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Well, I'm feeling a little disheartened. A rehab nurse came

over today to begin working with me, based on the desire

of the new San doc (Dr. Angel :-)). Her name is

Carlee and she's very sweet. Her spiel was pretty much what

you'd expect to give someone just starting pulmonary rehab

in earlier stages (been there, done that). I'm trying not to be

cynical about that, after my sats fell to 73 this morning walking

to the bathroom. But I did 10 minutes on my recumbent bike,

walked 3 laps around my house at 15 L, resting and recovering

after each one, and about 5 minutes of therabands. big whoop.

I don't have the same hopes for increasing exercise tolerance,

obviously, that I had before, but hopefully it will help improve

my recovery from transplant (RING phone RING) by working

harder now to keep all my parts moving. I promise to try to be

more positive about this.


Like you, I was able to complete a number of tests

at home (Fort Worth) instead of at the center in Dallas.

I haven't heard of anyone having to repeat an entire

evaluation every 6 months. My complete evaluation was

in Feb, 2005 and they repeat some tests every so

often. Every now and then they do an EKG, and an

echocardiogram. About every 6 months or less they

do an HRCT, and about every 2 months a chest x-ray.

Every 3-4 weeks now, PFT's but not always the DLCO.

As long as the EKG is good, they won't make me repeat

the heart catheterization. I just started the Hepatitis

vaccination series, and had another TB test for the San

center where I'm also listed. They haven't made

me do another colonoscopy, but made me repeat a VQ scan.

Of course, the mammo, pap, and dental clearance are

required. I had 3 endoscopies last year, but that's because

I was diagnosed with something new in my stomach that

required an ablation, and they wanted to check my GERD.

In addition to my records, I also keep a running list of

procedures and tests, labs, x-rays, etc. listed by category.

I can look up and tell in a hurry the last echo I had, for

example. It's quicker than leafing through my copies or

complicated medical history. It helps a lot!!! I let myself

get behind once, but I'll NEVER let that happen again.

Kerry, when I had a pH Bravo & EGD, they sedated me and put

the kind of monitor that clips on (that you mentioned)

the stomach or wherever, and you pass it the next day.

You wear a 24-hr. monitor that you have to return. What

they made you do is barbaric, plain and simple. I understand

why you can't be asleep for a motility study, but puhleeze!!

Joyce, I am praying for God to give you exactly what you

need. Right now I can't see how you need any of this!

Donna, What kind of side effects are you having from all

the meds? I hope not many. Tremors seem to be common.

I hope you're as strong as you sound!

Irene, I don't get the wait either. I'm glad that your employer

has been good about all this mess, and that horrible person

is not there any longer. When you had this similar situation

in the past, what was the diagnosis? Is the pain any less when

you're sitting or lying down - just curious, you little butterfly.

, Good luck on finals!!! The whole idea scares me.

Bruce, Thailand!?

Peggy, hearing about the car repair makes me grateful all

over again that neither of you was hurt in the accident!!

Wow, daughters married at 19 and 34 - big gap there. I'm

glad your church choir brings you so much joy. What would

we do without music!?!? The world would be a much darker

place for me.

Leanne, having 12 people is quite a feat. It sounds like

you had a delicious spread and a good time. I haven't even

thought about fondue in ages - yum! I'm glad Mike

is so good about helping out. How's the sore throat? GONE,

I hope.

Sher, I'd love to read your book if you'll tell me how I can

get one. My daughter seems to have reached a different

level in processing and dealing with my illness. Some of

the change, no doubt, is maturity. She wants to be more

involved in my care and, with my son, to be part of our

new organization for raising organ donor awareness. She

has been more open than usual with me and initiates more

communication from her end. It feels great! I'm actually so

glad for her sake - I'll think she'll feel better about herself

later this way.

, How great that you've started your book!! That

has to be so gratifying. Your retention of historical facts

is tons better than mine, even when it's something of

interest to me. Your book will be such a terrific legacy to

your children and future generations. Way to go, GIO!

May, garlic nan - oh yeah!!

My son and daughter-in-law have been married for

nearly two years, but they were together for seven years

before that. My daughter is 24 and has been going with

the same young man for almost two years. They seem

quite serious - fortunately, I like him and she seems happy.

Do I have any grandchildren yet? NO, but I'm being patient.

Babs, It's good news that the Cipro seems to be kicking in.

Hope you feel stronger every day. Take care and pamper


, I'm hoping you feel much better today, because I

know tomorrow is Tuesday!!!

Jane, are you feeling better? I'm glad Eddie wants to do

nice things for you.

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The problems with the tremors, and that is happening less often. My predisone is 15 mg, prograf 7mg and immuran 75 mg, that is the anti rejection med. I'm stronger everyday and now I see my transplant doc every 2 mons.

Donna in DE

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Donna, Thank you so very much for posting your experience. Some need

to hear that.. THANK YOU.

God Bless you and keep you going forward with your wonderful new lung.

Love and Prayers, Peggy

Florida, ipf 6/04

Worry looks around.

Sorry looks back,

Faith looks up.


The problems with the tremors, and that is happening less often.

My predisone is 15 mg, prograf 7mg and immuran 75 mg, that is the

anti rejection med. I'm stronger everyday and now I see my transplant

doc every 2 mons.

Donna in DE


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