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atta Girl! I envy you! LOL


MoShel30@... wrote:


> From: MoShel30@...


> Hey all!


> Just a little update. I have finally made the 50 lb. mark!!! I am so

> happy!! I seem to be a slow loser as compared to some but I don't care as

> long as the numbers keep falling! Thank God for Dr. Rutledge!! I think I

> love him! LOL! 80 lb. more until my goal! I know that seems like a lot but

> just three months ago I was 140 lb. from goal!


> Anyway, I am happy and just wanted to share my excitement!


> Hugs to you all,


> D. in AL

> MGB - 8/2/99

> 50 lb. gone so far!!


> > This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

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Thank you so much for posting and the encouragement!!!Take care and God




>Reply-To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>To: " 'MiniGastricBypassonelist' " <MiniGastricBypassonelist>

>Subject: RE: Update

>Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:13:09 -0500


> " I too am down 54 lbs. Haven't posted in a while. rhonda in

>Memphis "


> Rhonda, sounds like you are not doing too bad yourself! Keep up

>the good work!!!



>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

>Please visit our web site at http://clos.net


><< text3.html >>

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Hi Pam,

You're absolutely right--I'd much rather wait this out

than lose my tube, like so many women on this board

have sadly experienced. But, granted, the wait is Hell

with metho.

It's encouraging to hear about that woman who had the

IV treatment and had the 3 kids. I think I know what

website you're referring to. Is it www.repro-med.net?

There's this guy, Dr. Beers, who is really into this

antibody stuff. That is his site. Apparently alot of

IVFs fail because of it too.

I need to be patient and wait to see talk to the

doctor. He'll consult with me after my retest comes

back in about 3 weeks and my HCG is down to 4.

How is everything on the adoption front? I may be

right there with you!

Thanks again,


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I didn't realize that you were already at 11 weeks

past metho. For some reason I thought you were only a

couple weeks ahead of me. How exasperating to still

be waiting after nearly 3 months. I hope and pray

that your next results are a big fat zero and that af

arrives soon. 53 is so close!!! My decline is

slowing down after 4 weeks, just like your's did.

Must be common.

After you get af, do you still have to wait another 3

periods? Are you going to get an HSG?


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I am really glad your dr is monitoring you so well. The nurse at the

e/r told me the same thing about pain. She told me we don't have as

many nerves on the inside or we would feel everything that was going

on. She said it could be one thing but you feel pain in another part.

When my HCG got down to 200 I had severe pain. It wasn't just on one

side though. I had to go to the e/r. They never found anything wrong.

So hopefully you will be the sam way. Good luck at your u/s.


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Thank you sweetie! And I just want to tell you that we don't know why

God allows us to go through all of this. I have lost two babies myself, and

believe it or not, this is the time in my life I have felt closest to God.

We have been trying 5 years and I went through a real rough patch between 3

and 4. And I just told God exactly how I felt. Even when I was mad at Him.

He doesn't mind. And even though that time lasted for several months, at the

end God brought me peace that sustained me through my two losses. I am

scared now, but God is with me. And no matter what happens, He is in

control. Please don't lose sight of God, b/c He will never lose sight of

you. (((((HUGS))) Kim I am here if you ever need to talk

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  • 1 year later...
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Oh Suzanne, I was so sorry to hear all that has been going on in your

silence. I just assumed things were still on the right track since we

haven't heard from you. Remember, we ARE here for you to vent and

PLEASE don't wait so long to let us know that it is getting to be too


The betas rising sounds very concerning. I am hoping and praying it

is just an error in the test as your doctor thought, so please be

sure to let us know when you get the results of the next one. Now,

one other thing to mention, that I have hinted about on a few

occasions. I'm not sure they ever talked to you about your pregnancy

being a molar (or partial molar), but if your betas have risen again,

please ask the doctor straight up if that is a possibility. The thing

about molar pregnancies is, and the reason they check the betas until

they are completely zero and then watch the zero for a period of

time, is because if every last cell of a molar pregnancy is not

removed/expelled or however it was terminated, it can enter the blood

stream and implant elsewhere. This causes the body to continue to

show an elevation in betas because of the type of cell that it is,

but it is not necessarily implanted in the uterus. Most commonly

these cells enter the bloodstream and end up in the lungs first and

then the brain. In 1998, when I was suspected to have a molar

pregnancy, my doctor did a D & C PRONTO! But, before the D & C, she took

chest x-rays and took an analogous blood draw. The blood draw was to

have my own blood should I need a transfusion in the D & C, because

sometimes molar pregnancies D & C's can cause a lot of blood loss. A

D & C done with a molar pregnancy is a VERY aggressive D & C for the

purpose of insuring they have not left even one cell. The chest x-

ray was to have a baseline. This is in case one cell should break

free and was not removed, travelled through the blood stream and

implanted in either the lungs or the brain it would continue to grow

at a very rapid rate and need to be treated as a cancerous cell. Now,

this is not to scare you by any means (but, I DO remember how scared

I was when they shared all this information with me!!!). It is just

to be sure you ask your OB if she has any suspicions of a molar or

partial molar pregnancy and to see if she is taking the proper

precautions!!Please keep me posted as to her response to this


And, then for your sister-in-laws pregnancy. I understand your mixed

emotions. I have a sister-in-law who sounds a lot like yours. She has

been a terrible source of concern, worry and pain for our entire

family because of her tendencies. As of now her two kids are ages 12

and 7 respectively, but there were definitely times in their young

lives that we were sure one of us would be taking custody of one or

both of these children for their own safety! We were actually hoping

and praying we could take custody. But, after much rough road, many

threats of removing the kids and trying not to completely alienate my

dh's brother (whom, of course, we have no hard feelings for) and

monitoring the children closely I think we are past that. Or at least

we have our fingers crossed. But, I remember well, the scariest thing

was when she kept saying she was going to have more children when

these two were younger. Thank our lucky stars we held her off and it

was only because my dh's father was a doctor and he forced her to

come in for the timed release birth control you place under the skin

under the upper arm that lasts for three months. And, my dh's sister

worked for his father and she made it her personal mission to insure

she got herself in without delay every three months!! This was the

agreement or she would be removed from the family and no longer have

her kids. So, I can only imagine, how I would feel with my situation

what it is and then hearing she was pregnant. I would go ballistic!!

I agree, it is just so unexplainable why woman who seem to be

borderline parents and cause you to wonder why they ARE even parents,

tend to get pregnant just like that! I mean, my sister-in-law even

embarrassed everyone at a family wedding, when she asked me how I got

my dh to marry me? I had no idea what she meant as my dh and I had

dated 7 1/2 years before we married, and it was completely mutual out

of love, and we didn't have children for another 7 years. Her point,

was that she was letting everyone know she got pregnant just to get

my brother-in-law to marry her so she could be part of the family!

AHHHH! You can see, she is quite a gem and I will no longer be in her

presence after so many years of ridiculous behavior and putting her

kids at risk. She knows to be on her best behavior when she's around

me (as many of the others!) or I will not hesitate to take action to

get the kids out of harms way. So, there's my long-winded,

affirmation of your feelings. Just go with it. It's okay to feel that

way. Take some time to process your strongest emotions and then wish

your brother good wishes and hope you never find yourself considering

adopting his child because they are in danger with poor parenting


Now, please find an outlet to get your mind or the many things on

your plate right now. At least, until your next beta draw. And, then

be sure to remember to keep us posted and check in BEFORE the rope

gets so short.

Sending many hugs.


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I can't believe that you are still going through all this!! When will it ever end? Please get some answers on the molar pregnancy as someone suggested and keep us updated.

As for your brother's news, it may have happened any other time and it would not seem so bad but the fact that you or anyone else is going through what we are, it is just highlighting it all for us.


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I say my RE and surgeon on Tues. to find out the results of my lap/hyst at

beginning of Apr.

The RE said that the surgery looked to be successful (from the operative

report). He said that the scar tissue was removed and also a small mass

(YIKES - I immediately had myself dead and buried the hypocondriac that I

am). He told my DH & I that I may not get my period until the beginning of

June because the anesthesia messes up your system. He told us that if I

don't bleed on my own in the next 2 weeks then I go on BCP's and then

hopefully bleed. During the surgery the machine that tests the tubes broke

down - lovely! So I am scheduled for a SHG and echovist on Jun 18 to check

the lining and cavity and to ensure the tubes are OK.

I then proceeded down the elevator to the surgeons office where he removed

the IUD and told me that the " mass " was not a good term to use - it was just

a wee bump, nothing to be concerned with (thank you God) and that the cavity

was fine. He removed all the scar tissue and felt the lining was fine. He

did not give me a measurement at all, but felt that the lining would be

fine. He called himself the " hired Gun " to treat the AS and that I was done

with him (for the time being???!!!).

Anyway, I had massive cramps on the weekend, before the appt's and I told

the DR's this but they seemed to think everything was normal. I am just

worried that I've rescarred, and will never get my period. I am a Negative

by character, and so good news doesn't come easily for me. I was

prepared for the DR's to tell me that I was completely scarred shut and

there was no hope - that was what I had prepared myself for. And then to

get news that all is fine and that if the next test is OK, then we can fool

around for 6 months!!! This was not in my plans, I have to readjust my

whole future - not that I mind - although I hesitate to allow myself to

think that way, just because I know that any number of things can go a

different way. I guess when diagnosed with something like this that

completely changes your life plans, you get protective of changing them back

again. I'm probably not explaining things very well.

Work is so hectic right now - I direct a Day Camp and this is obviously our

busy season - I have to hire 85 staff and prepare our 100 acre site for our

1000 campers to arrive in 2 months - I can't deal with also thinking about

getting pregnant as well - well I could but I don't want to let myself get


Anyway, a bit of ranting and raving from me - I will sit back and let happen

what will happen. I pray that my period will come on it's own and that

things will be ok.



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Thanks for your update. I think that the cramps you are having is a good sign. As long as your cervix is clear of scar, the period will eventually come I'm sure. Keep updating us and I'll be happy to hear of when you AF actually arrives.


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