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Re: Re: Osteo mostly small frames Clora

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Thanks Clora,

Is nice to know I am in your prayers. My health has actually improvrd some what

in the past few months. Blood tests came back negative for any cancer cells, so

if they don't find anything in the scope on Wednesday I should be able to go off

chemo the first of December.

At least in my case osteoporosis is not painful. Well unless I break bones but I

do try to be very careful in that aspect.

I have been in an awful RA flare though the last couple days. Especially in my

hips and ankles. X rays show a small hairline fracture in the right ankle. Cane

just was not helping enough so blue cross did order me a new walker. Should have

it on Tuesday.

I see my Rheumy on Wednesday as well. Hopefully by then I am over this flare or

she can do something lese to help. I did take both the Humira and MTX last

night, and still have the oxycontin so....................guess we just have to

wait and see.

I won't keep you all any longer, Each of you is in my prayers, I may not post

often but I do read the posts every day.

Good Night, Take Care and God Bless



Vicki from Iowa and group;

I am so sorry you have the Arthur brothers. That's arthritis. Yes my doc said

it was for thin people. Usually us overweight people get it all, I am sorry

that osteoporosis picked you. You sound so very pretty.

I saw boniva on the commercials, I hope that does the trick for you. At least

in this day and time they are making drugs to help us more than in our

grandparents day. That's great you quit smoking. I never had a broken bone. I

hope I never I heard its very painful.. Your in my prayer box.

gentle hugs



From: Vicki <gramvick@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Osteo mostly small frames

Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 3:19 PM

Makes sense as I have osteoporosis, Fibro and RA but not osteoarthritis. I am

Caucasian, red hair so very light skinned, small frame,was thrown into early

menopause due to endometrial cancer, and an ex smoker. All of which they say

contributes to osteoporosis. My last bone scan showed bones that should be in an

80 year old woman. I am 47, 5 foot tall, and 120 pounds.

In osteoporosis the bones become so aged and brittle that a slight slip or fall

can actually fracture them. Which is why so many of my bones broke in the car

accident a few years back. I have stubbed toes and broken them, coughed to hard

with pneumonia and fractured ribs. I take Boniva to help strengthen them and

just have to be very careful.



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Hello Everyone,


From: Barbara <bcreedon@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Osteo mostly small frames Clora

Date: Friday, November 14, 2008, 7:08 AM

Hi Vickie:

I was happy to read your cancer cell blood work was negative, and you

are doing great in that area.

Sorry you are in a bad RA flare, and I hope your Rheumy can give you

some meds. so the flare goes away. I know how awful those flares are,

and so debilitating. When my RA flares my feet and ankles are so bad, I

am in bed for days. Can't stand on them, and it makes me very unsteady

trying to walk. Those days I use my walker. Ug, I hate that thing, but

it is very supportive.

I hope you will be feeling better soon, and wishing you pain free days.

I also pray you will be off your Chemo. treatment soon. That will be a

wonderful Chrismas present for you.




> From: Vicki gramvick@...

> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Osteo mostly small frames

> @gro ups.com

> Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 3:19 PM


> Makes sense as I have osteoporosis, Fibro and RA but not

osteoarthritis. I am Caucasian, red hair so very light skinned, small

frame,was thrown into early menopause due to endometrial cancer, and an

ex smoker. All of which they say contributes to osteoporosis. My last

bone scan showed bones that should be in an 80 year old woman. I am 47,

5 foot tall, and 120 pounds.


> In osteoporosis the bones become so aged and brittle that a slight

slip or fall can actually fracture them. Which is why so many of my

bones broke in the car accident a few years back. I have stubbed toes

and broken them, coughed to hard with pneumonia and fractured ribs. I

take Boniva to help strengthen them and just have to be very careful.

> Vicki

> Iowa





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Hello Everyone,

I am a newbie to the group, first time i have actually looked into any of the

groups out there in cyber space..  :o)

I am a 42 year old Caucasian male. I was diagnosed 10 years ago, so I can

understand a lot of what i have been reading these last couple of weeks.... 

Luckily i have not had very severe reactions to any of the meds i have taken

over the years...  like most of you i have been on and off of prednisone, i had

methotrexate for quite a while in the beginning. For about 6 years now i have

been on Enbrel and have seem to be pretty successful with it up until the last

year or so....  Talking to my Rhumey last week we have decided to give Humera a

go...  we'll see how that does!! lol..


Luckily i would have to say that i do not have a severe case of RA, I am still

able to function well although everything is a chore, and usually very

exhausting...  Although the dr had run some sort of a blood test a couple of

months ago and informed me that i do have an aggressive form of RA.. ???  what

ever that means.. lots of unknowns with this disease..


The last couple of days i have heard you all mention " flares " . I'm actually

looking for a little help in gauging what a flare is?? Again fortunately I have

never again experienced the pain that i had experienced at the onset of the RA,

but i am almost always in some form of pain, something usually hurts one way or

another or one degree to another. The last 3 - 4 months have been probably the

worst i have had in the ten years,,,,  my hands have been constantly swollen and

very sensitive....  even experiencing numbness, and the pain has been awakening

me at night...    So i guess my question is ...Is this a flare??  and the rest

of the time has just been normal??  if there is a normal?? :o)  any input would

be greatly appreciated. I must say it  is comforting to talk to people who can

truly understand, that has always been very frustrating....  nice to know you

are not so alone in this after all....  although i'm sorry were in the same boat




Hope all is well


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