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Update from Gwen

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Good to hear from you again Gwen. Your sounding as though you've got

your footing back and are once again looking for the brighter side of

the issues!! I tend to agree that all things happen for a reason and

is the reason the job???? Never would have that of that, but it's so

interesting how we really never know what's around the next corner,

isn't it!

Way bummer about your beta levels. I truly do hope they have some

more tricks up their sleeve to help bring things back to their norm.

But if all that's left is a D & C, then at least you are probably the

most knowledgeable individual (as it pertains to these things)they've

ever done one on and something tells me they'll be using EVERY

precaution known to mankind to avoid another AS. Anyway, let's not

think about that until we have to and know I'm sending you 'low-beta-

thoughts' right now as I type!


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I do agree that things are the way they are for a reason (most of the

time!) What a lovely thing to do and what a good friend you must

have for them to name their child after you. I must admit, it made

me a little tearful, but because it was such a nice thing to do. But

I do think at the same time it can be a great test of your

friendships when people around you are having children left right and

centre. In my close group of friends there is only myself and one

other who do not have children. Can make it a bit tricky at BBQ's

(although we tend to sit in a corner together and get drunk while

everyone else has to stay sober, it very theraputic)!!

Keep smiling :-)


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Thanks for the birthday wishes!

I'm so sorry to hear that your beta levels are not coming down. How damm awful. I hope that today's blood draw will be a lot lower. Because of the posibility of you getting ashermans again since you have keloids, I think you should specifically request that you have a hysteroscopy to remove the retained products. Have Dr Valle do this for you. I'm sure you will feel more comfortable with him doing it than anyone else.

Hope to receive good news from you this afternoon.


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It's so nice to hear from you! And you're starting to sound more

like your old self -- which is a good thing. Sorry to hear about all

of these troubles you're having though. It's a rough time for so

many of us. I know work has been stressful and difficult for me.

Company got bought out last year, we didn't make our numbers, etc...

Working under the constant threat of layoffs, and with my flex

schedule, I'm a prime target.

But I wanted to comment on your post-coital bleeding. I'm certainly

not an expert, but I wouldn't be too concerned that it is indicative

of anything other than a rough few weeks for that area. If you do

have any tissue remaining, I don't think that your dh could knock it

around (I don't think that even ny Holmes could :) And if your dh

is competing with him... well, let's just say that I didn't search

long enough before committing :) )

Now, your elevated beta levels, that is concerning. When are you

going to be re-tested for those? I'd try to get some answers on that

front soon. I might be confused here, but I thought that your pg was

developing in your ovaries - not in your uterus. Then why would you

need a D & C - doesn't that just scrape out the uterus? OK, if I'm

being ignorant here (very possible, I know) and you do need a D & C, I

would not even think twice about having Dr. Valle do it. He's

the " fix-up the uterus guy!

In the meantime, good luck with everything. Hang in there and know

that there's 161 women holding you up!


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  • 3 months later...
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Hello All: I hope you all had good weekends. I spoke with my doctor

finally and I am going in for blood work today. He agrees that I

need a referral " out " to a specialist but we are waiting to decide

which one until after my bloodwork. He is checking for any thyroid

disfunction as well as for anaphosphoral lipid antibodies (I am quite

sure that is spelled wrong.) Apparently, this is an antibody similar

to a Lupus antibody and causes the mother's body to " attack " a

pregnancy as it would a virus resulting in repeated early loss.

Basically, we are ruling out all the " easy " causes of multiple

miscarriage first and then deciding where I should go.

He did agree with me that if there is no other " obvious " cause, the

multiple losses are most likely linked to my Asherman's history and

may indicate some kind of endometrial insufficiency. I have not had

my endometrium checked since last summer so maybe that will be a good

starting point, we'll see.

So, we'll see what the bloodwork shows later this week and we'll move

forward from there.

I go in for my MRI/MRA tonight for my brain/neck scan to see if they

can figure out what's going on with my pulsing ear

sounds....interestingly enough, one of the causes of this syndrome

(pulsatile tinnitus) can be a mass on the thyroid which can also

disrupt normal thyroid levels which can cause multiple miscarriage as

well. Wouldn't it be convenient if I could kill the proverbial two

birds with one stone and " solve " both medical mysteries at the same


Anyway, I'll let you know when I have any news.


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Glad to hear your on the road to discovery. Keep us posted on the

thryoid things; I'm very interested as I'm still messing around with

my diagnosis. I had an very unusual swelling from my thyroid last

Thursday that threatened to cut off my air passage. When I went to

the doctor Saturday and discussed all the symptoms of this

presentation plus all else that's happened from a glandular

standpoint in the last eight week and she looked in my throat...she

was dumbfounded. She had no idea what the tissue even was that she

was even looking at. She put me on low dose antibiotic to slow growth

and held off from steroids so the ENT could see the whole picture,

hopefully, then she got me in to the ENT first thing today. Good guy,

but I was certainly their science project for the morning. They ran

more tests today, in addition to the test on Saturday and the others

last Wednesday that won't be back for four weeks. So, I may know as

soon as two days or it may take four weeks for my thyroid mystery!!!

Keep us posted in case there is anything I can compare and be sure to

ask them about.


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Glad to hear your on the road to discovery. Keep us posted on the

thryoid things; I'm very interested as I'm still messing around with

my diagnosis. I had an very unusual swelling from my thyroid last

Thursday that threatened to cut off my air passage. When I went to

the doctor Saturday and discussed all the symptoms of this

presentation plus all else that's happened from a glandular

standpoint in the last eight week and she looked in my throat...she

was dumbfounded. She had no idea what the tissue even was that she

was even looking at. She put me on low dose antibiotic to slow growth

and held off from steroids so the ENT could see the whole picture,

hopefully, then she got me in to the ENT first thing today. Good guy,

but I was certainly their science project for the morning. They ran

more tests today, in addition to the test on Saturday and the others

last Wednesday that won't be back for four weeks. So, I may know as

soon as two days or it may take four weeks for my thyroid mystery!!!

Keep us posted in case there is anything I can compare and be sure to

ask them about.


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