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My name is and I was told I have probable MS. My MRI showed lesions

consistent with MS, I have had multiple episodes consistent with MS over a 10+

year period, but because of a normal spinal tap and seizures (not considered

common) 2 Neuros are reluctant to diagnose it. One calls it possible the other

calls it probable MS and they want me to wait and see and take steroids or anti

seizure meds even though the partial seizures only occur during flares. Due to

the side affects I refused both.   I joined a local MS group but most seemed to

be into the drugs and I feel have pressured me into trying to take them.

I felt like they were waiting for me to deteriorate and that was unacceptable so

I did my own research and stumbled on a link between, diet, exercise, poor

vitamin D levels (due to lack of UVB not supplements), and DHA (an Omega 3) and

took things into my own hands. I strongly suspected I was deficient on vit D and

do not get enough DHA since I live in the midwest and vit D through sunlight is

hard to get in the winter, I have been told and did the wrong thing as far as

sunscreen and my skin type (very fair), and it's very expensive to get oily fish

(high in Omega 3) without contaminants like mercury.

So after a lot of reading of boring medical papers I started going to a tanning

bed 3-4 times a week starting about 3 weeks ago for 10 minute sessions. I get

out if I start turning pink, started on low vit A cod liver oil (mercury,

cadmium, pcb, etc free), changed my diet, take a good multi, vit B, folic acid,

and swim 3 times a week.

The result is I have gotten a talking to by my dr, have been seizure free and

all the MS symptoms but tingling in my lower legs (which contines to improve)

has gone. My cognative abilities have also improved and I have gotten into web

design since that is a job that doesn't require drivng (one leision is on my

occipital lobe and causes visual disruptions during episodes) and published my

first page for a local business about a week ago.  I am interested in what

others have done and if I am on the right track here.

I don't want to treat this I want it gone,

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