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Bad couple of months..sorry for my absence

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Hi everyone.

I don't know if anyone recalls, but back in late August I was posting a little

bit and not being so much a lurker. Well, I would have continued if I didn't

get so sick. So those of you I never repsonded, especially Doreen, I'm very


Here's a brief overview of what happened...

I was getting ready for my second treatment of rituxan and because I have such

bad veins, the onocologist that gives me the treatment insists on having a picc

line put in every six months for the course of the treatment. After the

problems I had the last go with the picc line (2 trips to the ER because of a

clot in the picc line) I was not very happy. My mother goes with me to all

these appointments just in case I miss something. So we both pleaded with the dr

to have a port put in. But he wouldn't budge. So I had the picc line put in

and had the first treatment. (You get 1 treatment and then the second round 2

weeks later for the study I'm in for the rituxan).

1 week after my treatment I went back to the oncologist office to have my

dressings changed. The nurse said the site looked redder then normal and had a

smell. But we thought the redness was from it being a new site and I had taken

a fall that morning in the bathtub causing the whole current dressing to get

drenched. Which I immediately had a panic attack because they always told me

never to get it wet. So I was concerned, but the nurse said it should be fine.

And I always have good faith in my healthcare providers.

Well, the next evening I was visting some friends for a dinner party, I began to

really not feel well at all. My arm was very sore and there was heat coming off

the site. I was very concerned and called my mom to get advice. I knew I had

to go to the er.

Well, it was a very good thing I did. The picc line got a staff infection and

actually got septic (I think that's right..where the infection gets in your

blood). I was admitted to the hospital and was told that if I would have waited

much longer to come in, I would have died. I was in the hospital for 8 long

days, but I wasn't complaining, just happy to be alive!

The infection took a while to clear up and I had celulitis in my arm and

flambitis..sorry if I'm not spelling those correctly. I have been wiped out for

2 1/2 months and now just getting back to my normal self. During all this I

also quit smoking. I am so happy to read so many of you have also quit and are

going to. It really has made a world of difference! My advice,

lolipops..everytime I want a smoke, I just pop in a lolipop.

So, I had to also see an infectious disease dr to monitor my progress. He was

the greatest dr I have ever seen. He personally saw my oncologist and told him

no way was I ever to have a picc line and he ordered a port to be implanted. I

had that done 2 weeks ago and finally got the additional dose of rituxan last

friday. That medicine makes a world of difference for me. The only side effect

I have is dizziness, but I take a slew of other meds that have the same side


Next on the list is a possible elbow replacement. The day before I had my port

placement surgery, I saw my rhuemy and he ordered xrays for my neck, shoulders

and elbows. He measured the amount I can extend my arms, and its only 64

degrees. My elbows bother me constantly. So, turns out I have cervical

arthritis and 2 slight bulging discs in my neck and my elbows have mass

cartilige loss with bone spurs. I see the ortho surgeon Dec 1st for an eval.

Has anyone had this done. I'm excited, yet very nervous.

Sorry for the long post, but a lot has gone on in the past few months. Thanks

for listening!

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