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Yep!! Used it and loved it!!!!

It really helped me through a pretty rough patch and seemed to calm the MonSter


'What we do in life, echoes through eternity.'

MARCUS AURELIUS (121 - 180 A.D.)

To: mscured

From: atlanteanproductions@...

Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 16:21:50 -0600

Subject: EFT

has anyone here tried EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

My step-daughter's new therapist suggested I download the basic course, and

I really like what I'm reading.

Any experiences with MS, or emotional difficulties or otherwise?



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Yes, I have used EFT and it works, it is essential that you concentrate

on the issue and the feeling that is bothering you dont just go through

the motions. It doesnt cure MS, but it can greatly relieve stress, which

I find is a major factor in how I feel regarding ms.

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Thanks . I'm not going to try and use it for MS. My 7 yr old step

daughter's therapist wants me to try it to help her bioplar, ODD and RAD





> Yes, I have used EFT and it works, it is essential that you concentrate


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> has anyone here tried EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

> My step-daughter's new therapist suggested I download the basic course, and

> I really like what I'm reading.


> Any experiences with MS, or emotional difficulties or otherwise?


EFT has been literally life-changing for me, definitely the most useful tool

I've learned on this journey. I used this handle " freewitheft " long before MS

came along. Amazing, amazing stuff. Some other therapies that work along the

same lines are TAT, NLP, and EMDR. Check into them!

I could relate countless beneficial experiences with EFT, including with my

children. But, honestly, if I heard the stories I probably wouldn't believe

them myself. lol


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I visited your web site and must say that never have I seen such a collection

of utter nonsense assembled in one place. I feel sorry for anyone who is

gullible enough to pay for any " service " you might provide. My only hope is that

the moderators of this Yahoo group see your post for what it is- spam at it's

worst and worthy of immediate deletion.


> I have had more success with the 'Feelings Prayer' located at

http://www.askclaudia.com/feelingsprayer.htm . I have kept my symptoms under

control for years with this technique. I have not had any success with EFT.



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EFT and EMDR are documented in the medical literature to be the most effective

treatments available for conditions such as PTSD, etc. They are among the most

used tools of Dr. Klinghardt and others such as he who treat lyme disease and

other chronic health conditions. Someone apparently hasn't done their homework.

I have considerable experience with EFT and EMDR.


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Thank you for all your input on EFT. I am studying the level 1 book, and

will learn to use it with my 7 yr old step-daughter....

I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Oh.. and I must tell you all... I posted my EFT question to 2 different

lists, this one, and my writing list.

The number of positive experiences greatly outweighed the number of

negative experiences.

Thanks everybody!!!!


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Hi Dudley,

Here's how it was explained to me. Over time, our experiences, routines,

habits, etc. create neural pathways. Sometimes, trauma is mixed in there too

and it can be connected to neural pathways in the brain stem, which stimulate

the fight-or-flight mechanism. This is the explanation behind the audio tape

that plays over and over in our heads throughout life. Everytime someone

implies that we are unworthy in some way, we are reminded of every other time

someone has implied that. Everytime someone looks at us a certain way, we are

reminded of other similar scenarios from the past, and it stimulates the

fight-or-flight mechanism and stresses our bodies. EFT and similar techniques

neutralize the emotional charge around that particular event, memory, trauma,

etc. so that we still have the memory and experience the feelings, but don't

stimulate anything in the brain stem. From what I understand, other techniques

like hypnosis simply bypass that neural pathway. In addition to this,

stimulating those accupressure points through tapping is good for keeping your

qi flowing properly. Probably not as good as acupuncture, but still a

beneficial thing!



> I have used EFT to good effect. I don't know why or how it works, but--at

least for me--it does.


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