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Who is your LifeLine?; Article I submitted and won re my lifeline; my caregiver

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Hello and greetings to all at this New Year. I wanted to forward a story I

posted in response to a contest to identify a person's lifeline especially

for those facing day to day chronic illness; in my case for many different

reasons. The sponsor is Rebif; a manufacturer of Beta Interferon's.

Coincidentally, I am allergic and do not tolerate this or most any MS

disease modifying medicine but I wanted to share my story to all of you;

today on our first year Anniversary of Marriage.

Read my story here http://www.mslifelines.com/living-well/wyll/index.jsp

And the original story here:

LifeLine Spotlight on

Submitted by

never ever lets me give up but he is always there to provide a

helping hand, an encouraging smile, or a big hug when I or a family member

needs it. "


Who's Your LifeLine?

Nominate <http://www.mslifelines.com/living-well/wyll/submission-form.jsf>

your LifeLine for our Spotlight!

is my nominee, who started as my boyfriend and then my caretaker.

Finally in January of 2009, he became my lifelong partner and my husband. I

was diagnosed with MS in 2004 after a tumultuous 8 years of increasing

health problems that were often difficult and more often unexplained. I left

work on disability at age 42 and received Social Security Disability

Insurance, but I had a very difficult time being a single mother to my then

13 year old daughter and my 3 year old son. I had many tools in my toolbox,

which included family support and for a time the use of a 24/7 nanny, but my

health continued to go downhill. My daughter moved to live with relatives

and I tried many options including respite programs with my son.

In early 2006, and I were introduced through a local dating website.

has persevered over some severe health problems of his own and had

gone back to college in his late 40s as he completed milestone after

milestone towards his doctorate in Educational Technology. We had many

things in common, especially our advanced college degrees and

geek/technology interests. He had health problems of his own and, while my

issues were a challenge, our common hobbies, personal and employment

interests, and my efforts at helping him achieve his dream towards his

doctorate seemed to have made all the difference. Things were not always

rosy but he remained an important part of my life by helping me drive my son

to school, helping me learn to parent without regard for the many

roadblocks, helping me re-establish my relationship with my daughter, and

helping me learn how to best utilize my intelligence, tenacity, ingenuity,

and perseverance to keep going; against all odds. He and I attended a number

of online programs related to the challenges of being a caretaker and

keeping our romance together despite my disabilities. At age 53 he received

his PhD in Educational Technology and is now a professor at our local


By 2008, my health was worsening again and things looked dire. began

taking an even more fatherly role in caring for my son. My daughter had been

accepted on scholarship and was now in college. Later that year, we became

engaged and were married on January 4, 2009. He soon adopted my daughter and

then my son. I attribute the continued gains in my emotional health to the

stability of our marriage, to the role of my lifetime partner and husband,

and to the stability things bring for my children and our extended family.

We are a family that has risen against all the challenges, sadness and fears

to become a committed well-knit family with an extensive use of family and

community support. Our whole family has benefited from 's role as the

father and leader of our family. He never ever lets me give up but he is

always there to provide a helping hand, an encouraging smile, or a big hug

when I or a family member needs it. Thank you for being such a

wonderful friend, lover, husband and father and for helping me, , lead

a productive, challenging and fulfilling life despite having multiple

sclerosis. Thank you to all....

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