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Re: Die-hards (was Calcium) ()

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Hi ,

Following on our discussion of die-hards - the gist for me is that I am

following the BBD which prescribes the elimination of certain foods from the

diet. The most difficult food group is leguminous plants of which there are

many thousands of species in the world. Lectins associated with leguminous

plants of agricultural significance are deemed by the prononents of the BBD to

exacerbate MS, potentially leading to remissions and/or progression. It is not

required to have a reaction for this to occur necessarily so the absence of an

allergic reaction is not a sufficient condition by which to admit potential

off-limits foodstuffs into the diet.

The science behind the BBD is thin insofar as not all legume-based lectins have

been assessed for interaction with people with MS, moreover the distribution of

the potentuially harmful lectins throughout plants of an indivual species is not

well understood but given the number of plants also there must be many for which

the MS consequences are unknown.

It is on the basis of the previous that I eliminate ALL foods and supplements

derived from any member of the flowering plant family fabacae. I regard all

potential sources of lectins as guilty until proven innocent. Logic doesn't

always lead to the right answer. This is a grey area. Nowhere to my knowledge

have the critical levels of these potential toxins been established. Is 1

molecule safe or 100?

How many molecules of hydrogen cyanide does it take to kill a person?


To: mscured

From: ortcloud@...

Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 12:47:18 -0800

Subject: Re: Calcium ()

Are you die hard just to be die hard ? or is there actually justification

for it. Meaning

do you have a reaction ? I dont make hard and fast rules as it leaves logic

out of

the equation. For me, I know what I react to and what I dont. I have to be


with gluten as I react. For tiny amount of legumes or soy I dont react.

If you look at the pills and you see how small they are

and the amount of if any of the soy it is so small that I am willing to try

it and

see what happens as you can only get mk-7 from soy and mk-7 is so much

better than any other vitamin k that you cant even compare. Do your research

on it, see how it is so much better it is than regular vitamin k.

I prefer to keep an eye on the goal and not get lost in hard and fast rules.

If I am old and calcified and have heart disease and osteoporosis because

I made a decision not to even consider soy, then I would consider my logic

and approach to be a failure.

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Well, molecuar mimicry aside, beans don't digest well, some give you gas. Soy

is a genetically modified non-food that damages the thyroid. Maybe fermenting

it, natto, is better but why risk it when there are better sources of K2? Soy

is used in the K2 supplements because it's cheap!



> Hi ,


> Following on our discussion of die-hards - the gist for me is that I am

following the BBD which prescribes the elimination of certain foods from the


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Yes , exactly. Beans and gluten give many non-MS people problems, dairy

is only used by humans after weaning and soy, as you say is so processed. If I

weren't on the BBD, I'd look at fermented soy products which I don't believe are

so bad.

Corn is the other cheap ingredient that seems to be in everything these days.

Did you see the Mercola (I think that¡s where I read it) that mercury has been

found in HFCS now!


To: mscured

From: alpdesigns1@...

Well, molecuar mimicry aside, beans don't digest well, some give you gas. Soy is

a genetically modified non-food that damages the thyroid. Maybe fermenting it,

natto, is better but why risk it when there are better sources of K2? Soy is

used in the K2 supplements because it's cheap!


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I drink fermented raw milk (kefir) and I use whey to ferment fruits, vegetables

and occasionally, grains. This is a practice that came about way back in time

to preserve food. I also eat butter and cheese from pastured cows. There are a

lot of things that humans eat and drink that four legged animals don't. I think

the phytic acid in nuts and grains that aren't prepared properly are as

detrimental as the gluten. Phytic acid is a mineral inhibitor.



> Yes , exactly. Beans and gluten give many non-MS people problems,

dairy is only used by humans after weaning and soy, as you say is so processed.

If I weren't on the BBD, I'd look at fermented soy products which I don't

believe are so bad.



> Janet

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