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Re: Flair and Steroids

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 Hi, I have a few questions.  My flair started around june 09 and I was just

diagnoised with MS.  I was supposed to start IV steroids for three days.  The IV

infusion center was all booked up and I have been progressively declining to the

point where I could barely walk. 


Out of fusteration, I started the oral dose of 800 mg. predisone and am on the

4th day of treatment, instead of waiting for IV therapy.  It is to be tapered

down 10 mg. per day.  I am feeling so much better.  My vision, balance, walking,

all symptoms are gradually fading.  I still feel weak.  Like a newborn colt.


Did I blow it by now waiting until midweek to do the IV treatment?  I heard the

orals would work.  IV treatment is so expensive vs. the cost of pills.  Does the

IV increase the effectiveness of the treatment.  I notified the neuro.  that I

started the pills rather than waiting.  No response back from him.


I was wondering how long will I feel good after completing steroids?  My

quadriceps are having a new symptom, they shake at times, quite visibly after

exercising or gardening.  Is this from weakness or the steroids, or a sign of



My throat has been sore for the last few days.  Feels raw.  My mouth looks like

I am getting thrush.  Has anyone used nyastatin swish and swallow or diflucan

for this issue and is it common with the predisone?


I am swelling up rapidly.  My fingers and legs are puffing out.  Would a herbal

diuretic be helpful treatment for this symptom? 


 Any way to avoid weight gain?  Up a couple of pounds in a day with good eating



Will my strength gradually return now that the inflammed lesions are being

treated?  I started exercising any words of advise?  I want to improve my

strength.  I am walking and doing leslie sampsons walking video, yoga, light

weight lifting.


How much do you improve between flairs?  I have never had one that lasted so

long and has been so severe?  This is my first time ever being treated, but I

have had the symptoms for nine years. 



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This group is dedicated to managing, treating and curing Multiple Sclerosis

WITHOUT the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Prednisone is dangerous, and many here believe using it earlier in our lives

contributed to an eventual decline in health.

Questions regarding pharma drugs are inappropriate on this forum.


Yvette (Moderator)

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 8:43 PM, joy inspired





> Hi, I have a few questions. My flair started around june 09 and I was

> just diagnoised with MS. I was supposed to start IV steroids for three

> days. The IV infusion center was all booked up and I have been

> progressively declining to the point where I could barely walk.



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I realize that it is harmful to take medications and I do believe in alternative

treatments.    However as a newly diagnoised patient, I feel I should be able

to ask questions and seek the wisdom of other members in a welcoming way rather

than being chewed out. 


My alternative treatment is LDN along with numerous other supplements and diet,



I would hope you would welcome any questions rather than discourage them, even

if it involved a simple medication to halt the progression of a flair. 


 I have seen other members post medication questions.  If we do not support

one another through the ups and downs, learning the ins and outs of this

disease, then who do we have to turn to?   





> Hi, I have a few questions. My flair started around june 09 and I was

> just diagnoised with MS. I was supposed to start IV steroids for three

> days. The IV infusion center was all booked up and I have been

> progressively declining to the point where I could barely walk.



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Hi Joy,

There is a discussion of MS flairs near the bottom of


A number of your questions should really be directed to the doctor who put you

on prednisone. With the exception of LDN, The focus of this group is on non-drug

approaches to treating MS.

With best wishes,

Dudley Delany


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I was not " chewing you out. " I simply was informing you of the guidelines

you agreed to when joining this list. On the sign up page, it is clearly

stated that discussion of standard, allopathic drugs is not appropriate


There are an overload of places on the web where one can ask questions

regarding allopathic medical treatments of ms.

In this group, we try to focus our energy on alternative treatments. As I

said, in depth questions regarding allopathic drugs are inappropriate for

this list.

LDN is an alternative treatment, as is the CSSVI surgery. Both are welcomed


As a newly diagnosed ms patient, your best treatment is to follow the Best

Bet Diet, remove all sugar, gluten and artificial food from your diet,

continue with your LDN although most will recommend you not take LDN with

prednisone, (a great LDN resource is the LDN users list on Yahoogroups), and

begin a detox program that fits your lifestyle. Learn meditation and

creative visualization, and look for possible mercury or flouride exposure

in your past or present situations.

I would even suggest researching the CSSVI treatments, to determine if you

might be a good candidate for those. One of our members, Dudley has great

info on Edgar Cassey's ms protocals, as well.

Many here have had success with a raw food diet, where others do better with

a metabolic specific diet.

There are many other sucessful alternative ms treatments that I have not


I know it's frustrating to face ms, all of us here face it with you. Many of

us, including myself have been able to stop disease progression and reverse

symptoms without using allopathic drugs. (I have SPMS and have completely

stopped the progression and regained 98% of my functioning. When I joined

this list almost 5 years ago I had lost most of my vision, a good chunk of

my coordination, part of my hearing, could not speak without stuttering, and

needed a wheelchair outside my home. Today my only symptom is occasional

slight vision disturbances, and occasional stuttering and occasional

dizziness. I have never taken allopathic drugs for the ms)

If you would like to discuss our " no allopathic drug discussion " policy with

me further, please feel free to do so OFFLIST.


On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 9:14 PM, joy inspired




> I realize that it is harmful to take medications and I do believe in

> alternative treatments.


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I shall be silent and speak no more since I crossed a forbidden line.    Pray

I be forgiven by all. 

Subject: Re: Flair and Steroids

To: mscured

Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 2:43 AM


 Hi, I have a few questions.  My flair started around june 09 and I was just

diagnoised with MS.  I was supposed to start IV steroids for three days.  The

IV infusion center was all booked up and I have been progressively declining to

the point where I could barely walk. 


Out of fusteration, I started the oral dose of 800 mg. predisone and am on the

4th day of treatment, instead of waiting for IV therapy.  It is to be tapered

down 10 mg. per day.  I am feeling so much better.  My vision, balance,

walking, all symptoms are gradually fading.  I still feel weak.  Like a

newborn colt.


Did I blow it by now waiting until midweek to do the IV treatment?  I heard the

orals would work.  IV treatment is so expensive vs. the cost of pills.  Does

the IV increase the effectiveness of the treatment.  I notified the neuro. 

that I started the pills rather than waiting.  No response back from him.


I was wondering how long will I feel good after completing steroids?  My

quadriceps are having a new symptom, they shake at times, quite visibly after

exercising or gardening.  Is this from weakness or the steroids, or a sign of



My throat has been sore for the last few days.  Feels raw.  My mouth looks

like I am getting thrush.  Has anyone used nyastatin swish and swallow or

diflucan for this issue and is it common with the predisone?


I am swelling up rapidly.  My fingers and legs are puffing out.  Would a

herbal diuretic be helpful treatment for this symptom? 


 Any way to avoid weight gain?  Up a couple of pounds in a day with good

eating habits. 


Will my strength gradually return now that the inflammed lesions are being

treated?  I started exercising any words of advise?  I want to improve my

strength.  I am walking and doing leslie sampsons walking video, yoga, light

weight lifting.


How much do you improve between flairs?  I have never had one that lasted so

long and has been so severe?  This is my first time ever being treated, but I

have had the symptoms for nine years. 



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Hi there, ended up with the stomach flu that my kids had, been up since 1am with

it pouring our both ends.. My legs hurt so bad from this and my head is pounding

wondering what to take I only drink water. Please help this is horrible.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Flair and Steroids

Hi Joy,

There is a discussion of MS flairs near the bottom of


A number of your questions should really be directed to the doctor who put you

on prednisone. With the exception of LDN, The focus of this group is on non-drug

approaches to treating MS.

With best wishes,

Dudley Delany


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   If you care to talk about anything you have a problem with, you are

welcome to e-mail or im me. People can be rude sometimes.


To: mscured

Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 11:13:37 PM

Subject: Re: Flair and Steroids


I shall be silent and speak no more since I crossed a forbidden line.  Pray

I be forgiven by all.Â

From: joy inspired <yourbeamofsunshine@ yahoo.com>

Subject: Re: Flair and Steroids

To: mscured@yahoogroups .com

Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 2:43 AM


 Hi, I have a few questions. My flair started around june 09 and I was just

diagnoised with MS. I was supposed to start IV steroids for three days. The

IV infusion center was all booked up and I have been progressively declining to

the point where I could barely walk.Â


Out of fusteration, I started the oral dose of 800 mg. predisone and am on the

4th day of treatment, instead of waiting for IV therapy. It is to be tapered

down 10 mg. per day. I am feeling so much better. My vision, balance,

walking, all symptoms are gradually fading. I still feel weak. Like a

newborn colt.


Did I blow it by now waiting until midweek to do the IV treatment? I heard the

orals would work. IV treatment is so expensive vs. the cost of pills. Does

the IV increase the effectiveness of the treatment. I notified the neuro.Â

that I started the pills rather than waiting. No response back from him.


I was wondering how long will I feel good after completing steroids? My

quadriceps are having a new symptom, they shake at times, quite visibly after

exercising or gardening. Is this from weakness or the steroids, or a sign of



My throat has been sore for the last few days. Feels raw. My mouth looks

like I am getting thrush. Has anyone used nyastatin swish and swallow or

diflucan for this issue and is it common with the predisone?


I am swelling up rapidly. My fingers and legs are puffing out. Would a

herbal diuretic be helpful treatment for this symptom?Â


 Any way to avoid weight gain? Up a couple of pounds in a day with good

eating habits.Â


Will my strength gradually return now that the inflammed lesions are being

treated? I started exercising any words of advise? I want to improve my

strength. I am walking and doing leslie sampsons walking video, yoga, light

weight lifting.


How much do you improve between flairs? I have never had one that lasted so

long and has been so severe? This is my first time ever being treated, but I

have had the symptoms for nine years.Â



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Steroids despite the reviews and verbal abuse you'll receive on this group do

help some people. As with any medication holistic, alternative or conventional

react differently for everyone. Anyone who tells you different is trying to sell

you something....their own line of BS most likely.

For me in the past steroids have improved my condition everytime I've had a

flare. You will need to try and see. Judging by the way you've responded to

the prednisone it is fair to say you would do well on the IV's. It is plausable

that you may suffer a few side effects from the IV as it will be a much higher

dose. personally I never felt any immediate side effects from IV's. It wasn't

until after I finished the 3-5 day series of IV's and started oral medrol pack

when I would get constant hiccups. they drove me nuts.

I've been debating going in for IV's for a flare I'm having now. I am on about

100+ vitamin supps a day, Calcium EAP therepy, LDN and BEST BET DIET. None of

which are inrended to nor prevented the uninary tract infec I had that has

resulted in an excacerbation that is presently making my lower left leg go numb.

Now I'm certain there are those out there who'd say that LDN would stop my

flareup just as steroids would but I disagree in my case. really stinks for me

because I won't get contrast MRI's right now because I retained the Gadolinium

from past contrast dye. Really want to know if I have active lesions. Oh well.

So my advise to you is get your situation under control the best way it works

for you. If you are interesred in alternative approaches try looking into

Calcium EAP therepy and The Brewer Science Library. It has reduced the size of

all my lesions. Good luck.....


> From: joy inspired <yourbeamofsunshine@ yahoo.com>

> Subject: Re: Flair and Steroids

> To: mscured@yahoogroups .com

> Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 2:43 AM




>  Hi, I have a few questions.  My flair started around june 09 and I was just

diagnoised with MS.  I was supposed to start IV steroids for three days.  The

IV infusion center was all booked up and I have been progressively declining to

the point where I could barely walk. 




> Out of fusteration, I started the oral dose of 800 mg. predisone and am on the

4th day of treatment, instead of waiting for IV therapy.  It is to be tapered

down 10 mg. per day.  I am feeling so much better.  My vision, balance,

walking, all symptoms are gradually fading.  I still feel weak.  Like a

newborn colt.




> Did I blow it by now waiting until midweek to do the IV treatment?  I heard

the orals would work.  IV treatment is so expensive vs. the cost of pills. 

Does the IV increase the effectiveness of the treatment.  I notified the

neuro.  that I started the pills rather than waiting.  No response back from





> I was wondering how long will I feel good after completing steroids?  My

quadriceps are having a new symptom, they shake at times, quite visibly after

exercising or gardening.  Is this from weakness or the steroids, or a sign of





> My throat has been sore for the last few days.  Feels raw.  My mouth looks

like I am getting thrush.  Has anyone used nyastatin swish and swallow or

diflucan for this issue and is it common with the predisone?




> I am swelling up rapidly.  My fingers and legs are puffing out.  Would a

herbal diuretic be helpful treatment for this symptom? 




>  Any way to avoid weight gain?  Up a couple of pounds in a day with good

eating habits. 




> Will my strength gradually return now that the inflammed lesions are being

treated?  I started exercising any words of advise?  I want to improve my

strength.  I am walking and doing leslie sampsons walking video, yoga, light

weight lifting.




> How much do you improve between flairs?  I have never had one that lasted so

long and has been so severe?  This is my first time ever being treated, but I

have had the symptoms for nine years. 







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Guest guest

Steroids are a temporary fix and they diminish in potency the longer you take

them. They also cause side effects that are sometimes dangerous. If inflammation

is the reason that Prednisone is being considered, there are safer ways to deal

with it.



> Steroids despite the reviews and verbal abuse you'll receive on this group do

help some people.

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Guest guest

> As with any medication holistic, alternative or conventional react differently

for everyone. Anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you

something....their own line of BS most likely.


Not necessarily. I may very well react positively to steroids, but I'm still

not gonna take them. I don't have anything nice to say about western medicine's

approach to MS, but I'm not selling anything either. I simply say this has

worked for me, it might for you too. :)

> I've been debating going in for IV's for a flare I'm having now. I am on

about 100+ vitamin supps a day, Calcium EAP therepy, LDN and BEST BET DIET.

None of which are inrended to nor prevented the uninary tract infec I had that

has resulted in an excacerbation that > is presently making my lower left leg go


Wow, 100+? I can't help but think that something's got to be interacting in

ways that aren't good. Or that there are some ingredients in some of them that

are causing a problem. Or that digesting all those supplements is wreaking

havoc on your GI system and possible leaky gut. When doing so much at once,

it's hard to tell what is working and what isn't,you know?

Honestly, I think if I got to this point where I was doing so much and it was

obviously not helping, I would stop everything and start a fast. I have found

that to be the quickest and easiest way to set myself right again. Then I'd add

stuff back one at a time to see what is causing the problem. Just a thought! :)


- currently on Day 6 of spring Master Cleanse, and saving money on food and

supplements for a bit! lol

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