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advice needed

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I have not been on the BBD, but ever since starting LDN I have noticed that

when my family gets sick, I don't anymore. When I have, it was very

minor, just some congestion, no fever, chills, etc. while my family is sick in

bed for a couple of days minimum.

So, I too believe it has helped my immunities in those areas.




In a message dated 2/18/2010 12:19:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jrshaw3@... writes:

I have been taking LDN for about three years and doing the BBD. I am going

to continue taking it because it has not affected me badly in any way.

I have not been one of those who have had significant improvements.

However, I do not have RRMS so it is harrer to judge. I can still walk _ not

well. My vision is not great. Not too much brain fog. No depression. I did have

a few problems with these in the past.

I may be naiive, but I think that LDN could have a protective effect on my

health. I do not have any chest infections or minot health problems.


----- Original Message -----


To: _mscured@yahoogroupsmscu_ (mailto:mscured )

Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 4:06 PM

Subject: Re: advice needed

I didn't have symptomatic relief from LDN. I didn't have any exacerbations

while I took it. I did have leg spasms and stiffness when I quit taking it

for awhile and restarted a few weeks later. I think the dose was too high

(after hearing from other users). I haven't had worsening of symptoms since

not taking LDN because I changed my lifestyle dramatically. I was not able

to walk before taking LDN. It's worth a try.


> I did everything by the book before starting LND, and was on the LDN

group. Unfortunately it didn't work for me, not throuh any fault of my own, it

simply doesn't work for everyone.


> (UK)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Hi all,

 I have not been posting lately but I watch the activity of the group


 I started LDN in December 2007 and went on till September 2009. IN 2007 my

MS problems were not serious but I started going slowly downhill and things

became worse from April 2009 for no obvious reason (diet or lifestyle changes).

Unfortunately, it seems that I am one of the few persons that have not been

helped by LDN. Last September I stopped taking it. Now I consider starting it


As to the rest of my regimen, I am on a strict BBD/anticandida diet since 2007,

take all the supplements recommended by Ashton Embry, live a low stress life

and exercise regularly. I don't think that there was something in my regimen

that stopped LDN from working.

My question is: Is there anybody who has not seen results with LDN the first

time and did better when gave it a second try?

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


To: googleldn ; LDN_RaisingAwarenessUK@...;

LDNandIBD ; ldnforcancer ;

mscured ; stageandscreenmusic

Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 2:34:37 PM

Subject: Fw: [LDN_Users] Looking for support


[LDN_Users] Looking for support

Hi All

I am looking for a bit of support, if you could comment here

http://proposals. yourcountryyourc all.com/ct/ ct_a_view_ idea.bix? c=D284E307-

BEF9-4396- AF6E-14009EAB864 7 & idea_id= F401082C- 94B9-46AE- BB2D-C296A287005 9

Thanks a million

www.ldndatabase. com

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Hi Katerina

I know quite a few in this group can answer your Qu. but I'd also suggest you

join the LDN Yahoo group too (lowdosenaltrexone )

They will, I'm sure, be able to answer your query very quickly! :)

I haven't started LDN yet, so am a bit useless on this one!

I hope this helps

'What we do in life, echoes through eternity.'

MARCUS AURELIUS (121 - 180 A.D.)


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My question is: Is there anybody who has not seen results with LDN the first

time and did better when gave it a second try?

Hi Katerina,

LDN works for 80% of people, so there are 20% of unlucky ones- I am one of them.

I tried LDN last year and after two months got tremendous pains down my shins.

The LDN seemed to me to bring out the MS symptoms. I stopped it for a month, and

the pain stopped. I tried again at an even lower dose, and the pain started

again. I decided that LDN was not for me. And no, I would never try it again.


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Fom what I know, our systems need a gd clear-out and 'balance' before starting

LDN to get the best results.

Flushing out candida and ensuring your thyroid levels are balanced should help

in this respect.

Dudley has a lot of information on these questions, but I would sign u to the

LDN Yahoo group too just for good measure.

'What we do in life, echoes through eternity.'

MARCUS AURELIUS (121 - 180 A.D.)


Looking for a place to rent, share or buy? Find your next place with ninemsn



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I did everything by the book before starting LND, and was on the LDN group.

Unfortunately it didn't work for me, not throuh any fault of my own, it simply

doesn't work for everyone.


Flushing out candida and ensuring your thyroid levels are balanced should help

in this respect.

Dudley has a lot of information on these questions, but I would sign u to the

LDN Yahoo group too just for good measure.

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I didn't have symptomatic relief from LDN. I didn't have any exacerbations while

I took it. I did have leg spasms and stiffness when I quit taking it for awhile

and restarted a few weeks later. I think the dose was too high (after hearing

from other users). I haven't had worsening of symptoms since not taking LDN

because I changed my lifestyle dramatically. I was not able to walk before

taking LDN. It's worth a try.


> I did everything by the book before starting LND, and was on the LDN group.

Unfortunately it didn't work for me, not throuh any fault of my own, it simply

doesn't work for everyone.


> (UK)

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I have been taking LDN for about three years and doing the BBD. I am going to

continue taking it because it has not affected me badly in any way.

I have not been one of those who have had significant improvements. However, I

do not have RRMS so it is harrer to judge. I can still walk _ not well. My

vision is not great. Not too much brain fog. No depression. I did have a few

problems with these in the past.

I may be naiive, but I think that LDN could have a protective effect on my

health. I do not have any chest infections or minot health problems.


Re: advice needed

I didn't have symptomatic relief from LDN. I didn't have any exacerbations

while I took it. I did have leg spasms and stiffness when I quit taking it for

awhile and restarted a few weeks later. I think the dose was too high (after

hearing from other users). I haven't had worsening of symptoms since not taking

LDN because I changed my lifestyle dramatically. I was not able to walk before

taking LDN. It's worth a try.


> I did everything by the book before starting LND, and was on the LDN group.

Unfortunately it didn't work for me, not throuh any fault of my own, it simply

doesn't work for everyone.


> (UK)

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I took LDN for several years, but during that time I continued to develop new

symptoms and none of my existing symptoms improved. A few month ago I weaned off

of it, after deciding it wasn't working anyway and figure why put the added

burden on my liver if it's not working anyway. I feel about the same since being

off of it for the last few months--stil struggling with symptoms. I just

re-filled the prescription and am going to give it another try. But from what I

can tell I am not one of the ones for whom it helps. If it works better for me

this time, I will let you know.

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