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Re: lowcarb /BBd

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> Do you have any suggestions for eating low carb when you are a

> vegetarian? I'm willing to eat eggs, and some types of cheeses, but only

> when I can get them from my local farmer friends. I don't use prepackaged

> foods of any type. I'm also gluten free.


Hi Yvette,

I'm not as low-carb as I was in the summer when I was high raw, but hope to go

back once winter is over! I found that I relied on nuts to help " top me off "

when I wasn't feeling full without carbs. Over time, my body adjusted and I

ate/eat way less nuts than I used to. Just be careful to rotate them, along

with eggs, as I learned the hard way. ;) I developed the egg sensitivity last

year, and now I'm suspecting pecans are what had me feeling so crappy a couple

days ago. Am going to have my acupuncturist muscle test me next week, as well

as avoid them for a couple weeks before testing.


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I eat about 75 - 80% raw, as well. I'm trying hard to remember to rotate

foods, but I need to seriously work on that.

Crystal, do you have any good recipes you could share with me?




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I'm eating more low carb now. I ate too many fruits when I ate all raw. I

didn't eat grains then and I eat a few now. The things that hurt me when I was

all raw is that my metabolic type requires animal protein, fewer alkaline foods

and more digestible cooked veggies.

I make kefir now and I eat raw egg yolks in soups (cooled before adding eggs).

There are so many toxins in raw foods (oxalates, goitrogens, histamine...) that

it's very important to rotate them. Those toxins accumulate if you eat them all

the time. I eat a lot of fermented foods now. Raw cheese is further down the

road on this diet but I use the whey to make fermented vegetables.

I'm doing the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet at the introductory level

and will graduate to adding more types of food. So far, so good. It's a

longterm plan. I'm still new. This diet is supposed to repair the digestive

system and therefore the immune system. It was designed to treat autism and

digestive issues in general.


> Thanks!!


> Yvette

















> --

> Yvette

> Freelance Writer

> https://sites.google.com/site/yvettedavisfreelancewriter/


> msquill

> http://www.msquilblog.blogspot.com


> Omaha Natural Health Examiner

> http://www.examiner.com/x-16397-Omaha-Natural-Health-Examiner




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I'm not eating many oxalates with this diet. No more spinach! I used spinach

all the time in green smoothies but I don't eat greens because of the oxalates,

the histamines and the alkalizng effects. I don't eat berries and I gave up

chocolate a long time ago! I use carob in it's place, if at all. I eat beets

and parsnips fermented. I don't eat large amounts because they're meant to be

condiments. I eat them for the probiotics.

My diet is limited at the moment and it will expand over time. I add foods

slowly. I can eat whole wheat if it's sourdough. I made some muffins the other

day with coconut flour and I've made coconut flour pancakes. Both contain

several eggs.

The answer to your question is that the oxalates are limited or prepared

specifically but are not completely eliminated. Have you tried it since you

first mentioned LOD?


> ,


> Have you tried Low Oxalate Diet (LOD)? That is also used to treat Autism

> and heal the gut.


> Yvette




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No, I've never tried LOD.

I'm on a LOD Yahoo list and taking notes on my 8yr old step son's reaction

to oxalates. He has Asperger's, and LOD is usually recommended for those on

the spectrum.

I mentioned it because you said you are working on gut healing --thoought it

might be another resource for you. I might try it eventually, but my focus

right now is on repairing my metabolism

and losing the 50 lbs I gained while I was pregnant 4 years ago. I did not

lose *any* weight at all on the 100% raw diet. I've learned that I am

probably insulin resistant -- hence the low carb, 75% raw, vegetarian diet

I'm trying now.

My metabolism is so messed up, I struggle to eat 1000 calories a day,

because I just don't get hungry.. and yet my weight is stable. I'm doing a

low carb version of a 28 day metabolism test. At the end of 28 days you plug

your numbers into the formula and get your basal metabolism.. that helps you

see if it's your metabolism and thryroid, or something else keeping you from

losing weight.

My problem is that I stiil have to remain mostly raw, 100% gluten free, and

100% food additive/food chemical free, and avoid sugar, because these things

all impact the ms.


> The answer to your question is that the oxalates are limited or prepared

> specifically but are not completely eliminated. Have you tried it since you

> first mentioned LOD?



> -


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Have you ever had your cortisol level checked? Insulin resistance and cortisol

are symbiotic.

Eating 1000 calories/day was hard for me while I was 100% raw. I still can go

without eating a lot of food.

I had high amounts of Insulin when I was tested many years ago by a homeopathic

doctor. I'm sure that insulin is a factor of poor health.

Different things can impact MS for each of us. It's tomatoes for me and it

might not be for you. Tomatoes contain histamine and I might be sensitive for

that reason or some of the other constituents might cause sensitivity. I finally

tried a different route because I wasn't getting where I wanted to be with my

previous diet.

I had a friend ask me what civilization ever lived on a vegan diet. I couldn't

find one. I looked hard because I wanted the raw food diet to work for me.

Research said that it would. It didn't.


> right now is on repairing my metabolism

> and losing the 50 lbs I gained while I was pregnant 4 years ago. I did not

> lose *any* weight at all on the 100% raw diet. I've learned that I am

> probably insulin resistant -- hence the low carb, 75% raw, vegetarian diet

> I'm trying now.


> My metabolism is so messed up, I struggle to eat 1000 calories a day,

> because I just don't get hungry.. and yet my weight is stable. I'm doing a

> low carb version of a 28 day metabolism test. At the end of 28 days you plug

> your numbers into the formula and get your basal metabolism.. that helps you

> see if it's your metabolism and thryroid, or something else keeping you from

> losing weight.


> My problem is that I stiil have to remain mostly raw, 100% gluten free, and

> 100% food additive/food chemical free, and avoid sugar, because these things

> all impact the ms.


> Yvette




> > The answer to your question is that the oxalates are limited or prepared

> > specifically but are not completely eliminated. Have you tried it since you

> > first mentioned LOD?

> >

> >

> > -

> >




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I need to check out this diet. With having MS and diabetes his diet is

limited. Hopefully this will have food that won't raise his sugars.



> Have you ever had your cortisol level checked? Insulin resistance and

> cortisol are symbiotic.


> Eating 1000 calories/day was hard for me while I was 100% raw. I still can

> go without eating a lot of food.


> I had high amounts of Insulin when I was tested many years ago by a

> homeopathic doctor. I'm sure that insulin is a factor of poor health.


> Different things can impact MS for each of us. It's tomatoes for me and it

> might not be for you. Tomatoes contain histamine and I might be sensitive

> for that reason or some of the other constituents might cause sensitivity. I

> finally tried a different route because I wasn't getting where I wanted to

> be with my previous diet.


> I had a friend ask me what civilization ever lived on a vegan diet. I

> couldn't find one. I looked hard because I wanted the raw food diet to work

> for me. Research said that it would. It didn't.





> >


> > right now is on repairing my metabolism

> > and losing the 50 lbs I gained while I was pregnant 4 years ago. I did

> not

> > lose *any* weight at all on the 100% raw diet. I've learned that I am

> > probably insulin resistant -- hence the low carb, 75% raw, vegetarian

> diet

> > I'm trying now.

> >

> > My metabolism is so messed up, I struggle to eat 1000 calories a day,

> > because I just don't get hungry.. and yet my weight is stable. I'm doing

> a

> > low carb version of a 28 day metabolism test. At the end of 28 days you

> plug

> > your numbers into the formula and get your basal metabolism.. that helps

> you

> > see if it's your metabolism and thryroid, or something else keeping you

> from

> > losing weight.

> >

> > My problem is that I stiil have to remain mostly raw, 100% gluten free,

> and

> > 100% food additive/food chemical free, and avoid sugar, because these

> things

> > all impact the ms.

> >

> > Yvette

> >

> >

> >

> > > The answer to your question is that the oxalates are limited or

> prepared

> > > specifically but are not completely eliminated. Have you tried it since

> you

> > > first mentioned LOD?

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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> Crystal, do you have any good recipes you could share with me?


Yes, I'm sure I do! I'll go through them later this evening when I have more

time. Like, after the kids are in bed. lol


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The Raw food lobby likes to point out that Adam and Eve ate raw foods.

But that was before the fall...;-)

Early man started cooking food because it aided digestion and we have

never stopped doing it. Raw food may be better for you but it does open

a door to parasites. People say, our food production system has

improved so we don't need to worry about parasites. But I think that is

wishful thinking...IMO...:-)

Tom Nesler

Re: lowcarb /BBd

Have you ever had your cortisol level checked? Insulin resistance and

cortisol are symbiotic.

Eating 1000 calories/day was hard for me while I was 100% raw. I still

can go without eating a lot of food.

I had high amounts of Insulin when I was tested many years ago by a

homeopathic doctor. I'm sure that insulin is a factor of poor health.

Different things can impact MS for each of us. It's tomatoes for me and

it might not be for you. Tomatoes contain histamine and I might be

sensitive for that reason or some of the other constituents might cause

sensitivity. I finally tried a different route because I wasn't getting

where I wanted to be with my previous diet.

I had a friend ask me what civilization ever lived on a vegan diet. I

couldn't find one. I looked hard because I wanted the raw food diet to

work for me. Research said that it would. It didn't.

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> This diet is supposed to repair the digestive system and therefore the immune

system. It was designed to treat autism and digestive issues in general.


I remember reading a little about this before. Thanks for the reminder to go

dig up the link because I really need this! I'm obviously not making progress

with healing my gut since I'm developing new sensitivities. >:(


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> Raw food may be better for you but it does open

> a door to parasites. People say, our food production system has

> improved so we don't need to worry about parasites. But I think that is

> wishful thinking...IMO...:-)

Traditional Chinese Medicine also recommends more cooked foods in the winter,

which is where I'm at at the moment. But, I think we are meant to eat

seasonally, so will probably be high raw again come next summer.


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We've come to the same conclusion.

When the cold weather set in, everyone in my family, including myself wanted

cooked foods. I want my kids to learn to listen to their bodies, so I

started cooking again. When it warms up again, we will most likely go back

to raw. As it is now, we're still about 75% raw - the only meal I really

cook is dinner. Breakfast and lunch are raw.

Everyone has done fine except my mentally ill step-daughter.

When we added cooked foods she stared hallucinating again, and ended up in

the psych hospital twice within 2 months.. she had to go back on

psychotropic meds, after 3 years of being effectively managed with diet,

supplements and herbs alone.

I'm seriously wondering if she has a major yeast and gut problem. I this low

carb thing helps my gut, like I've read it should, then I will probably try

her on it, as well. I'm moving her very quickly back to 100% raw because she

was more stable, mentally that way. I hate having to prepare two sets of

meals, but if that's what it takes to keep her safe and stable, then so be

it. Since we added cooked foods, we have to keep her under 24 hour

supervision, even with the medication, twice a week therapy and




> Traditional Chinese Medicine also recommends more cooked foods in the

> winter, which is where I'm at at the moment. But, I think we are meant to

> eat seasonally, so will probably be high raw again come next summer.


> Crystal




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Nope.. I've never had my cortisol levels checked..

that requires lab work, which requires money we don't have.

Even the diy lab won't work because our budget is so tight there is no room

for anything else anymore.




> Have you ever had your cortisol level checked? Insulin resistance and

> cortisol are symbiotic.



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If what you did previously worked then keep doing it. I only changed the

program because it didn't work for me anymore. You could also try digestive

enzymes and fermented foods along with a blend of cooked and raw. Enzymes and

fermented foods would help everyone.


> We've come to the same conclusion.


> When the cold weather set in, everyone in my family, including myself wanted

> cooked foods. I want my kids to learn to listen to their bodies, so I

> started cooking again. When it warms up again, we will most likely go back

> to raw. As it is now, we're still about 75% raw - the only meal I really

> cook is dinner. Breakfast and lunch are raw.


> Everyone has done fine except my mentally ill step-daughter.


> When we added cooked foods she stared hallucinating again, and ended up in

> the psych hospital twice within 2 months.. she had to go back on

> psychotropic meds, after 3 years of being effectively managed with diet,

> supplements and herbs alone.


> I'm seriously wondering if she has a major yeast and gut problem. I this low

> carb thing helps my gut, like I've read it should, then I will probably try

> her on it, as well. I'm moving her very quickly back to 100% raw because she

> was more stable, mentally that way. I hate having to prepare two sets of

> meals, but if that's what it takes to keep her safe and stable, then so be

> it. Since we added cooked foods, we have to keep her under 24 hour

> supervision, even with the medication, twice a week therapy and

> neurofeedback.



> Yvette




> >

> > Traditional Chinese Medicine also recommends more cooked foods in the

> > winter, which is where I'm at at the moment. But, I think we are meant to

> > eat seasonally, so will probably be high raw again come next summer.

> >

> > Crystal

> >

> >

> >




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I'm changing my program a bit because it's not working the way I want it to.

The ms is mostly under control.. I rarely have symptoms anymore, but my body

refuses to lose weight.. even thought I'm eating well and exercising..

cardio 5 X a week, and weights every other day. All my weight is around my

middle, which is a good indicator of insulin resistance. I do use digestive

enzymes and eat my homemade fermented cabbage every day or so.

As for the kids, I'm putting my stepdaughter back on full raw, and leaving

the other 5 where they are, because they're doing well.




> If what you did previously worked then keep doing it. I only changed the

> program because it didn't work for me anymore. You could also try digestive

> enzymes and fermented foods along with a blend of cooked and raw. Enzymes

> and fermented foods would help everyone.




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My neighbor had this issue. She went to the doctor and he put her on medication

that helped her lose weight. The problem was with cortisol and too much was

being produced. It became an adrenal problem for her or else she would have

never thought it was serious. She eats mostly home-grown vegetables, some meat

and she exercises too much, in my opinion. I think that she wore herself out.

Her diet and exercise program weren't helping her.


> I'm changing my program a bit because it's not working the way I want it to.

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Hi All-

Your hitting the nail on the head with low-carb.

Througoh my 4 years of the journey to natural healing, and fasting was my key

during that whole time. I would fast and sypmtoms would subside then come right

back, until I did what I call my PowerHouse Fast which is all green and

cleansing with herbs the whole time, I went 37 days. That was as low-carbs as it

gets plus there was a 10 day period I did water only.

Previous during my hunt I was trying to do everything seperate such as the PH

balance, parasites, candida, thyroid, hormones etc. Whatever I could get my

hands on and try, I did! The PowerHouse Fast wraped it all into one package.

I follow under 3 simple steps Cleanse, Nourish and Let thy body heal itself. You

can do this while eating and it all has to be Green, I call it my PowerHouse

Mucous-Free Diet.

Have a Happy and Healthy Day,

Kopera M.H.

© Copyright 2007 www.sCorner.com . All rights reserved | Privacy Policy

WARNING: None of the above statements have been evaluated or approved by the

Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. The

information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only

and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for

specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other

qualified health care provider before using any herbal products.


> -


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Greens are too alkalinizing for my metabolic type. They have the opposite effect

on me that they have on you. I used to eat greens excessively. I rarely eat

them at all now.


> Hi All-


> Your hitting the nail on the head with low-carb.


> Througoh my 4 years of the journey to natural healing, and fasting was my key

during that whole time. I would fast and sypmtoms would subside then come right

back, until I did what I call my PowerHouse Fast which is all green and

cleansing with herbs the whole time, I went 37 days. That was as low-carbs as it

gets plus there was a 10 day period I did water only.


> Previous during my hunt I was trying to do everything seperate such as the PH

balance, parasites, candida, thyroid, hormones etc. Whatever I could get my

hands on and try, I did! The PowerHouse Fast wraped it all into one package.


> I follow under 3 simple steps Cleanse, Nourish and Let thy body heal itself.

You can do this while eating and it all has to be Green, I call it my PowerHouse

Mucous-Free Diet.



> Have a Happy and Healthy Day,


> Kopera M.H.


> © Copyright 2007 www.sCorner.com . All rights reserved | Privacy Policy

WARNING: None of the above statements have been evaluated or approved by the

Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. The

information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only

and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for

specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other

qualified health care provider before using any herbal products.






> ________________________________



> > -

> >



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