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Slurred Speech

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Yes , some of us go through bouts of that. It is very disturbing when that

happens. I agree. My voice has been such a large part how I earn my money & I

have been trying so hard not to give in to having to depend on government


Try to follow the BBD and take a good look at Dudley's linked information. It

seems like when I do my diet & supplements regularly & make sure to stay out of

heated temperatures, I do better.


When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power the World will know

Peace.-Jimi Hendrix

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Hi Cheylenna,


Thanks for your info.....I am going to check out Dudleys link and look into BBD


Even though I have been on a strict diet regimen for the past 12 months and have

been healthy enough to work this past year, the stress levels at work seem to

have been the trigger fort this last acute relapse I had on 1/10/10.


I should find a way to avoid stress somehow.........


Subject: Slurred Speech

To: mscured

Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 2:23 PM


Yes , some of us go through bouts of that. It is very disturbing when that

happens. I agree. My voice has been such a large part how I earn my money & I

have been trying so hard not to give in to having to depend on government


Try to follow the BBD and take a good look at Dudley's linked information. It

seems like when I do my diet & supplements regularly & make sure to stay out of

heated temperatures, I do better.


When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power the World will know

Peace.-Jimi Hendrix

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Hi . I also use diet and it has been tremendous, not just to " control " my

symptoms but to give my body a chance to really heal. It's not the BBD - it's

stricter than that - but as Cheylenna said my symptoms did disappear when I

began it 2 1/2 years ago. It's important with MS to address your body as a whole

and detoxify, keep on a diet, and build up and support your system with

supplements. I take a ton of supplements and when I miss a day for some reason,

I feel it. Food allergies also play a large role - I suggest seeing a

complementary medicine doctor and getting tested for food allergies.

Regarding stress, yes, it's definitely a trigger for exacerbations, which is why

it's essential to be SELFISH when it comes to your health. you need to put your

health first, above all else, and if that means you need to find a new job, then

so be it. Nothing matters more than your health. It's also important to realize

that stress is a decision. You can choose to do stress, or not. I wrote about

this recently on my blog. If you're interested I can send you the link.

I hope you feel better.




> Subject: Slurred Speech

> To: mscured

> Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 2:23 PM







> Yes , some of us go through bouts of that. It is very disturbing when that

happens. I agree. My voice has been such a large part how I earn my money & I

have been trying so hard not to give in to having to depend on government



> Try to follow the BBD and take a good look at Dudley's linked information. It

seems like when I do my diet & supplements regularly & make sure to stay out of

heated temperatures, I do better.


> Cheylenna


> When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power the World will know

Peace.-Jimi Hendrix



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Even better way to test for food allergies and sensitivities is to complete

Elimination Diet. Many Naturapaths, Herbalists, and other

alternative practitioners have found that the blood tests for food

sensitivities aren't very accurate, and you get more complete results when

the Elimination Diet is preformed.




> Hi . I also use diet and it has been tremendous, not just to " control "

> my symptoms but to give my body a chance to really heal. It's not the BBD -

> it's stricter than that - but as Cheylenna said my symptoms did disappear

> when I began it 2 1/2 years ago. It's important with MS to address your body

> as a whole and detoxify, keep on a diet, and build up and support your

> system with supplements. I take a ton of supplements and when I miss a day

> for some reason, I feel it. Food allergies also play a large role - I

> suggest seeing a complementary medicine doctor and getting tested for food

> allergies.




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