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Re: Has anyone else had MS symptoms right after a vaccination? MMR or another type?

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Hi Dudley and nice to meet you on the forum.

Thanks so much for the link :) I have been to your website and found it very

interesting and very informative.

Interestingly, I purchased the book Alkalize or Die by Theodore Baroody and also

found an old book by Cayce about 3 years ago in a used book store, where it

mentions the gold deficiency as the cause of MS. I wasnt detoxified at the time

and actually purchased a gold supplement from I beleive it was 's health

food store. It didn't do any good because at the time I was so toxic with heavy

metals and my gluten intolerance problems (I used to eat a lot of wheat) and I

didnt follow any other regimen. At the time I had a lot of digestive problems as

well relating to my gluten intolerance which was undiagnosed at that time so I

did not absorb any vitamins very well which was evidenced by my thinning hair at

that time.

I didn't follow the recommendations by Cayce because it seemed to difficult for

me at the time, but I have loosely followed the principles of the Alkalize or

die book,I even purchased the ph test strips. I think I need to revisit my diet

however and focus more on raw foods and do daily ph testing.

FYI___I was humbled today when people in another forum told me that I am wrong

about the mmr vaccine, it supposedly contains no mercury and never has. Even if

it hasn't I was still poisoned by mercury probably from the dental amalgams I

had and the seafood I had consumed.

PS.....I gave the Alkalize or Die book to a lung cancer patient coworker who was

given a short while to live. She followed the diet and used the test strips and

is alive and doing well four years later......I think its a GREAT book for

anyone with a serious illness. I can't say it will work for everyone, but if

someone is given no hope, how could it hurt?


> Hi ,


> Welcome to the group!


> Here is a website you may find helpful in treating your MS:


> http://tinyurl.com/advice-to-msers


> With best wishes,


> Dudley Delany


> http://profiles.yahoo.com/dudley_delany


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> FYI___I was humbled today when people in another forum told me that I am wrong

about the mmr vaccine, it supposedly contains no mercury and never has. Even if

it hasn't I was still poisoned by mercury probably from the dental amalgams I

had and the seafood I had consumed.


It most certainly did. Google Wakefield and his work with autistic

children in the UK. Don't let anyone tell you what your body experienced - you

know *exactly* what happened!


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Thanks Crystal,

Trying to speak out against vaccines has caused a lot of turmoil for me on other

forums. I think the people here are much more open minded. The forum which I was

referring to, well lets just say a former " pediatrician " who gives advice was

attacking me and defending vaccines which I believe is baloney. I just recently

noticed the website is sponsored by medical establishments so what else could or

would I expect? They are going to endorse costly or dangerous medical treatments

and alternative remedies arent mentioned on that site. This site is about CURING

MS not fattening peoples pockets......I love this website!

> > FYI___I was humbled today when people in another forum told me that I am

wrong about the mmr vaccine, it supposedly contains no mercury and never has.

Even if it hasn't I was still poisoned by mercury probably from the dental

amalgams I had and the seafood I had consumed.

> >


> It most certainly did. Google Wakefield and his work with autistic

children in the UK. Don't let anyone tell you what your body experienced - you

know *exactly* what happened!


> Crystal


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> I just recently noticed the website is sponsored by medical establishments so

what else could or would I expect? They are going to endorse costly or dangerous

medical treatments and alternative remedies arent mentioned on that site. This

site is about CURING MS not fattening peoples pockets......I love this website!


Hi ,

Vaccines have been a hot topic with me for years, my own 2 kids are not

vaccinated...yet. I believe that, in theory, vaccines can be a very good thing.

After all, the way they work is pretty much the same as homeopathy. But loading

babies up with extremely toxic doses of mercury, multiple shots in one visit,

etc is just over the top. Now, thanks to the varicella vaccine, my own kids

probably won't get chicken pox the natural way and I may end up vaccinating them

when they're older because it's way more serious at an older age. ugh

At any rate, because of my interest in vaccines, I was already familiar with the

use of diet to treat disorders such as autism before MS arrived in my life. So,

when I started doing the research on how I was going to cure myself, and I came

across the Best Bet Diet it resonated with me right away. I felt sure that it

would be the way to go. I do some other things like acupuncture and

fasting/cleansing, but this diet was the first, and biggest, step I took to

getting rid of my symptoms. :)


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I was diagnoised with ms eight years after the hep. a and b vaccine required for

nursing school. I had symptoms right after getting the shots. Never had any

ms symptoms before the shots. Montel wiliams wrote in his book, his started

after getting vacinated.

Anyone know what preservatives they use in copaxone?

Subject: Re: Has anyone else had MS symptoms right after a

vaccination? MMR or another type?

To: mscured

Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 12:50 AM


My daughter was diagnosed with MS, and than lyme. She reacted to a

vaccination for hep b 2 years in a row by becoming blind for 8 weeks. It is

mandatory at her nursing job.


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