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Told it was Hopeless

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Though I don’t like cursing I will never forget what my MD told me when

announced I had MS. Not knowing any better, I asked him how long I had to live.

I will never forget his response:

“God Damn Dan, it’s not terminal. You can still have a full, complete life.

You’re just going to have to learn to live with some inconveniences.â€

I heard that statement twenty-four years ago and no, it’s not cured. I still

live with the “inconveniences†but you can live with them.

Dan Weatherington


the story of my life with Multiple Sclerosis

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I really like that. You have one very wonderful Dr.

Most of us don't get that kind of positive encouragement from the start.




> “God Damn Dan, it’s not terminal. You can still have a full, complete life.

> You’re just going to have to learn to live with some inconveniences.”



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What a great response by your medic. He sure must have been to a different

medical school than most of the neuros out there!

That is how I see MS - a mere inconvenience - but hell it is not going to stop

me being me.

Thanks for sharing this Dan.


To: mscured

From: dangrp@...

Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 08:28:18 -0500

Subject: Told it was Hopeless

Though I don’t like cursing I will never forget what my MD told me when

announced I had MS. Not knowing any better, I asked him how long I had to live.

I will never forget his response:

“God Damn Dan, it’s not terminal. You can still have a full, complete life.

You’re just going to have to learn to live with some inconveniences.”

I heard that statement twenty-four years ago and no, it’s not cured. I still

live with the “inconveniences” but you can live with them.

Dan Weatherington


the story of my life with Multiple Sclerosis

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I understand that fully. It is like Dan says. It is an inconvenience however you

can do other things and in some way maintain a life a still do lots of things.

Just have to adjust to this new way of life


To: mscured

Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 5:28:18 AM

Subject: Told it was Hopeless


Though I don’t like cursing I will never forget what my MD told me when

announced I had MS. Not knowing any better, I asked him how long I had to live.

I will never forget his response:

“God Damn Dan, it’s not terminal. You can still have a full, complete life.

You’re just going to have to learn to live with some inconveniences.â€

I heard that statement twenty-four years ago and no, it’s not cured. I still

live with the “inconveniences†but you can live with them.

Dan Weatherington

http://www.danweath erington. com/Harvest. htm

the story of my life with Multiple Sclerosis

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> It is an inconvenience however you can do other things and in some way

maintain a life a still do lots of things. Just have to adjust to this new way

of life


Hate to say this, but this still sounds awfully depressing to me. The only

thing I've had to adjust to is what I put in my mouth. If someone is not

currently disabled, there is no reason to assume s/he will become so! If

someone *is* currently disabled, there is no reason to assume s/he can't


The course of the disease, and whether it's possible to halt it in its tracks,

is an individual thing.


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