to start taking it.

Methotrexate made me really sick and Leflunomide hasnt had any side effects


so to me that was a good thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jan,

I don't have personal experience with Arava (leflunomide), but know

that it's fairly new. It can affect the liver. It is an

immunosuppressive drug, like mtx. is, so there would be higher risk

for infection, just like with mtx. also. Arava works through

different pathways than mtx. and can be taken in conjunction with mtx.

or instead of mtx.

I hope you find the right drug to help your son.

Stacia and Hunter 9 systemic, uveitis

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

hi linda,

some months ago, my rheumatologist added arava to the mix of drugs i am

taking for rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. shortly thereafter, i


" tingling in my feet. " it was like a war was going on there, with neurons or

whatever firing cannons at each other across the divide and into my feet,

resulting in a stabbing pain here, one there, another one somewhere else 24/7.

after a few weeks, the war ended. good news, except for the fact that my

feet are basically dead. i have no feeling in most of my toes and parts of my

feet and they are swollen.

for some five months, i have been trying to get help for the problem from my

rheumatologist. she basically blows me off, telling me to see my primary

physician or a podiatrist, that the problem has nothing to do with arthritis.

two days ago, i saw my primary physician and he said that i have peripheral

neuropathy, that the damage done (partly dead feet) may be permanent and will

get worse. he said most people who have this condition have diabetes (i

recently tested negative for it).

my primary physician is having me tested for environmental toxic poison as

the cause: toxic as in lead, arsenic poisoning, etc.

i came home very discouraged from the dr. visit and yesterday decided to

goggle " peripheral neuropathy " and " psoriatic arthritis. " up came several

thousand links, many about leflunomide and peripheral neuropathy. bingo.

it's now

my opinion that i am being " poisoned " not by lead, etc., but by arava,

something i will discuss with my NEW rheumatologist in about two weeks. my


rheumatologist should have immediately suspected arava as the cause of my

problem, since she prescribed the drug.

I am not sure that arava is the culprit, but i have stopped taking the drug,

as of today. i sincerely hope i get some feeling back in my feet and that

the nerve damage is not permanent.

my advice to you is to try the drug, but be on the lookout for any possible

side effects. our body chemistries are all different, and a drug that causes

a reaction in me, may end up being a wonder drug for you, with no adverse side

effects. i do tend to get unusual adverse reactions to some drugs:

methatrexate caused me to develop a severe case of pustular psoriasis where my


literally burned, blistered and fell off over 80 percent of my body.

azulfadine is a no-no for me. i developed large blisters under my tongue, a


my rheumatologist had never seen before, but was indeed listed as a rare side

effect (the drug interfered with my mucus glands).

i don't mean to scare you. it's just that i wish i had been warned to be on

the lookout for possible side effects of arava, and not relied on my doctor

to monitor me, or even realize i was having a possible reaction when the

symptoms were right in front of her.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

I'm on way too much medicine. Was it Arava/Leflunomide that someone warned

about higher blood pressure? Not sure if it is that or the Lyrica, but my blood

pressure shot up from my last dr. visit a couple of months ago.



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I have been feeling so much better on the leflunomide, that my doctor is putting

me on high blood pressure med. This is my regular doctor. NOt sure why my

rheumy didn't catch the correaltion between my elevated blood pressure and the





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That was me. It is one of the side effect listed for that drug.

Please keep a check on it. Mine kept going up.




> Hi all,

> I'm on way too much medicine. Was it Arava/Leflunomide that

someone warned about higher blood pressure? Not sure if it is that

or the Lyrica, but my blood pressure shot up from my last dr. visit

a couple of months ago.


> Thanks,Tammy

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I didn't start on BP meds until after I started the Arava either...strange.


Tammy Fredricks <tammyfredricks@...> wrote:

I have been feeling so much better on the leflunomide, that my doctor is putting

me on high blood pressure med. This is my regular doctor. NOt sure why my rheumy

didn't catch the correaltion between my elevated blood pressure and the





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